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# Kubernetes
We are running a [Kubernetes]( cluster on top of CloudStack.
Each member gets their own namespace in which they can deploy their applications.
!!! info
If you wish to learn about how to operate a Kubernetes cluster, you may
create your own cluster from the CloudStack UI. If all you want to do is
run some containerized apps, then we suggest that you use our cluster
instead, since it has far more resources.
## Account resource limits
As of this writing, the per-namespace Kubernetes resource limits for each member are:
* 40 pods
* 10 jobs
* 10 cron jobs
* 25 GB of Persistent Volume Claims
* 5 NodePort services
If you wish to acquire more resources, please send an email to the Systems Committee
with a brief justification.
!!! info
LoadBalancer services are disabled because we are running our own load balancer
(NGINX) outside of Kubernetes which we manage ourselves.
See [Exposing your app](#exposing-your-app), below.
## Create a new namespace
Log into a general-use machine and run the following:
ceo k8s account activate
This will create a new Kubernetes namespace whose name has the format `csc-username`.
A new kubeconfig file will be placed into `~/.kube/config`. To verify that everything
is working properly, run the following command:
kubectl cluster-info
The output should look something like this:
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
## Quickstart
So, let's say you've created a Dockerized app, and the image is available on some publicly available
registry such as [Docker Hub]( or []( Here is the bare
minimum which you need to do get your app running in our Kubernetes cluster.
First, create a Deployment:
kubectl create deployment demo --image=ctdalek/myapp --port=80
Replace the values of `--image` and `--port` as necessary.
If your app does not need to be publicly exposed, then you are done; otherwise, you need to create
a Service to expose your Deployment:
kubectl expose deployment demo
Finally, create an Ingress which exposes the Service to the outside world:
kubectl create ingress demo --rule='*=demo:80'
You should now be able to access your app at e.g. ``.
To see what kind of Ingress domains you may create, see [Ingress domains](#ingress-domains)
## Not-so-quick start
At this point I am going to take the lazy way out and direct you to the official
Kubernetes documentation:
* [](
* [](
* [](
You may also contact the [Systems Committee]( for
assistance if something is not working the way you think it should.
## Exposing your app
If your app is running in our Kuberenetes cluster, you have two options for exposing
it to the outside world: an [Ingress](
(preferred), or a [NodePort](
We generally recommend using an Ingress if your program is a web application; for
non-web apps, you will need to use a NodePort instead. Since our Kubernetes cluster
is not publicly accessible, the NodePort will only be directly accessible from on-campus.
### Ingress domains
By default, you may only create Ingress rules of the form ``
or `*`. If you wish to use a custom domain, please
contact the [Systems Committee](
If you decide to create a multi-level subdomain (e.g. ``),
then you will also need to create a corresponding virtual host (see
[Virtual Hosting](../vhosts)) which points to `k8s`. For example:
ceo cloud vhosts add k8s
We strongly encourage you to use single-level subdomains instead
(e.g. ``) since this does not require us to obtain a
new SSL certificate.