# Harbor See [Deploying Harbor with High Availability via Helm](https://goharbor.io/docs/2.4.0/install-config/harbor-ha-helm/). ## Database setup On coffee, switch to the `postgres` user, run `psql`, and execute the following: ```sql CREATE USER harbor WITH PASSWORD 'REPLACE_ME'; CREATE DATABASE harbor_registry OWNER harbor; REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE harbor_registry FROM PUBLIC; CREATE DATABASE harbor_notary_server OWNER harbor; REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE harbor_notary_server FROM PUBLIC; CREATE DATABASE harbor_notary_signer OWNER harbor; REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE harbor_notary_signer FROM PUBLIC; ``` ## Redis setup See [syscom-redis.yaml](../syscom-redis.yaml). The reason why this is in the syscom namespace is because we may decide to re-use this Redis server for other apps. ## Install the Helm chart Open values.yaml and replace all instances of 'REPLACE_ME' with appropriate username/password values. Check https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/harbor/harbor to see what the latest **stable** version is. ```sh helm install -f values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace harbor harbor1 harbor/harbor --version 1.8.1 ```