# run `helm show values harbor/harbor` to see defaults expose: # We are performing TLS termination OUTSIDE of the k8s cluster tls: enabled: false type: ingress ingress: hosts: core: registry.cloud.csclub.uwaterloo.ca notary: notary.cloud.csclub.uwaterloo.ca annotations: ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false" externalURL: https://registry.cloud.csclub.uwaterloo.ca harborAdminPassword: REPLACE_ME # must be a string of 16 chars secretKey: REPLACE_ME ipFamily: ipv6: enabled: false persistence: persistentVolumeClaim: registry: size: 1Ti registry: credentials: username: REPLACE_ME password: REPLACE_ME chartmuseum: enabled: false trivy: enabled: false database: type: external external: host: coffee.csclub.uwaterloo.ca port: "5432" username: REPLACE_ME password: REPLACE_ME coreDatabase: harbor_registry notaryServerDatabase: harbor_notary_server notarySignerDatabase: harbor_notary_signer sslmode: require redis: type: external external: addr: redis.syscom:6379 coreDatabaseIndex: "0" jobserviceDatabaseIndex: "1" registryDatabaseIndex: "2"