# Extra Mailman Archivers This contains some extra archivers to be used with Mailman 3. Currently there is only one archiver, `MonthlyArchiver`, which simply gzips each message and stores it in a folder named by the year and month. Each message's file name is a Unix epoch timestamp. Example directory structure: ``` /var/lib/mailman3/archives \_ monthly_archiver \_ mylist@mydomain.com \_ 2021-April \_ 1617678398.173.mail.gz \_ 1617678805.351.mail.gz \_ 2021-May \_ ... ``` The motivation behind `MonthlyArchiver` was to avoid storing thousands of messages in a single directory, which the `Prototype` archiver currently does since it uses a maildir. ## Installation Make sure to have the following packages installed first: ```sh apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel ``` Then: ```sh pip3 install . ```