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# For this script to work properly it is required to define some environment variables
# in the CI/CD Env variable declaration, while others should be passed as parameters.
# Defined as part of the CD/CI Env Variables:
# A DockerHub username to be used for uploading the build.
# A DockerHub password to be used for uploading the build.
# A DockerHub repository. By default the CD_REF_SLUG is also used as the docker repo.
# As the build is supposed to be done only for master (for a nightly deployments) and for releases
# (like 'release-2.0.5' for production deployments), it is additionally required to include this
# variable in order to build any other brnach, as it may be required for testing or reviewing work
# as part of the development process.
display_usage() {
echo "This script should be used as part of a CI strategy."
echo -e "Usage:\n [ARGUMENTS]"
echo -e "\nMandatory arguments \n"
echo -e " repo_slug The git repository (e.g. bigbluebutton/greenlight)"
echo -e "\nOptional arguments \n"
echo -e " branch | tag The branch (e.g. master | release-2.0.5)"
# if less than two arguments supplied, display usage
if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
exit 1
# check whether user had supplied -h or --help . If yes display usage
if [[ ($# == "--help") || $# == "-h" ]]; then
exit 0
export CD_REF_SLUG=$1
export CD_REF_NAME=$2
if [ -z $CD_REF_NAME ]; then
export CD_REF_NAME=$(git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2)
Merge v2.7-alpha (#1951) * Fix wrong conditional (reported by LGTM) (#1477) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Bump rack from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 (#1839) Bumps [rack]( from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3. - [Release notes]( - [Changelog]( - [Commits]( Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> * [FIX] Unable to edit long recording names #1776 (#1780) * Allow to set a filter for LDAP authentication * [FIX] Unable to edit long recording names #1776 Co-authored-by: François Ménabé <> Co-authored-by: farhatahmad <> * Desgin for Manage Users Tabs (#1777) * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _manage_users_tags.html.erb * Update admins.scss * Update _primary_themes.scss * Update _manage_users_tags.html.erb * Minor style changes to manage users (#1845) * Maintenance banner moved to admin site (#1775) * initial * finish * travis fixes * travis again * not required * Co-authored-by: Tobias Fiebig <> (#1296) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Enhance Room OpenGraph Metadata (#1601) * Revert "Enhance Room OpenGraph Metadata (#1601)" (#1852) This reverts commit 3b007c233ae12e0407f216ae269c63d6179f73b8. * GRN2-xx: Tab title now displays the current page name (#1853) * Tab title now displays the current page name * Added page title for the rest of the pages * Split Site Settings into 3 different tabs (#1858) * Split Site Settings into 3 different tabs * Fix copyright * Added redirect to correct tab * Make sure settings are displaying when they should * Update en.yml (#1857) * Build images for alpha branches (#1867) * Upgraded jquery to latest version (#1896) * Added favicon tag (#1898) * Fixed XSS issue with role name (#1899) * Update path for coloring redirect (#1908) * Added a fourth section to the room uid (#1910) * Fixed issue with insecure room sharing removal (#1914) * Fixes typo (#1917) Fixes typo: successfully was written incorrect. * Fixed order of rooms in server rooms (#1915) * Change default room sort to latest activity (#1919) * GRN2-xx: Small changes/improvements to the recording settings (#1851) * Small changes/improvements to the recording settings * Replaced room warning with info flash * Added global setting to enable/disable the recording consent feature * Replace Legal with Terms (#1931) * Added a more friendly OpenGraph description when invited to join a room (#1932) * Fixed issue causing maintenance banner not to hide correctly (#1933) * Hide recording menu and recording list when it is disabled (#1935) * Hide recording menu and recording list when it is disabled * Hide recording list when disabled * GRN2-xx: Added an auto-refresh after 2 mins while waiting for room to start (#1947) * Added an auto-refresh after 2 mins while waiting for room to start * Fixed random issue with test case * GRN2-xx: Added ability to preupload presentations to rooms (#1895) * Added ability to preupload presentations to rooms (#1868) * Added setting to site settings and allowed admins to change the presentation * Added AWS S3 and GCS Storage ENV variables * Added check to ensure file extension is correct * Added icon to remove presentation * Added testcases for preupload * Add nginx redirect to solve issue with relative root * Record title, instead of room name, in the popup (#1924) * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> Co-authored-by: beckerr-rzht <> Co-authored-by: François Ménabé <> Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: yanosz <> Co-authored-by: Moritz Schlarb <> Co-authored-by: chronikum <> Co-authored-by: Mitsutaka Sato <> Co-authored-by: hiroshisuga <>
2020-07-29 11:03:22 -04:00
if [ "$CD_REF_NAME" != "master" ] && [[ "$CD_REF_NAME" != *"release"* ]] && [[ "$CD_REF_NAME" != *"alpha"* ]] && ( [ -z "$CD_BUILD_ALL" ] || [ "$CD_BUILD_ALL" != "true" ] ); then
echo "#### Docker image for $CD_REF_SLUG:$CD_REF_NAME won't be built"
exit 0
# Set the version tag when it is a release or the commit sha was included.
if [[ "$CD_REF_NAME" == *"release"* ]]; then
export CD_VERSION_CODE="$CD_REF_NAME ($(expr substr $(git rev-parse HEAD) 1 7))"
# Build the image
if [ -z $CD_DOCKER_REPO ]; then
echo "#### Docker image $CD_DOCKER_REPO:$CD_REF_NAME is being built"
docker build --build-arg version_code="${CD_VERSION_CODE}" -t $CD_DOCKER_REPO:$CD_REF_NAME .
if [ -z "$CD_DOCKER_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$CD_DOCKER_PASSWORD" ]; then
2019-06-13 11:12:42 -04:00
echo "#### Docker image for $CD_DOCKER_REPO can't be published because CD_DOCKER_USERNAME or CD_DOCKER_PASSWORD are missing (Ignore this warning if running outside a CD/CI environment)"
exit 0
# Publish the image
echo "#### Docker image $CD_DOCKER_REPO:$CD_REF_NAME is being published"
docker push $CD_DOCKER_REPO
# Publish image as latest and v2 if it is a release (excluding alpha and beta)
if [[ "$CD_REF_NAME" == *"release"* ]] && [[ "$CD_REF_NAME" != *"alpha"* ]] && [[ "$CD_REF_NAME" != *"beta"* ]]; then
docker_image_id=$(docker images | grep -E "^$CD_DOCKER_REPO.*$CD_REF_NAME" | awk -e '{print $3}')
docker tag $docker_image_id $CD_DOCKER_REPO:latest
docker push $CD_DOCKER_REPO:latest
docker tag $docker_image_id $CD_DOCKER_REPO:v2
docker push $CD_DOCKER_REPO:v2
exit 0