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2018-06-27 17:00:37 -04:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2018-08-01 09:45:12 -04:00
# BigBlueButton open source conferencing system -
# Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below).
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with BigBlueButton; if not, see <>.
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
require "rails_helper"
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
def random_valid_user_params
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
pass = Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 8)
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
user: {
name: Faker::Name.first_name,
password: pass,
password_confirmation: pass,
accepted_terms: true,
email_verified: true,
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
describe UsersController, type: :controller do
2018-06-27 17:00:37 -04:00
let(:invalid_params) do
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
user: {
name: "Invalid",
email: "",
password: "pass",
password_confirmation: "invalid",
accepted_terms: false,
email_verified: false,
2018-06-27 17:00:37 -04:00
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
2018-06-27 17:00:37 -04:00
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
describe "GET #edit" do
it "renders the edit template" do
user = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
get :edit, params: { user_uid: user.uid }
expect(response).to render_template(:edit)
it "does not allow you to edit other users if you're not an admin" do
user = create(:user)
user2 = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
get :edit, params: { user_uid: user2.uid }
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
it "allows admins to edit other users" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:loadbalanced_configuration).and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(true)
2019-07-23 14:53:48 -04:00
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:set_user_domain).and_return("provider1")
controller.instance_variable_set(:@user_domain, "provider1")
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
user = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
user.set_role :admin
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
user2 = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
@request.session[:user_id] =
get :edit, params: { user_uid: user2.uid }
expect(response).to render_template(:edit)
it "redirect to root if user isn't signed in" do
user = create(:user)
get :edit, params: { user_uid: user }
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
describe "POST #create" do
context "allow greenlight accounts" do
before { allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:allow_user_signup).and_return(true) }
before { allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(false) }
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
it "redirects to user room on successful create" do
params = random_valid_user_params
post :create, params: params
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
expect(u).to_not be_nil
expect( eql(params[:user][:name])
expect(response).to redirect_to(room_path(u.main_room))
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
it "user saves with greenlight provider" do
params = random_valid_user_params
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u.provider).to eql("greenlight")
it "renders #new on unsuccessful save" do
post :create, params: invalid_params
expect(response).to render_template(:new)
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
it "sends activation email if email verification is on" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(true)
params = random_valid_user_params
expect { post :create, params: params }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1)
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u).to_not be_nil
expect( eql(params[:user][:name])
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
it "correctly sets the last_login field after the user is created" do
params = random_valid_user_params
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u.last_login).to_not be_nil
context "email mapping" do
before do
@role1 = Role.create(name: "role1", priority: 2, provider: "greenlight")
@role2 = Role.create(name: "role2", priority: 3, provider: "greenlight")
allow_any_instance_of(Setting).to receive(:get_value).and_return(",")
it "correctly sets users role if email mapping is set" do
params = random_valid_user_params
params[:user][:email] = ""
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u.role).to eq(@role1)
it "correctly sets users role if email mapping is set (second test)" do
params = random_valid_user_params
params[:user][:email] = ""
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u.role).to eq(@role2)
it "defaults to user if no mapping matches" do
params = random_valid_user_params
params[:user][:email] = ""
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u.role).to eq(Role.find_by(name: "user", provider: "greenlight"))
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
context "disallow greenlight accounts" do
before { allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:allow_user_signup).and_return(false) }
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
it "redirect to root on attempted create" do
params = random_valid_user_params
post :create, params: params
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u).to be_nil
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
context "allow email verification" do
before do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(true)
it "should raise if there there is a delivery failure" do
params = random_valid_user_params
expect do
post :create, params: params
raise :anyerror raise_error { :anyerror }
context "enable invite registration" do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(Registrar).to receive(:invite_registration).and_return(true)
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:allow_user_signup).and_return(true)
@user = create(:user, provider: "greenlight")
@admin = create(:user, provider: "greenlight", email: "")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
@admin.set_role :admin
it "should notify admins that user signed up" do
params = random_valid_user_params
invite = Invitation.create(email: params[:user][:email], provider: "greenlight")
@request.session[:invite_token] = invite.invite_token
expect { post :create, params: params }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1)
it "allows the user to signup if they are invited" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(false)
params = random_valid_user_params
invite = Invitation.create(email: params[:user][:name], provider: "greenlight")
@request.session[:invite_token] = invite.invite_token
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(response).to redirect_to(u.main_room)
it "verifies the user if they sign up with the email they receieved the invite with" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(true)
params = random_valid_user_params
invite = Invitation.create(email: params[:user][:email], provider: "greenlight")
@request.session[:invite_token] = invite.invite_token
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(response).to redirect_to(u.main_room)
it "asks the user to verify if they signup with a different email" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(true)
params = random_valid_user_params
invite = Invitation.create(email:, provider: "greenlight")
@request.session[:invite_token] = invite.invite_token
post :create, params: params
expect(User.exists?(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])).to eq(true)
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
context "enable approval registration" do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(Registrar).to receive(:approval_registration).and_return(true)
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:allow_user_signup).and_return(true)
@user = create(:user, provider: "greenlight")
@admin = create(:user, provider: "greenlight", email: "")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
@admin.set_role :admin
it "allows any user to sign up" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(false)
params = random_valid_user_params
post :create, params: params
expect(User.exists?(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])).to eq(true)
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
it "sets the user to pending on sign up" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(false)
params = random_valid_user_params
post :create, params: params
u = User.find_by(name: params[:user][:name], email: params[:user][:email])
expect(u.has_role?(:pending)).to eq(true)
it "notifies admins that a user signed up" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(true)
params = random_valid_user_params
expect { post :create, params: params }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(2)
it "redirects to main room if already authenticated" do
user = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
post :create, params: random_valid_user_params
expect(response).to redirect_to(room_path(user.main_room))
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
describe "POST #update" do
it "properly updates usser attributes" do
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
user = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
params = random_valid_user_params
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
post :update, params: params.merge!(user_uid: user)
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
2018-06-28 16:55:56 -04:00
expect( eql(params[:user][:name])
expect( eql(params[:user][:email])
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_user_path(user))
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
it "properly updates user attributes" do
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(false)
user = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
params = random_valid_user_params
post :update, params: params.merge!(user_uid: user)
expect( eql(params[:user][:name])
expect( eql(params[:user][:email])
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_user_path(user))
it "allows admins to update a non local accounts name/email" do
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(false)
user = create(:user)
admin = create(:user).set_role :admin
@request.session[:user_id] =
params = random_valid_user_params
post :update, params: params.merge!(user_uid: user)
expect( eql(params[:user][:name])
expect( eql(params[:user][:email])
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
it "renders #edit on unsuccessful save" do
@user = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
post :update, params: invalid_params.merge!(user_uid: @user)
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
expect(response).to render_template(:edit)
context 'Roles updates' do
it "should fail to update roles if users tries to add a role with a higher priority than their own" do
user = create(:user)
@request.session[:user_id] =
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
user_role = user.role
user_role.update_permission("can_manage_users", "true")!
tmp_role = Role.create(name: "test", priority: -4, provider: "greenlight")
params = random_valid_user_params
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
post :update, params: params.merge!(user_uid: user, user: { role_id: })
expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(I18n.t("administrator.roles.invalid_assignment"))
expect(response).to render_template(:edit)
it "should successfuly add roles to the user" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:enable_email_verification).and_return(true)
user = create(:user)
admin = create(:user)
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
admin.set_role :admin
@request.session[:user_id] =
tmp_role1 = Role.create(name: "test1", priority: 2, provider: "greenlight")
tmp_role1.update_permission("send_promoted_email", "true")
params = random_valid_user_params
params.merge!(user_uid: user, user: { role_id: })
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
expect { post :update, params: params }.to change { ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count }.by(1)
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
expect( eq("test1")
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
it "creates the home room for a user if needed" do
old_role = Role.create(name: "test1", priority: 2, provider: "greenlight")
old_role.update_permission("can_create_rooms", "false")
new_role = Role.create(name: "test2", priority: 3, provider: "greenlight")
new_role.update_permission("can_create_rooms", "true")
user = create(:user, role: old_role)
admin = create(:user)
admin.set_role :admin
@request.session[:user_id] =
params = random_valid_user_params
params.merge!(user_uid: user, user: { role_id: })
expect( eq("test1")
expect(user.main_room).to be_nil
post :update, params: params
expect( eq("test2")
expect(user.main_room).not_to be_nil
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
describe "POST #update_password" do
before do
@user = create(:user)
@password = Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 8)
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
it "properly updates users password" do
@request.session[:user_id] =
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
params = {
user: {
password: @user.password,
new_password: @password,
password_confirmation: @password,
post :update_password, params: params.merge!(user_uid: @user)
expect(@user.authenticate(@password)).not_to be false
expect(@user.errors).to be_empty
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(change_password_path(@user))
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
it "doesn't update the users password if initial password is incorrect" do
@request.session[:user_id] =
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
params = {
user: {
password: "incorrect_password",
new_password: @password,
password_confirmation: @password,
post :update_password, params: params.merge!(user_uid: @user)
expect(@user.authenticate(@password)).to be false
expect(response).to render_template(:change_password)
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
it "doesn't update the users password if new passwords don't match" do
@request.session[:user_id] =
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
params = {
user: {
password: "incorrect_password",
new_password: @password,
password_confirmation: "#{@password}_random_string",
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
post :update_password, params: params.merge!(user_uid: @user)
expect(@user.authenticate(@password)).to be false
expect(response).to render_template(:change_password)
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00
describe "DELETE #user" do
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
before do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:allow_user_signup).and_return(true)
it "permanently deletes user" do
user = create(:user)
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
@request.session[:user_id] =
delete :destroy, params: { user_uid: user.uid }
expect(User.include_deleted.find_by(uid: user.uid)).to be_nil
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
it "allows admins to tombstone users" do
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:loadbalanced_configuration).and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(true)
2019-07-23 14:53:48 -04:00
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:set_user_domain).and_return("provider1")
controller.instance_variable_set(:@user_domain, "provider1")
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
user = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
admin = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
admin.set_role :admin
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
@request.session[:user_id] =
delete :destroy, params: { user_uid: user.uid }
expect(User.deleted.find_by(uid: user.uid)).to be_present
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
it "allows admins to permanently delete users" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:loadbalanced_configuration).and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(true)
2020-12-24 13:54:27 -05:00
allow_any_instance_of(BbbServer).to receive(:delete_all_recordings).and_return("")
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:set_user_domain).and_return("provider1")
controller.instance_variable_set(:@user_domain, "provider1")
user = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
admin = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
admin.set_role :admin
@request.session[:user_id] =
delete :destroy, params: { user_uid: user.uid, permanent: "true" }
expect(User.include_deleted.find_by(uid: user.uid)).to be_nil
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
it "permanently deletes the users rooms if the user is permanently deleted" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:loadbalanced_configuration).and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(true)
2020-12-24 13:54:27 -05:00
allow_any_instance_of(BbbServer).to receive(:delete_all_recordings).and_return("")
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:set_user_domain).and_return("provider1")
controller.instance_variable_set(:@user_domain, "provider1")
user = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
admin = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
admin.set_role :admin
@request.session[:user_id] =
uid = user.main_room.uid
expect(Room.find_by(uid: uid)).to be_present
delete :destroy, params: { user_uid: user.uid, permanent: "true" }
expect(Room.include_deleted.find_by(uid: uid)).to be_nil
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
expect(flash[:success]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
it "doesn't allow admins of other providers to delete users" do
allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:loadbalanced_configuration).and_return(true)
allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:greenlight_account?).and_return(true)
2019-07-23 14:53:48 -04:00
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:set_user_domain).and_return("provider2")
controller.instance_variable_set(:@user_domain, "provider2")
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
user = create(:user, provider: "provider1")
admin = create(:user, provider: "provider2")
Merge v2.6-alpha (#1672) * GRN2-xx: Switch the relation between users and roles to make queries cleaner and faster (#1299) * First steps * Fixes in account creation flow * Fixed most testcases * more test fixes * Fixed more test cases * Passing tests and rubocop * Added rake task to remove rooms * Adding translation (#1510) * Update _account.html.erb * Update en.yml * Fix "for" attribute for label elements (#1488) Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix some issues reported by LGTM (#1478) * Declare local JavaScript variables (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Remove unused local JavaScript variable (reported by LGTM) Signed-off-by: Stefan Weil <> * Puma Worker Configuration (#1332) We noticed that the current default settings perform very poorly under load. We managed to literally take down Greenlight during a larger event when people where accessing the landing page for rooms and when doing some tests, I was more or less able to DoS Greenlight on my own. This patch adds a default worker configuration which significantly improves the situation. The small, 4 core machine I was testing on could handle about thrice the amount of requests. While the new default configuration should be reasonably well suited for most deployments, this patch further allows users to easily configure the worker pool on their own in the environment file. * Made name and email readonly for no greenlight accounts (#1534) * Fixed hardcoded string (#1532) * fixed spelling error that was bugging me :) - sep a rat e (#1535) Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> * Improve Server Rooms View (#1524) * Order rooms by status * Cleaned up order function * Now displays Started/Created/Ended * Added participant count to rooms list * Fix rake task user:create so that users can be created when terms are present (#1565) * Changed user create task to always accept terms * clean up * More secure room ID (#1451) * Legal and privpolicy link (#1421) * add customizable Links to Imprint and Privacy Policy * fix copy&paste error in spec * replace "imprint" with "legal" since that is the correct term * remove german translation of new strings, transifex will take care of them later * GRN2-295:Refactored update profile and update password (#1591) * Refactored update profile and update password * Relowered rubocop settings * Fixed email sending when not supposed to (#1592) * Design changes for small screens (#1580) * now rap for pagination * Update _subtitle.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update _users.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update room.js * Update edit.html.erb * Update new.html.erb * Update cant_create_rooms.html.erb * Update _sessions.html.erb * Update _account.html.erb * Make Greenlight work with Ruby 2.7 (#1560) Greenlight's failure to start up with Ruby 2.7 seems to be caused by [an issue in bootsnap]( Updating that library makes Greenlight work again. However, there are still a lot of deprecation warnings. But that's something to deal with separately. This fixes #1558 * use email input for sign in (#1199) * use email input for sign in * use email input for registration * use email input for invitation * use email input for account settings Co-authored-by: Ahmad Farhat <> * Fix Gemfile (#1593) * Fixed invalid token for password reset (#1632) * HELP_URL env variable now works as expected (#1636) * #1372 Fix for long Text in Table + Remove invalid HTML Tag (#1403) * removed invalid HTML Tag * removed invalid HTML Tag * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _server_recording_row.html.erb form-inline replaced by own css * Update _server_room_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recording_row.html.erb * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Update _recordings.html.erb * Update _rooms.html.erb * Update main.scss fix for long text * Update main.scss * Update _public_recording_row.html.erb * Added more validation on profile image (#1644) * Users who can't create rooms but have shared rooms now have a different view (#1649) * Revert "Puma Worker Configuration (#1332)" (#1667) This reverts commit 78ed8d74601b613af3fd96ccf75a6bada24deddd. * Removed html safe from all flash messages (#1668) * Remove hardcoded guest=true if require mod approval is set (#1669) * Change random generation for room uid (#1670) * GRN2-290: Update gems and update to Rails (#1671) * Update gems and update to Rails * remove gemfile error Co-authored-by: MrKeksi <> Co-authored-by: Florian Weber <> Co-authored-by: Stefan Weil <> Co-authored-by: Lars Kiesow <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Dave Lane <> Co-authored-by: Henning <> Co-authored-by: Marcel Waldvogel <> Co-authored-by: Christian Marg <> Co-authored-by: Klaus <>
2020-05-26 17:37:23 -04:00
admin.set_role :admin
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
@request.session[:user_id] =
delete :destroy, params: { user_uid: user.uid }
expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present
expect(response).to redirect_to(admins_path)
describe "GET | POST #terms" do
before { allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:allow_user_signup).and_return(true) }
before { allow(Rails.configuration).to receive(:terms).and_return(false) }
it "Redirects to 404 if terms is disabled" do
post :terms, params: { accept: "false" }
expect(response).to redirect_to('/404')
describe "GET #recordings" do
before do
@user1 = create(:user)
@user2 = create(:user)
it "redirects to root if the incorrect user tries to access the page" do
get :recordings, params: { current_user: @user2, user_uid: @user1.uid }
expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
2018-06-25 15:49:56 -04:00