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2018-06-14 14:22:19 -04:00
# Create a Secret Key for Rails
# You can generate a secure one through the Greenlight docker image
# with the command.
2018-06-14 14:22:19 -04:00
2018-07-06 12:12:27 -04:00
# docker run --rm bigbluebutton/greenlight:v2 bundle exec rake secret
2018-06-14 14:22:19 -04:00
2018-05-11 15:57:31 -04:00
# The endpoint and secret for your BigBlueButton server.
# Set these if you are running GreenLight on a single BigBlueButton server.
# You can retrive these by running the following command on your BigBlueButton server:
# bbb-conf --secret
# Google Login Provider (optional)
# For in-depth steps on setting up a Google Login Provider, see:
2018-05-11 15:57:31 -04:00
# The GOOGLE_OAUTH2_HD variable is used to limit sign-ins to a particular set of Google Apps hosted
# domains. This can be a string with separating commas such as, ',' or
# a string that specifies a single domain restriction such as, ''.
# If left blank, GreenLight will allow sign-in from all Google Apps hosted domains.
2018-05-11 15:57:31 -04:00
# Twitter Login Provider (optional)
# Twitter Authentication is deprecated and will be phased out in a future release.
2018-05-11 15:57:31 -04:00
# Microsoft Office365 Login Provider (optional)
# For in-depth steps on setting up a Office 365 Login Provider, see:
# OAUTH2_REDIRECT allows you to specify the redirect_url passed to oauth on sign in.
# It is useful for cases when Greenlight is deployed behind a Network Load Balancer or proxy
2018-07-20 14:20:14 -04:00
# LDAP Login Provider (optional)
# You can enable LDAP authentication by providing values for the variables below.
# Configuring LDAP authentication will take precedence over all other providers.
# For information about setting up LDAP, see:
2018-07-20 14:20:14 -04:00
# LDAP_UID=uid
# LDAP_BASE=dc=example,dc=com
# LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
# LDAP_PASSWORD=password
2018-07-20 14:20:14 -04:00
2018-07-20 14:20:14 -04:00
2018-05-11 15:57:31 -04:00
# Set this to true if you want GreenLight to support user signup and login without
2018-06-28 11:21:02 -04:00
# Omniauth. For more information, see:
2018-06-28 11:21:02 -04:00
2018-06-22 15:58:25 -04:00
# To enable reCaptcha on the user sign up, define these 2 keys
2019-05-24 11:53:40 -04:00
# You can obtain these keys by registering your domain using the following url:
2019-08-19 08:51:57 -04:00
# To enable Google Analytics on your site, set this key to the Google Analytics Property Tracking ID
# Set this to true if you want GreenLight to send verification emails upon
# the creation of a new account
2018-10-26 11:59:49 -04:00
# The notifications are sent using sendmail, unless the SMTP_SERVER variable is set.
# In that case, make sure the rest of the variables are properly set.
# SMTP_PASSWORD=<yourpassword>
# SMTP_AUTH=plain
# Specify the email address that all mail is sent from
# Prefix for the applications root URL.
# Useful for deploying the application to a subdirectory, which is highly recommended
# if deploying on a BigBlueButton server. Keep in mind that if you change this, you'll
# have to update your authentication callback URL's to reflect this change.
2018-07-05 17:25:59 -04:00
# The recommended prefix is "/b".
2018-07-05 17:25:59 -04:00
2018-07-11 15:33:35 -04:00
# Specify which settings you would like the users to configure on room creation
# or edit after the room has been created
# By default, all settings are turned OFF.
# Current settings available:
# mute-on-join: Automatically mute users by default when they join a room
# require-moderator-approval: Require moderators to approve new users before they can join the room
# anyone-can-start: Allows anyone with the join url to start the room in BigBlueButton
# all-join-moderator: All users join as moderators in BigBlueButton
# Specify the maximum number of records to be sent to the BigBlueButton API in one call
# Default is set to 25 records
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
# Specify the maximum number of rows that should be displayed per page for a paginated table
# Default is set to 25 rows
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
Added Google calendar button (#429) * implement first version of the recording authentication, redirecting to the playback URL with the jwt token * set default recording visibility by environment variable * use the http header, if present, to determine the client ip address * fix email verification when disabled * revert playback component to link_to, change method to get * remove unnecessary variable * Added "Add to Google Calendar" button on Room page * Added Google Calendar button enable to env.sample * Updated CSS for the Google Calendar Button row * Added correct translation when copying room link * Fixed new Google Calendar button mobile display * GRN-80: Allow local accounts on multitenant (#428) * Changed the way the omniauth providers are declared * Allow local authentication for multitenant mode based on customer settings * Cleanead up code mandated by rubocop * Completed implementation for signin and added the one for signup * Fixed issue with rubocop * Renamed customer_name to lb_user * Renamed lb_user -> user_domain, fixed issue with signup controller, email verification WAS NOT implemented * Completed implementation of email_verification * Fixed rubocop issue * Final update * Fix for test with loadbalancer * Make sure loadbalancer mockup is only used when env defined * Fix for test on rooms_controller * Fixed most of the test failing on multitenant env * Fixed issue detected by rubocop * Fixed issue with activation tockens not working on resend * Fixed new issue found by rubocop * Updated travis script * Harcoded credentials for mockup * Updated expectation on start_session * Fixed issue with duplication of home room * Updated script for rubocop * Restored Gemfile * Update sample.env * Update sample.env
2019-05-13 17:05:31 -04:00
# Specify if you want to display the Google Calendar button
# Set the application into Maintenance Mode
# Current options supported:
# true: Renders an error page that does not allow users to access any of the features in the application
# false: Application runs normally
# Displays a flash that appears to inform the user of a scheduled maintenance window
# This variable should contain ONLY the date and time of the scheduled maintenance
# Ex: MAINTENANCE_WINDOW=Friday August 18 6pm-10pm EST
# The link to the Report an Issue button that appears on the 500 page and in the Account Dropdown
# Defaults to the Github Issues Page for Greenlight
# Button can be disabled by setting the value to blank
# The link to the Need help? button that appears on the Account Dropdown
# Defaults to the Greenlight documentation
# Button can be disabled by setting the value to blank
# Comment this out to send logs to STDOUT in production instead of log/production.log .
2018-10-26 11:59:49 -04:00
# When using docker-compose the logs can be sent to an centralized repository like PaperTrail
# just by using the built in driver. Make sure to add to docker-compose.yml the next lines:
# logging:
2018-10-26 11:59:49 -04:00
# driver: $LOG_DRIVER
# options:
2018-10-26 11:59:49 -04:00
# syslog-address: $LOG_ADDRESS
# tag: $LOG_TAG
2018-10-26 11:59:49 -04:00
# And set this variables up:
# LOG_DRIVER=syslog
# LOG_ADDRESS=udp://[99999]
# Check docker-compose and papertrail documentation for encrypting and
# protecting access to the log repository.
# For sending logs to a remote aggregator enable these variables:
# Force SSL
2019-05-24 11:53:40 -04:00
# Database settings
# Greenlight may work out of the box with sqlite3, but for production it is recommended to use postgresql.
# In such case, these variables must be included.
2019-05-24 11:53:40 -04:00
# DB_ADAPTER=postgresql
# DB_NAME=greenlight_production
# DB_USERNAME=postgres
# DB_PASSWORD=password
# For deployments based on the docker-compose script also included, the HOST should be set with the Docker container id.
# Specify the default registration to be used by Greenlight until an administrator sets the
# registration method
# Allowed values are:
# open - For open registration
# invite - For invite only registration
# approval - For approve/decline registration