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2018-06-26 10:29:46 -04:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2018-05-07 16:06:01 -04:00
2018-08-01 09:45:12 -04:00
# BigBlueButton open source conferencing system -
# Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below).
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with BigBlueButton; if not, see <>.
require 'bbb_api'
2018-06-26 10:29:46 -04:00
class User < ApplicationRecord
include Deleteable
attr_accessor :reset_token
after_create :setup_user
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
2018-06-26 10:29:46 -04:00
before_save { email.try(:downcase!) }
2018-05-09 16:31:52 -04:00
before_destroy :destroy_rooms
2018-05-29 15:28:29 -04:00
has_many :rooms
2018-05-31 15:04:18 -04:00
belongs_to :main_room, class_name: 'Room', foreign_key: :room_id, required: false
2018-05-07 16:06:01 -04:00
has_and_belongs_to_many :roles, -> { includes :role_permissions }, join_table: :users_roles
validates :name, length: { maximum: 256 }, presence: true
2018-05-09 16:31:52 -04:00
validates :provider, presence: true
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
validate :check_if_email_can_be_blank
validates :email, length: { maximum: 256 }, allow_blank: true,
uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false, scope: :provider },
2018-06-26 10:29:46 -04:00
format: { with: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i }
2018-05-09 16:31:52 -04:00
validates :password, length: { minimum: 6 }, confirmation: true, if: :greenlight_account?, on: :create
2018-05-09 16:31:52 -04:00
# Bypass validation if omniauth
validates :accepted_terms, acceptance: true,
unless: -> { !greenlight_account? || !Rails.configuration.terms }
2018-06-08 14:44:08 -04:00
# We don't want to require password validations on all accounts.
2018-05-09 16:31:52 -04:00
has_secure_password(validations: false)
2018-05-07 16:06:01 -04:00
class << self
include AuthValues
2018-05-07 16:06:01 -04:00
# Generates a user from omniauth.
def from_omniauth(auth)
2018-07-10 15:05:50 -04:00
# Provider is the customer name if in loadbalanced config mode
provider = auth['provider'] == "bn_launcher" ? auth['info']['customer'] : auth['provider']
find_or_initialize_by(social_uid: auth['uid'], provider: provider).tap do |u| = auth_name(auth) unless
u.username = auth_username(auth) unless u.username = auth_email(auth)
u.image = auth_image(auth) unless u.image
auth_roles(u, auth)
u.email_verified = true!
2018-06-26 10:29:46 -04:00
2018-05-11 15:57:31 -04:00
2018-05-25 11:55:48 -04:00
def self.admins_search(string, role)
active_database = Rails.configuration.database_configuration[Rails.env]["adapter"]
# Postgres requires created_at to be cast to a string
created_at_query = if active_database == "postgresql"
search_query = ""
role_search_param = ""
if role.nil?
search_query = " LIKE :search OR email LIKE :search OR username LIKE :search" \
" OR users.#{created_at_query} LIKE :search OR users.provider LIKE :search" \
" OR LIKE :roles_search"
role_search_param = "%#{string}%"
search_query = "( LIKE :search OR email LIKE :search OR username LIKE :search" \
" OR users.#{created_at_query} LIKE :search OR users.provider LIKE :search)" \
" AND = :roles_search"
role_search_param =
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
search_param = "%#{string}%"
joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN users_roles ON users_roles.user_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN roles " \
"ON = users_roles.role_id").distinct
.where(search_query, search: search_param, roles_search: role_search_param)
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
def self.admins_order(column, direction)
# Arel.sql to avoid sql injection
order(Arel.sql("#{column} #{direction}"))
# Activates an account and initialize a users main room
def activate
update_attributes(email_verified: true, activated_at:
def activated?
Rails.configuration.enable_email_verification ? email_verified : true
# Sets the password reset attributes.
def create_reset_digest
self.reset_token = User.new_token
update_attributes(reset_digest: User.digest(reset_token), reset_sent_at:
# Returns true if the given token matches the digest.
def authenticated?(attribute, token)
digest = send("#{attribute}_digest")
return false if digest.nil?
# Return true if password reset link expires
def password_reset_expired?
reset_sent_at < 2.hours.ago
2018-06-13 13:27:29 -04:00
# Retrives a list of all a users rooms that are not the main room, sorted by last session date.
def secondary_rooms
secondary = (rooms - [main_room])
2018-06-26 10:29:46 -04:00
no_session, session = secondary.partition { |r| r.last_session.nil? }
sorted = session.sort_by(&:last_session)
sorted + no_session
2018-05-07 16:06:01 -04:00
def name_chunk
charset = ("a".."z").to_a - %w(b i l o s) + ("2".."9").to_a - %w(5 8)
chunk = name.parameterize[0...3]
if chunk.empty?
chunk + (0...3).map { charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join
elsif chunk.length == 1
chunk + (0...2).map { charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join
elsif chunk.length == 2
chunk + (0...1).map { charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join
2018-05-28 18:10:20 -04:00
2018-06-08 14:44:08 -04:00
def greenlight_account?
def activation_token
# Create the token.
2018-06-08 14:44:08 -04:00
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
def admin_of?(user)
if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration
if has_role? :super_admin
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
id !=
highest_priority_role.get_permission("can_manage_users") && (id != && (provider == user.provider) &&
(!user.has_role? :super_admin)
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
(highest_priority_role.get_permission("can_manage_users") || (has_role? :super_admin)) && (id !=
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
def self.digest(string)
cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ? BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST : BCrypt::Engine.cost
BCrypt::Password.create(string, cost: cost)
# Returns a random token.
def self.new_token
# role functions
def highest_priority_role
def add_role(role)
unless has_role?(role)
role_provider = Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration ? provider : "greenlight"
2019-08-07 11:19:16 -04:00
new_role = Role.find_by(name: role, provider: role_provider)
if new_role.nil?
return if Role.duplicate_name(role, role_provider) || role.strip.empty?
new_role = Role.create_new_role(role, role_provider)
roles << new_role
def remove_role(role)
if has_role?(role)
role_provider = Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration ? provider : "greenlight"
roles.delete(Role.find_by(name: role, provider: role_provider))
# This rule is disabled as the function name must be has_role?
# rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName
def has_role?(role)
# rubocop:enable Naming/PredicateName
roles.exists?(name: role)
def self.with_role(role)
User.all_users_with_roles.where(roles: { name: role })
def self.without_role(role)
User.where.not(id: with_role(role).pluck(:id))
def self.all_users_with_roles
User.joins("INNER JOIN users_roles ON users_roles.user_id = INNER JOIN roles " \
"ON = users_roles.role_id INNER JOIN role_permissions ON = role_permissions.role_id").distinct
2018-05-09 16:31:52 -04:00
def create_reset_activation_digest(token)
# Create the digest and persist it.
update_attribute(:activation_digest, User.digest(token))
# Destory a users rooms when they are removed.
def destroy_rooms
def setup_user
# Initializes a room for the user and assign a BigBlueButton user id.
id = "gl-#{(0...12).map { rand(65..90).chr }.join.downcase}"
room = Room.create!(owner: self, name: I18n.t("home_room"))
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
update_attributes(uid: id, main_room: room)
# Initialize the user to use the default user role
role_provider = Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration ? provider : "greenlight"
Role.create_default_roles(role_provider) if Role.where(provider: role_provider)
Admin panel (#496) * Added the administrator role and functionality that comes with it (#403) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * Update user.rb * Update admins.js * GRN-15: Added the ability to change color and image from admin interface (#425) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Update user.rb * Update user.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * GRN-87:Added a super admin role and made changes to how to the design works (#430) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * Changed the way locales are shown * Updated the rest of the locales * Changed the way available_locales are defined * Updated locales in Russian * Updated locaales for German * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * Update user.rb * Update themes_controller_spec.rb * Update routes.rb * Update admins_controller.rb * Removed duplicated code that broke the build after last merge * GRN-78: Restructured some of the views to make the UI more consistent and responsive (#435) * GRN-20: Added roles to the user model * GRN-75: Added a view for admins to see their users * GRN-77: Added Edit/Delete/Promote ability for admins * GRN-71: Added admin account by default * GRN-15: Added the ability for admins to customize color and image * Added the super admin and completed the design tab * GRN-78: Cleaned up buttons and moved signin to its own page * GRN-78: Moved the Rooms and Recordings link to nav bar * Merge fix * Views restructure fix (#458) * Added cache to gitlab-ci.yml * Restructured seed * GRN2-99 -> GRN2-106: UI cleanup and refactoring (#478) * GRN2-98: Change Fullname to Full name * GRN2-105: Changed View Users to Manage Users * GRN2-101/103: Updated email to match branding * GRN2-100: Updated Email Sent flash to be more descriptive * GRN2-104: Redirect user to sign in page w/ flash after clicking activation link * GRN2-102: Changed the wording in the verification email * GRN2-99: Added email form validation * GRN2-106: Cleaned up Users list front end * Fixes to rake and admin password validator for passing rubocop * GRN2-113: Fixed issues with admin panel (#479) * GRN2-116: Code clean up after restructure of views (#482) * Removed unused references * Rubocop * Added pagination to admin view (#483) * GRN2-114: Added the ability for admins to ban/unban users (#487) * Added the ability for admins to ban and unban users * Update sessions_helper.rb * Merge branch 'master' into admin-panel (#492) * Updated rubocop gem * Updated rubocop and fixed issues (#490) * Rubocop fixes * GRN2-122: Updated sign in flow for admins and switch design tab to site settings (#489) * Switched design tab to site settings * Update _header with spaces instead of tabs * Added more test cases to increase coverage (#494)
2019-05-03 13:05:12 -04:00
add_role(:user) if roles.blank?
def check_if_email_can_be_blank
if email.blank?
if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration && greenlight_account?
errors.add(:email, I18n.t("errors.messages.blank"))
elsif provider == "greenlight"
errors.add(:email, I18n.t("errors.messages.blank"))
2018-05-07 16:06:01 -04:00