This repository has been archived on 2021-10-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
def project = 'ci-cd-for-bn'
def appName = 'greenlight'
def greenlightVersion = 'v2'
def label = "jenkins-execution-worker-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}"
def releaseBuild = env.TAG_NAME && env.TAG_NAME.contains("release")
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
String convert(long millsToConvert){
long seconds, minutes, hours;
seconds = millsToConvert / 1000;
minutes = seconds / 60;
seconds = seconds % 60;
hours = minutes / 60;
minutes = minutes % 60;
return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
if (releaseBuild) {
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
kubeCloud = "production"
kubecSecretsId = 'greenlight-prod-secrets'
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
} else {
kubeCloud = "staging"
kubecSecretsId = 'greenlight-staging-secrets'
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
2018-08-21 15:55:50 -04:00
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
podTemplate(label: label, cloud: "${kubeCloud}", containers: [
2018-08-21 11:56:52 -04:00
containerTemplate(name: 'ruby', image: "ruby:2.5.1", command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true),
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
containerTemplate(name: 'gcloud', image: "", command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true),
containerTemplate(name: 'kubectl', image: '', command: 'cat', ttyEnabled: true)
volumes: [
hostPathVolume(mountPath: '/usr/bin/docker', hostPath: '/usr/bin/docker'),
hostPathVolume(mountPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', hostPath: '/var/run/docker.sock')
node(label) {
try {
slackSend (color: '#FFFF00', message: "STARTED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' (${env.BUILD_URL})")
def myRepo = checkout scm
def gitCommit = myRepo.GIT_COMMIT
def gitBranch = myRepo.GIT_BRANCH
def gitTag = env.TAG_NAME
def shortGitCommit = "${gitCommit[0..10]}"
def previousGitCommit = myRepo.GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT
def imageTag = "${project}/${appName}:${gitBranch}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.${gitCommit}"
def stageBuild = (kubeCloud == "staging" && gitBranch == "master")
stage('Test') {
container('ruby') {
sh "bundle install && bundle exec rubocop && bundle exec rspec "
2018-08-21 11:56:52 -04:00
stage('Build and Publish') {
container('gcloud') {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'cloud-datastore-user-account-creds', variable: 'FILE'), string(credentialsId: 'DOCKER_USER', variable: 'DOCKER_USER'), string(credentialsId: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD', variable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD')]) {
sh "gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=$FILE"
if (stageBuild) {
sh "gcloud docker -- build -t ${imageTag} -t 'bigbluebutton/${appName}:master' . && gcloud docker -- push ${imageTag}"
sh "docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD"
sh "docker push 'bigbluebutton/${appName}:master'"
} else if (releaseBuild) {
imageTag = "${project}/${appName}:${gitTag}"
sh "gcloud docker -- build -t ${imageTag} -t 'bigbluebutton/${appName}:${greenlightVersion}' -t 'bigbluebutton/${appName}:${gitTag}' . && gcloud docker -- push ${imageTag}"
sh "docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD"
sh "docker push 'bigbluebutton/${appName}:${greenlightVersion}' && docker push 'bigbluebutton/${appName}:${gitTag}'"
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
stage('Deploy') {
container('kubectl') {
if (stageBuild || releaseBuild) {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: kubecSecretsId, variable: 'FILE')]) {
sh '''
kubectl apply -f $FILE
2018-09-11 12:20:22 -04:00
sh "kubectl set image deployments/gl-deployment gl=${imageTag}"
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00
slackSend (color: '#00FF00', message: "SUCCESSFUL: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' in ${convert(currentBuild.duration)} (${env.BUILD_URL})")
} catch(e) {
slackSend (color: '#FF0000', message: "FAILED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' message: ${e} (${env.BUILD_URL})")
2018-08-20 17:20:27 -04:00