# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . class SessionsController < ApplicationController include Authenticator include Registrar include Emailer include LdapAuthenticator skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:omniauth, :fail] before_action :check_user_signup_allowed, only: [:new] before_action :ensure_unauthenticated_except_twitter, only: [:new, :signin, :ldap_signin] # GET /signin def signin check_if_twitter_account @providers = configured_providers if one_provider provider_path = if Rails.configuration.omniauth_ldap ldap_signin_path else "#{Rails.configuration.relative_url_root}/auth/#{@providers.first}" end redirect_to provider_path end end # GET /ldap_signin def ldap_signin end # GET /signup def new # Check if the user needs to be invited if invite_registration redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.invite.no_invite") } unless params[:invite_token] session[:invite_token] = params[:invite_token] end check_if_twitter_account(true) @user = User.new end # POST /users/login def create logger.info "Support: #{session_params[:email]} is attempting to login." user = User.include_deleted.find_by(email: session_params[:email].downcase) is_super_admin = user&.has_role? :super_admin # Scope user to domain if the user is not a super admin user = User.include_deleted.find_by(email: session_params[:email].downcase, provider: @user_domain) unless is_super_admin # Check user with that email exists return redirect_to(signin_path, alert: I18n.t("invalid_credentials")) unless user # Check if authenticators have switched return switch_account_to_local(user) if !is_super_admin && auth_changed_to_local?(user) # Check correct password was entered return redirect_to(signin_path, alert: I18n.t("invalid_credentials")) unless user.try(:authenticate, session_params[:password]) # Check that the user is not deleted return redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.banned.fail") } if user.deleted? unless is_super_admin # Check that the user is a Greenlight account return redirect_to(root_path, alert: I18n.t("invalid_login_method")) unless user.greenlight_account? # Check that the user has verified their account return redirect_to(account_activation_path(digest: user.activation_digest)) unless user.activated? end login(user) end # POST /users/logout def destroy logout redirect_to root_path end # GET/POST /auth/:provider/callback def omniauth @auth = request.env['omniauth.auth'] begin process_signin rescue => e logger.error "Error authenticating via omniauth: #{e}" omniauth_fail end end # POST /auth/failure def omniauth_fail if params[:message].nil? redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t("omniauth_error") else redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t("omniauth_specific_error", error: params["message"]) end end # GET /auth/ldap def ldap ldap_config = {} ldap_config[:host] = ENV['LDAP_SERVER'] ldap_config[:port] = ENV['LDAP_PORT'].to_i.zero? ? 389 : ENV['LDAP_PORT'].to_i ldap_config[:bind_dn] = ENV['LDAP_BIND_DN'] ldap_config[:password] = ENV['LDAP_PASSWORD'] ldap_config[:auth_method] = ENV['LDAP_AUTH'] ldap_config[:encryption] = case ENV['LDAP_METHOD'] when 'ssl' 'simple_tls' when 'tls' 'start_tls' end ldap_config[:base] = ENV['LDAP_BASE'] ldap_config[:filter] = ENV['LDAP_FILTER'] ldap_config[:uid] = ENV['LDAP_UID'] if params[:session][:username].blank? || session_params[:password].blank? return redirect_to(ldap_signin_path, alert: I18n.t("invalid_credentials")) end result = send_ldap_request(params[:session], ldap_config) return redirect_to(ldap_signin_path, alert: I18n.t("invalid_credentials")) unless result @auth = parse_auth(result.first, ENV['LDAP_ROLE_FIELD'], ENV['LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING']) begin process_signin rescue => e logger.error "Support: Error authenticating via omniauth: #{e}" omniauth_fail end end private # Verify that GreenLight is configured to allow user signup. def check_user_signup_allowed redirect_to root_path unless Rails.configuration.allow_user_signup end def session_params params.require(:session).permit(:email, :password) end def one_provider (!allow_user_signup? || !allow_greenlight_accounts?) && @providers.count == 1 && !Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration end def check_user_exists User.exists?(social_uid: @auth['uid'], provider: current_provider) end def check_user_deleted(email) User.deleted.exists?(email: email, provider: @user_domain) end def check_auth_deleted User.deleted.exists?(social_uid: @auth['uid'], provider: current_provider) end def current_provider @auth['provider'] == "bn_launcher" ? @auth['info']['customer'] : @auth['provider'] end # Check if the user already exists, if not then check for invitation def passes_invite_reqs return true if @user_exists invitation = check_user_invited("", session[:invite_token], @user_domain) invitation[:present] end def process_signin @user_exists = check_user_exists if !@user_exists && @auth['provider'] == "twitter" return redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.deprecated.twitter_signup") } end # Check if user is deleted return redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.banned.fail") } if check_auth_deleted # If using invitation registration method, make sure user is invited return redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.invite.no_invite") } unless passes_invite_reqs # Switch the user to a social account if they exist under the same email with no social uid switch_account_to_social if !@user_exists && auth_changed_to_social?(@auth['info']['email']) user = User.from_omniauth(@auth) logger.info "Support: Auth user #{user.email} is attempting to login." # Add pending role if approval method and is a new user if approval_registration && !@user_exists user.set_role :pending # Inform admins that a user signed up if emails are turned on send_approval_user_signup_email(user) return redirect_to root_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("registration.approval.signup") } end send_invite_user_signup_email(user) if invite_registration && !@user_exists user.set_role(initial_user_role(user.email)) if !@user_exists && user.role.nil? login(user) if @auth['provider'] == "twitter" flash[:alert] = if allow_user_signup? && allow_greenlight_accounts? I18n.t("registration.deprecated.twitter_signin", link: signup_path(old_twitter_user_id: user.id)) else I18n.t("registration.deprecated.twitter_signin", link: signin_path(old_twitter_user_id: user.id)) end end end # Send the user a password reset email to allow them to set their password def switch_account_to_local(user) logger.info "Switching social account to local account for #{user.uid}" # Send the user a reset password email send_password_reset_email(user, user.create_reset_digest) # Overwrite the flash with a more descriptive message if successful flash[:success] = I18n.t("reset_password.auth_change") if flash[:success].present? redirect_to signin_path end # Set the user's social id to the new id being passed def switch_account_to_social user = User.find_by(email: @auth['info']['email'], provider: @user_domain, social_uid: nil) logger.info "Switching account to social account for #{user.uid}" # Set the user's social id to the one being returned from auth user.update_attribute(:social_uid, @auth['uid']) end end