class Room < ApplicationRecord before_create :setup validates :name, presence: true belongs_to :user has_one :meeting ROOM_ICONS = %w(circle star certificate play cloud heart square bookmark cog) RETURNCODE_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" def to_param uid end # Determines if a user owns a room. def owned_by?(user) return false if user.nil? user.rooms.include?(self) end # Checks if a room is running on the BigBlueButton server. def is_running? begin bbb.get_meeting_info(bbb_id, nil) return true rescue BigBlueButton::BigBlueButtonException => exc return false end end # Determines the invite URL for the room. def invite_path "/r/#{uid}" end # Creates a meeting on the BigBlueButton server. def start_session(options = {}) create_options = { record: options[:meeting_recorded].to_s, logoutURL: options[:meeting_logout_url] || '', moderatorPW: random_password(12), attendeePW: random_password(12), moderatorOnlyMessage: options[:moderator_message] } #meeting_options.merge!( #{ "meta_room-id": options[:room_owner], # "meta_meeting-name": options[:meeting_name]} #) if options[:room_owner] # Send the create request. begin bbb.create_meeting(name, bbb_id, create_options) rescue BigBlueButton::BigBlueButtonException => exc puts "BigBlueButton failed on create: #{exc.key}: #{exc.message}" end end # Returns a URL to join a user into a meeting. def join_path(user, options = {}) user = if user.is_a?(User) # Create the meeting if it isn't running. start_session(options) unless is_running? # Set meeting options. options[:meeting_logout_url] ||= nil options[:moderator_message] ||= '' options[:user_is_moderator] ||= false options[:meeting_recorded] ||= false #options[:wait_for_moderator] ||= false #options[:meeting_name] ||= name #options[:room_owner] ||= nil return call_invalid_res if !bbb # Get the meeting info. meeting_info = bbb.get_meeting_info(bbb_id, nil) # Determine the password to use when joining. password = if options[:user_is_moderator] meeting_info[:moderatorPW] else meeting_info[:attendeePW] end # Generate the join URL. bbb.join_meeting_url(bbb_id, user, password) end # Fetches all recordings for a meeting. def recordings res = bbb.get_recordings(meetingID: bbb_id) res[:recordings] end private def bbb_endpoint Rails.configuration.bigbluebutton_endpoint end def bbb_secret Rails.configuration.bigbluebutton_secret end # Sets a BigBlueButtonApi object for interacting with the API. def bbb @bbb =, bbb_secret, "0.8") #@bbb ||= if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration # lb_user = retrieve_loadbalanced_credentials( #["apiURL"]), lb_user["secret"], "0.8") #else #, bbb_secret, "0.8") #end end # Generates a uid for the room and BigBlueButton. def setup self.uid = [user.firstname, (0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join].join('-').downcase self.bbb_id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Rails.application.secrets[:secret_key_base] + self.icon = ROOM_ICONS.sample end # Rereives the loadbalanced BigBlueButton credentials for a user. def retrieve_loadbalanced_credentials(provider) # Include Omniauth accounts under the Greenlight provider. provider = "greenlight" if Rails.configuration.providers.include?(provider.to_sym) # Build the URI. uri = encode_bbb_url( Rails.configuration.loadbalancer_endpoint, Rails.configuration.loadbalancer_secret, {name: provider} ) # Make the request. http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = (uri.scheme == 'https') response = http.get(uri.request_uri) unless response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) raise "Error retrieving provider credentials: #{response.code} #{response.message}" end # Parse XML. doc = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body, 'ForceArray' => false) # Return the user credentials if the request succeeded on the loadbalancer. return doc['user'] if doc['returncode'] == RETURNCODE_SUCCESS raise "User with provider #{provider} does not exist." if doc['messageKey'] == "noSuchUser" raise "API call #{url} failed with #{doc['messageKey']}." end # Builds a request to retrieve credentials from the load balancer. def encode_bbb_url(base_url, secret, params) encoded_params = OAuth::Helper.normalize(params) string = "getUser" + encoded_params + secret checksum = OpenSSL::Digest.digest('sha1', string).unpack("H*").first URI.parse("#{base_url}?#{encoded_params}&checksum=#{checksum}") end # Removes trailing forward slash from a URL. def remove_slash(s) s.nil? ? nil : s.chomp("/") end # Generates a random password for a meeting. def random_password(length) o = ([('a'..'z'), ('A'..'Z')].map do |i| i.to_a end).flatten ((0...length).map do o[rand(o.length)] end).join end end