# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . module Joiner extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Displays the join room page to the user def show_user_join # Get users name @name = if current_user current_user.name elsif cookies.encrypted[:greenlight_name] cookies.encrypted[:greenlight_name] else "" end @search, @order_column, @order_direction, pub_recs = public_recordings(@room.bbb_id, params.permit(:search, :column, :direction), true) @pagy, @public_recordings = pagy_array(pub_recs) render :join end # create or update cookie to track the three most recent rooms a user joined def save_recent_rooms if current_user recently_joined_rooms = cookies.encrypted["#{current_user.uid}_recently_joined_rooms"].to_a cookies.encrypted["#{current_user.uid}_recently_joined_rooms"] = recently_joined_rooms.prepend(@room.id).uniq[0..2] end end def join_room(opts) @room_settings = JSON.parse(@room[:room_settings]) if room_running?(@room.bbb_id) || @room.owned_by?(current_user) || room_setting_with_config("anyoneCanStart") # Determine if the user needs to join as a moderator. opts[:user_is_moderator] = @room.owned_by?(current_user) || room_setting_with_config("joinModerator") || @shared_room opts[:require_moderator_approval] = room_setting_with_config("requireModeratorApproval") opts[:mute_on_start] = room_setting_with_config("muteOnStart") if current_user redirect_to join_path(@room, current_user.name, opts, current_user.uid) else join_name = params[:join_name] || params[@room.invite_path][:join_name] redirect_to join_path(@room, join_name, opts, fetch_guest_id) end else search_params = params[@room.invite_path] || params @search, @order_column, @order_direction, pub_recs = public_recordings(@room.bbb_id, search_params.permit(:search, :column, :direction), true) @pagy, @public_recordings = pagy_array(pub_recs) # They need to wait until the meeting begins. render :wait end end def incorrect_user_domain Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration && @room.owner.provider != @user_domain end # Default, unconfigured meeting options. def default_meeting_options invite_msg = I18n.t("invite_message") { user_is_moderator: false, meeting_logout_url: request.base_url + logout_room_path(@room), meeting_recorded: true, moderator_message: "#{invite_msg}\n\n#{request.base_url + room_path(@room)}", host: request.host, recording_default_visibility: @settings.get_value("Default Recording Visibility") == "public" } end # Gets the room setting based on the option set in the room configuration def room_setting_with_config(name) config = case name when "muteOnStart" "Room Configuration Mute On Join" when "requireModeratorApproval" "Room Configuration Require Moderator" when "joinModerator" "Room Configuration All Join Moderator" when "anyoneCanStart" "Room Configuration Allow Any Start" when "recording" "Room Configuration Recording" end case @settings.get_value(config) when "enabled" true when "optional" @room_settings[name] when "disabled" false end end private def fetch_guest_id return cookies[:guest_id] if cookies[:guest_id].present? guest_id = "gl-guest-#{SecureRandom.hex(12)}" cookies[:guest_id] = { value: guest_id, expires: 1.day.from_now } guest_id end end