# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . require 'bbb_api' class User < ApplicationRecord include Deleteable after_create :setup_user before_save { email.try(:downcase!) } before_destroy :destroy_rooms has_many :rooms has_many :shared_access belongs_to :main_room, class_name: 'Room', foreign_key: :room_id, required: false has_and_belongs_to_many :roles, join_table: :users_roles # obsolete belongs_to :role, required: false validates :name, length: { maximum: 256 }, presence: true, format: { without: %r{https?://}i } validates :provider, presence: true validate :check_if_email_can_be_blank validates :email, length: { maximum: 256 }, allow_blank: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false, scope: :provider }, format: { with: /\A[\w+\-\'.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i } validates :password, length: { minimum: 6 }, confirmation: true, if: :greenlight_account?, on: :create # Bypass validation if omniauth validates :accepted_terms, acceptance: true, unless: -> { !greenlight_account? || !Rails.configuration.terms } # We don't want to require password validations on all accounts. has_secure_password(validations: false) class << self include AuthValues # Generates a user from omniauth. def from_omniauth(auth) # Provider is the customer name if in loadbalanced config mode provider = auth['provider'] == "bn_launcher" ? auth['info']['customer'] : auth['provider'] find_or_initialize_by(social_uid: auth['uid'], provider: provider).tap do |u| u.name = auth_name(auth) unless u.name u.username = auth_username(auth) unless u.username u.email = auth_email(auth) u.image = auth_image(auth) unless u.image auth_roles(u, auth) u.email_verified = true u.save! end end end def self.admins_search(string) return all if string.blank? active_database = Rails.configuration.database_configuration[Rails.env]["adapter"] # Postgres requires created_at to be cast to a string created_at_query = if active_database == "postgresql" "created_at::text" else "created_at" end search_query = "users.name LIKE :search OR email LIKE :search OR username LIKE :search" \ " OR users.#{created_at_query} LIKE :search OR users.provider LIKE :search" \ " OR roles.name LIKE :search" search_param = "%#{sanitize_sql_like(string)}%" where(search_query, search: search_param) end def self.admins_order(column, direction) # Arel.sql to avoid sql injection order(Arel.sql("users.#{column} #{direction}")) end def self.shared_list_search(string) return all if string.blank? search_query = "users.name LIKE :search OR users.uid LIKE :search" search_param = "%#{sanitize_sql_like(string)}%" where(search_query, search: search_param) end def self.merge_list_search(string) return all if string.blank? search_query = "users.name LIKE :search OR users.email LIKE :search" search_param = "%#{sanitize_sql_like(string)}%" where(search_query, search: search_param) end # Returns a list of rooms ordered by last session (with nil rooms last) def ordered_rooms return [] if main_room.nil? [main_room] + rooms.where.not(id: main_room.id).order(Arel.sql("last_session IS NULL, last_session desc")) end # Activates an account and initialize a users main room def activate set_role :user if role_id.nil? update_attributes(email_verified: true, activated_at: Time.zone.now, activation_digest: nil) end def activated? Rails.configuration.enable_email_verification ? email_verified : true end def self.hash_token(token) Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(token) end # Sets the password reset attributes. def create_reset_digest new_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 update_attributes(reset_digest: User.hash_token(new_token), reset_sent_at: Time.zone.now) new_token end def create_activation_token new_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 update_attributes(activation_digest: User.hash_token(new_token)) new_token end # Return true if password reset link expires def password_reset_expired? reset_sent_at < 2.hours.ago end # Retrieves a list of rooms that are shared with the user def shared_rooms Room.where(id: shared_access.pluck(:room_id)) end def name_chunk charset = ("a".."z").to_a - %w(b i l o s) + ("2".."9").to_a - %w(5 8) chunk = name.parameterize[0...3] if chunk.empty? chunk + (0...3).map { charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join elsif chunk.length == 1 chunk + (0...2).map { charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join elsif chunk.length == 2 chunk + (0...1).map { charset.to_a[rand(charset.size)] }.join else chunk end end def greenlight_account? social_uid.nil? end def admin_of?(user, permission) has_correct_permission = role.get_permission(permission) && id != user.id return has_correct_permission unless Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration return id != user.id if has_role? :super_admin has_correct_permission && provider == user.provider && !user.has_role?(:super_admin) end # role functions def set_role(role) # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName return if has_role?(role) new_role = Role.find_by(name: role, provider: role_provider) return if new_role.nil? create_home_room if main_room.nil? && new_role.get_permission("can_create_rooms") update_attribute(:role, new_role) new_role end # This rule is disabled as the function name must be has_role? def has_role?(role_name) # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName role&.name == role_name.to_s end def self.with_role(role) User.includes(:role).where(roles: { name: role }) end def self.without_role(role) User.includes(:role).where.not(roles: { name: role }) end def create_home_room room = Room.create!(owner: self, name: I18n.t("home_room")) update_attributes(main_room: room) end private # Destory a users rooms when they are removed. def destroy_rooms rooms.destroy_all end def setup_user # Initializes a room for the user and assign a BigBlueButton user id. id = "gl-#{(0...12).map { rand(65..90).chr }.join.downcase}" update_attributes(uid: id) # Initialize the user to use the default user role role_provider = Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration ? provider : "greenlight" Role.create_default_roles(role_provider) if Role.where(provider: role_provider).count.zero? end def check_if_email_can_be_blank if email.blank? if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration && greenlight_account? errors.add(:email, I18n.t("errors.messages.blank")) elsif provider == "greenlight" errors.add(:email, I18n.t("errors.messages.blank")) end end end def role_provider Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration ? provider : "greenlight" end end