# frozen_string_literal: true # Health check to monitor the status of the rails server HealthCheck.setup do |config| # uri prefix (no leading slash) config.uri = 'health_check' # Text output upon success config.success = 'success' # Timeout in seconds used when checking smtp server config.smtp_timeout = 30.0 # http status code used when plain text error message is output # Set to 200 if you want your want to distinguish between partial (text does not include success) and # total failure of rails application (http status of 500 etc) config.http_status_for_error_text = 500 # http status code used when an error object is output (json or xml) # Set to 200 if you want your want to distinguish between partial (healthy property == false) and # total failure of rails application (http status of 500 etc) config.http_status_for_error_object = 500 # You can customize which checks happen on a standard health check, eg to set an explicit list use: config.standard_checks = %w(database migrations emailconf) # You can set what tests are run with the 'full' or 'all' parameter config.full_checks = %w(database migrations email cache) # max-age of response in seconds # cache-control is public when max_age > 1 and basic_auth_username is not set # You can force private without authentication for longer max_age by # setting basic_auth_username but not basic_auth_password config.max_age = 1 # http status code used when the ip is not allowed for the request config.http_status_for_ip_whitelist_error = 403 end