// BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. // // Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. // // BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along // with BigBlueButton; if not, see . // Room specific js for copy button and email link. $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function(){ var controller = $("body").data('controller'); var action = $("body").data('action'); // Only run on room pages. if (controller == "rooms" && action == "show"){ var copy = $('#copy'); // Handle copy button. copy.on('click', function(){ var inviteURL = $('#invite-url'); inviteURL.select(); var success = document.execCommand("copy"); if (success) { inviteURL.blur(); copy.addClass('btn-success'); copy.html("" + getLocalizedString("copied")) setTimeout(function(){ copy.removeClass('btn-success'); copy.html("" + getLocalizedString("copy")) }, 2000) } }); // Forces the wrapper to take the entire screen height if the user can't create rooms if ($("#cant-create-room-wrapper").length){ $(".wrapper").css('height', '100%').css('height', '-=130px'); } // Display and update all fields related to creating a room in the createRoomModal $("#create-room-block").click(function(){ showCreateRoom(this) }) } // Autofocus on the Room Name label when creating a room only $('#createRoomModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (){ if ($(".create-only").css("display") == "block"){ $('#create-room-name').focus() } }) if (controller == "rooms" && action == "show" || controller == "admins" && action == "server_rooms"){ // Display and update all fields related to creating a room in the createRoomModal $(".update-room").click(function(){ showUpdateRoom(this) }) $(".delete-room").click(function() { showDeleteRoom(this) }) $('.selectpicker').selectpicker({ liveSearchPlaceholder: getLocalizedString('javascript.search.start') }); // Fixes turbolinks issue with bootstrap select $(window).trigger('load.bs.select.data-api'); $(".share-room").click(function() { // Update the path of save button $("#save-access").attr("data-path", $(this).data("path")) // Get list of users shared with and display them displaySharedUsers($(this).data("users-path")) }) $("#shareRoomModal").on("show.bs.modal", function() { $(".selectpicker").selectpicker('val','') }) $(".bootstrap-select").on("click", function() { $(".bs-searchbox").siblings().hide() }) $(".bs-searchbox input").on("input", function() { if ($(".bs-searchbox input").val() == '' || $(".bs-searchbox input").val().length < 3) { $(".bs-searchbox").siblings().hide() } else { $(".bs-searchbox").siblings().show() } }) $(".remove-share-room").click(function() { $("#remove-shared-confirm").parent().attr("action", $(this).data("path")) }) // User selects an option from the Room Access dropdown $(".bootstrap-select").on("changed.bs.select", function(){ // Get the uid of the selected user let uid = $(".selectpicker").selectpicker('val') // If the value was changed to blank, ignore it if (uid == "") return let currentListItems = $("#user-list li").toArray().map(user => $(user).data("uid")) // Check to make sure that the user is not already there if (!currentListItems.includes(uid)) { // Create the faded list item and display it let option = $("option[value='" + uid + "']") let listItem = document.createElement("li") listItem.setAttribute('class', 'list-group-item text-left not-saved add-access'); listItem.setAttribute("data-uid", uid) let spanItem = "" + option.text().charAt(0) + " " + option.text() + " " + option.data("subtext") + "" + "" listItem.innerHTML = spanItem $("#user-list").append(listItem) } }) } }); function showCreateRoom(target) { var modal = $(target) $("#create-room-name").val("") $("#create-room-access-code").text(getLocalizedString("modal.create_room.access_code_placeholder")) $("#room_access_code").val(null) $("#createRoomModal form").attr("action", $("body").data('relative-root')) $("#room_mute_on_join").prop("checked", false) $("#room_require_moderator_approval").prop("checked", false) $("#room_anyone_can_start").prop("checked", false) $("#room_all_join_moderator").prop("checked", false) //show all elements & their children with a create-only class $(".create-only").each(function() { $(this).show() if($(this).children().length > 0) { $(this).children().show() } }) //hide all elements & their children with a update-only class $(".update-only").each(function() { $(this).attr('style',"display:none !important") if($(this).children().length > 0) { $(this).children().attr('style',"display:none !important") } }) } function showUpdateRoom(target) { var modal = $(target) var update_path = modal.closest("#room-block").data("path") var settings_path = modal.data("settings-path") $("#create-room-name").val(modal.closest("#room-block").find("#room-name-text").text()) $("#createRoomModal form").attr("action", update_path) //show all elements & their children with a update-only class $(".update-only").each(function() { $(this).show() if($(this).children().length > 0) { $(this).children().show() } }) //hide all elements & their children with a create-only class $(".create-only").each(function() { $(this).attr('style',"display:none !important") if($(this).children().length > 0) { $(this).children().attr('style',"display:none !important") } }) updateCurrentSettings(settings_path) var accessCode = modal.closest("#room-block").data("room-access-code") if(accessCode){ $("#create-room-access-code").text(getLocalizedString("modal.create_room.access_code") + ": " + accessCode) $("#room_access_code").val(accessCode) } else { $("#create-room-access-code").text(getLocalizedString("modal.create_room.access_code_placeholder")) $("#room_access_code").val(null) } } function showDeleteRoom(target) { $("#delete-header").text(getLocalizedString("modal.delete_room.confirm").replace("%{room}", $(target).data("name"))) $("#delete-confirm").parent().attr("action", $(target).data("path")) } //Update the createRoomModal to show the correct current settings function updateCurrentSettings(settings_path){ // Get current room settings and set checkbox $.get(settings_path, function(room_settings) { var settings = JSON.parse(room_settings) $("#room_mute_on_join").prop("checked", settings.muteOnStart) $("#room_require_moderator_approval").prop("checked", settings.requireModeratorApproval) $("#room_anyone_can_start").prop("checked", settings.anyoneCanStart) $("#room_all_join_moderator").prop("checked", settings.joinModerator) }) } function generateAccessCode(){ const accessCodeLength = 6 var validCharacters = "0123456789" var accessCode = "" for( var i = 0; i < accessCodeLength; i++){ accessCode += validCharacters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * validCharacters.length)); } $("#create-room-access-code").text(getLocalizedString("modal.create_room.access_code") + ": " + accessCode) $("#room_access_code").val(accessCode) } function ResetAccessCode(){ $("#create-room-access-code").text(getLocalizedString("modal.create_room.access_code_placeholder")) $("#room_access_code").val(null) } function saveAccessChanges() { let listItemsToAdd = $("#user-list li:not(.remove-shared)").toArray().map(user => $(user).data("uid")) $.post($("#save-access").data("path"), {add: listItemsToAdd}) } // Get list of users shared with and display them function displaySharedUsers(path) { $.get(path, function(users) { // Create list element and add to user list var user_list_html = "" users.forEach(function(user) { user_list_html += "
  • " if (user.image) { user_list_html += "" } else { user_list_html += "" + user.name.charAt(0) + "" } user_list_html += "" + user.name + "" + user.uid + "" user_list_html += "" user_list_html += "
  • " }) $("#user-list").html(user_list_html) }); } // Removes the user from the list of shared users function removeSharedUser(target) { let parentLI = target.closest("li") if (parentLI.classList.contains("not-saved")) { parentLI.parentNode.removeChild(parentLI) } else { parentLI.removeChild(target) parentLI.classList.add("remove-shared") } }