# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . class RoomsController < ApplicationController before_action :validate_accepted_terms, unless: -> { !Rails.configuration.terms } before_action :validate_verified_email, unless: -> { !Rails.configuration.enable_email_verification } before_action :find_room, except: :create before_action :verify_room_ownership, except: [:create, :show, :join, :logout] META_LISTED = "gl-listed" # POST / def create redirect_to root_path unless current_user @room = Room.new(name: room_params[:name]) @room.owner = current_user if @room.save if room_params[:auto_join] == "1" start else redirect_to @room end end end # GET /:room_uid def show if current_user && @room.owned_by?(current_user) @recordings = @room.recordings @is_running = @room.running? else render :join end end # POST /:room_uid def join opts = default_meeting_options unless @room.owned_by?(current_user) # Assign join name if passed. if params[@room.invite_path] @join_name = params[@room.invite_path][:join_name] elsif !params[:join_name] # Join name not passed. return end end if @room.running? # Determine if the user needs to join as a moderator. opts[:user_is_moderator] = @room.owned_by?(current_user) if current_user redirect_to @room.join_path(current_user.name, opts, current_user.uid) else join_name = params[:join_name] || params[@room.invite_path][:join_name] redirect_to @room.join_path(join_name, opts) end else # They need to wait until the meeting begins. render :wait end end # DELETE /:room_uid def destroy # Don't delete the users home room. @room.destroy if @room.owned_by?(current_user) && @room != current_user.main_room redirect_to current_user.main_room end # POST /:room_uid/start def start # Join the user in and start the meeting. opts = default_meeting_options opts[:user_is_moderator] = true redirect_to @room.join_path(current_user.name, opts, current_user.uid) # Notify users that the room has started. # Delay 5 seconds to allow for server start, although the request will retry until it succeeds. NotifyUserWaitingJob.set(wait: 5.seconds).perform_later(@room) end # GET /:room_uid/logout def logout # Redirect the correct page. redirect_to @room end # POST /:room_uid/:record_id def update_recording meta = { "meta_#{META_LISTED}" => (params[:state] == "public"), } res = @room.update_recording(params[:record_id], meta) redirect_to @room if res[:updated] end # DELETE /:room_uid/:record_id def delete_recording @room.delete_recording(params[:record_id]) redirect_to current_user.main_room end # Helper for converting BigBlueButton dates into the desired format. def recording_date(date) date.strftime("%B #{date.day.ordinalize}, %Y.") end helper_method :recording_date # Helper for converting BigBlueButton dates into a nice length string. def recording_length(playbacks) # Stats format currently doesn't support length. valid_playbacks = playbacks.reject { |p| p[:type] == "statistics" } return "0 min" if valid_playbacks.empty? len = valid_playbacks.first[:length] if len > 60 "#{(len / 60).round} hrs" elsif len == 0 "< 1 min" else "#{len} min" end end helper_method :recording_length # Prevents single images from erroring when not passed as an array. def safe_recording_images(images) Array.wrap(images) end helper_method :safe_recording_images private def room_params params.require(:room).permit(:name, :auto_join) end # Find the room from the uid. def find_room @room = Room.find_by!(uid: params[:room_uid]) end # Ensure the user is logged into the room they are accessing. def verify_room_ownership bring_to_room unless @room.owned_by?(current_user) end # Redirects a user to their room. def bring_to_room if current_user # Redirect authenticated users to their room. redirect_to room_path(current_user.main_room) else # Redirect unauthenticated users to root. redirect_to root_path end end def validate_accepted_terms if current_user redirect_to terms_path unless current_user.accepted_terms end end def validate_verified_email if current_user redirect_to resend_path unless current_user.email_verified end end end