version: '3' services: app: entrypoint: [bin/start] image: bigbluebutton/greenlight:v2 container_name: greenlight-v2 env_file: .env restart: unless-stopped ports: - 5000:80 # When using external logging # logging: # driver: $LOG_DRIVER # options: # syslog-address: $LOG_ADDRESS # tag: $LOG_TAG volumes: - ./log:/usr/src/app/log # When using sqlite3 as the database # - ./db/production:/usr/src/app/db/production # When using postgresql as the database links: - db db: image: postgres:9.5 restart: on-failure ports: - 5432:5432 volumes: - ./db/production:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - PGHOST=postgres - PGDATABASE=postgres - PGUSER=postgres - PGPASSWORD=password