# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . require 'bigbluebutton_api' class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include ApplicationHelper include SessionsHelper include ThemingHelper # Force SSL for loadbalancer configurations. before_action :redirect_to_https before_action :set_user_domain before_action :maintenance_mode? before_action :migration_error? before_action :set_locale before_action :check_admin_password before_action :check_user_role # Manually handle BigBlueButton errors rescue_from BigBlueButton::BigBlueButtonException, with: :handle_bigbluebutton_error protect_from_forgery with: :exception MEETING_NAME_LIMIT = 90 USER_NAME_LIMIT = 32 # Include user domain in lograge logs def append_info_to_payload(payload) super payload[:host] = @user_domain end # Show an information page when migration fails and there is a version error. def migration_error? render :migration_error unless ENV["DB_MIGRATE_FAILED"].blank? end def maintenance_mode? if ENV["MAINTENANCE_MODE"] == "true" render "errors/greenlight_error", status: 503, formats: :html, locals: { status_code: 503, message: I18n.t("errors.maintenance.message"), help: I18n.t("errors.maintenance.help"), } end end # Sets the appropriate locale. def set_locale update_locale(current_user) end def update_locale(user) locale = if user && user.language != 'default' user.language else http_accept_language.language_region_compatible_from(I18n.available_locales) end I18n.locale = locale.tr('-', '_') unless locale.nil? end def meeting_name_limit MEETING_NAME_LIMIT end helper_method :meeting_name_limit def user_name_limit USER_NAME_LIMIT end helper_method :user_name_limit # Relative root helper (when deploying to subdirectory). def relative_root Rails.configuration.relative_url_root || "" end helper_method :relative_root # Determines if the BigBlueButton endpoint is configured (or set to default). def bigbluebutton_endpoint_default? return false if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration Rails.configuration.bigbluebutton_endpoint_default == Rails.configuration.bigbluebutton_endpoint end helper_method :bigbluebutton_endpoint_default? def recording_thumbnails? Rails.configuration.recording_thumbnails end helper_method :recording_thumbnails? def allow_greenlight_users? allow_greenlight_accounts? end helper_method :allow_greenlight_users? # Determines if a form field needs the is-invalid class. def form_is_invalid?(obj, key) 'is-invalid' unless obj.errors.messages[key].empty? end helper_method :form_is_invalid? # Default, unconfigured meeting options. def default_meeting_options invite_msg = I18n.t("invite_message") { user_is_moderator: false, meeting_logout_url: request.base_url + logout_room_path(@room), meeting_recorded: true, moderator_message: "#{invite_msg}\n\n#{request.base_url + room_path(@room)}", host: request.host, recording_default_visibility: Setting.find_or_create_by!(provider: user_settings_provider) .get_value("Default Recording Visibility") == "public" } end # Manually deal with 401 errors rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |_exception| render "errors/greenlight_error" end # Checks to make sure that the admin has changed his password from the default def check_admin_password if current_user&.has_role?(:admin) && current_user.email == "admin@example.com" && current_user&.greenlight_account? && current_user&.authenticate(Rails.configuration.admin_password_default) flash.now[:alert] = I18n.t("default_admin", edit_link: edit_user_path(user_uid: current_user.uid) + "?setting=password").html_safe end end def redirect_to_https if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration && request.headers["X-Forwarded-Proto"] == "http" redirect_to protocol: "https://" end end def set_user_domain if Rails.env.test? || !Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration @user_domain = "greenlight" else @user_domain = parse_user_domain(request.host) check_provider_exists end end helper_method :set_user_domain # Checks if the user is banned and logs him out if he is def check_user_role if current_user&.has_role? :denied session.delete(:user_id) redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.banned.fail") } elsif current_user&.has_role? :pending session.delete(:user_id) redirect_to root_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("registration.approval.fail") } end end helper_method :check_user_role # Manually Handle BigBlueButton errors def handle_bigbluebutton_error render "errors/bigbluebutton_error" end private def check_provider_exists # Checks to see if the user exists begin # Check if the session has already checked that the user exists # and return true if they did for this domain return if session[:provider_exists] == @user_domain retrieve_provider_info(@user_domain, 'api2', 'getUserGreenlightCredentials') # Add a session variable if the provider exists session[:provider_exists] = @user_domain rescue => e # Use the default site settings @user_domain = "greenlight" if e.message.eql? "No user with that id exists" render "errors/greenlight_error", locals: { message: I18n.t("errors.not_found.user_not_found.message"), help: I18n.t("errors.not_found.user_not_found.help") } elsif e.message.eql? "Provider not included." render "errors/greenlight_error", locals: { message: I18n.t("errors.not_found.user_missing.message"), help: I18n.t("errors.not_found.user_missing.help") } elsif e.message.eql? "That user has no configured provider." render "errors/greenlight_error", locals: { status_code: 501, message: I18n.t("errors.no_provider.message"), help: I18n.t("errors.no_provider.help") } else render "errors/greenlight_error", locals: { status_code: 500, message: I18n.t("errors.internal.message"), help: I18n.t("errors.internal.help"), display_back: true } end end end end