# frozen_string_literal: true # BigBlueButton open source conferencing system - http://www.bigbluebutton.org/. # # Copyright (c) 2018 BigBlueButton Inc. and by respective authors (see below). # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # BigBlueButton is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with BigBlueButton; if not, see . class AdminsController < ApplicationController include Pagy::Backend include Themer include Emailer manage_users = [:edit_user, :promote, :demote, :ban_user, :unban_user, :approve] site_settings = [:branding, :coloring, :coloring_lighten, :coloring_darken, :registration_method, :room_authentication] authorize_resource class: false before_action :find_user, only: manage_users before_action :verify_admin_of_user, only: manage_users before_action :find_setting, only: site_settings # GET /admins def index @search = params[:search] || "" @order_column = params[:column] && params[:direction] != "none" ? params[:column] : "created_at" @order_direction = params[:direction] && params[:direction] != "none" ? params[:direction] : "DESC" @role = params[:role] || "" @pagy, @users = pagy(user_list) end # MANAGE USERS # GET /admins/edit/:user_uid def edit_user render "admins/index", locals: { setting_id: "account" } end # POST /admins/promote/:user_uid def promote @user.add_role :admin send_user_promoted_email(@user) redirect_to admins_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("administrator.flash.promoted") } end # POST /admins/demote/:user_uid def demote @user.remove_role :admin send_user_demoted_email(@user) redirect_to admins_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("administrator.flash.demoted") } end # POST /admins/ban/:user_uid def ban_user @user.remove_role :pending if @user.has_role? :pending @user.add_role :denied redirect_to admins_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("administrator.flash.banned") } end # POST /admins/unban/:user_uid def unban_user @user.remove_role :denied redirect_to admins_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("administrator.flash.unbanned") } end # POST /admins/approve/:user_uid def approve @user.remove_role :pending send_user_approved_email(@user) redirect_to admins_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("administrator.flash.approved") } end # POST /admins/invite def invite email = params[:invite_user][:email] begin invitation = create_or_update_invite(email) send_invitation_email(current_user.name, email, invitation.invite_token) rescue => e logger.error "Error in email delivery: #{e}" flash[:alert] = I18n.t(params[:message], default: I18n.t("delivery_error")) else flash[:success] = I18n.t("administrator.flash.invite", email: email) end redirect_to admins_path end # SITE SETTINGS # POST /admins/branding def branding @settings.update_value("Branding Image", params[:url]) redirect_to admins_path end # POST /admins/color def coloring @settings.update_value("Primary Color", params[:color]) @settings.update_value("Primary Color Lighten", color_lighten(params[:color])) @settings.update_value("Primary Color Darken", color_darken(params[:color])) redirect_to admins_path end def coloring_lighten @settings.update_value("Primary Color Lighten", params[:color]) redirect_to admins_path end def coloring_darken @settings.update_value("Primary Color Darken", params[:color]) redirect_to admins_path end # POST /admins/meetingAuthentication def room_authentication @settings.update_value("Room Authentication", params[:authenticationRequired]) redirect_to admins_path end # POST /admins/registration_method/:method def registration_method new_method = Rails.configuration.registration_methods[params[:method].to_sym] # Only allow change to Join by Invitation if user has emails enabled if !Rails.configuration.enable_email_verification && new_method == Rails.configuration.registration_methods[:invite] redirect_to admins_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("administrator.flash.invite_email_verification") } else @settings.update_value("Registration Method", new_method) redirect_to admins_path, flash: { success: I18n.t("administrator.flash.registration_method_updated") } end end private def find_user @user = User.find_by!(uid: params[:user_uid]) end def find_setting @settings = Setting.find_or_create_by!(provider: user_settings_provider) end def verify_admin_of_user redirect_to admins_path, flash: { alert: I18n.t("administrator.flash.unauthorized") } unless current_user.admin_of?(@user) end # Gets the list of users based on your configuration def user_list list = if @role.present? User.with_role(@role.to_sym).where.not(id: current_user.id) else User.where.not(id: current_user.id) end if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration list.where(provider: user_settings_provider) .admins_search(@search) .admins_order(@order_column, @order_direction) else list.admins_search(@search) .admins_order(@order_column, @order_direction) end end # Creates the invite if it doesn't exist, or updates the updated_at time if it does def create_or_update_invite(email) invite = Invitation.find_by(email: email, provider: @user_domain) # Invite already exists if invite.present? # Updates updated_at to now invite.touch else # Creates invite invite = Invitation.create(email: email, provider: @user_domain) end invite end end