# frozen_string_literal: true require 'net/http' require 'nokogiri' require 'digest/sha1' namespace :conf do desc "Check Configuration" task check: :environment do ENV_VARIABLES = %w(SECRET_KEY_BASE BIGBLUEBUTTON_ENDPOINT BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET) # Initial check that variables are set print "\nChecking environment" ENV_VARIABLES.each do |var| failed("#{var} not set correctly") if ENV[var].blank? end passed endpoint = fix_endpoint_format(ENV['BIGBLUEBUTTON_ENDPOINT']) # Tries to establish a connection to the BBB server from Greenlight print "Checking Connection" test_request(endpoint) passed # Tests the checksum on the getMeetings api call print "Checking Secret" checksum = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("getMeetings#{ENV['BIGBLUEBUTTON_SECRET']}") test_request("#{endpoint}getMeetings?checksum=#{checksum}") passed if ENV['ALLOW_MAIL_NOTIFICATIONS'] == 'true' # Tests the configuration of the SMTP Server print "Checking SMTP connection" test_smtp passed end end end def test_smtp TestMailer.test_email(ENV.fetch('SMTP_SENDER', 'notifications@example.com'), ENV.fetch('SMTP_TEST_RECIPIENT', 'notifications@example.com')).deliver rescue => e failed("Error connecting to SMTP - #{e}") end # Takes the full URL including the protocol def test_request(url) uri = URI(url) res = Net::HTTP.get(uri) doc = Nokogiri::XML(res) failed("Could not get a valid response from BigBlueButton server - #{res}") if doc.css("returncode").text != "SUCCESS" rescue => e failed("Error connecting to BigBlueButton server - #{e}") end def fix_endpoint_format(url) # Fix endpoint format if required. url += "/" unless url.ends_with?('/') url += "api/" if url.ends_with?('bigbluebutton/') url += "bigbluebutton/api/" unless url.ends_with?('bigbluebutton/api/') url end def failed(msg) print(": Failed\n#{msg}\n") exit end def passed print(": Passed\n") end class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base def test_email(sender, recipient) mail(to: recipient, from: sender, subject: "Greenlight Email Test", body: "This is what people with plain text mail readers will see.", content_type: "text/plain",) end end