# frozen_string_literal: true module BbbApi RETURNCODE_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" def bbb_endpoint Rails.configuration.bigbluebutton_endpoint end def bbb_secret Rails.configuration.bigbluebutton_secret end # Sets a BigBlueButtonApi object for interacting with the API. def bbb(user_provider) if Rails.configuration.loadbalanced_configuration user_domain = retrieve_provider_info(user_provider) BigBlueButton::BigBlueButtonApi.new(remove_slash(user_domain["apiURL"]), user_domain["secret"], "0.8") else BigBlueButton::BigBlueButtonApi.new(remove_slash(bbb_endpoint), bbb_secret, "0.8") end end # Rereives info from the loadbalanced in regards to a Provider (or tenant). def retrieve_provider_info(provider, api = 'api', route = 'getUser') # Include Omniauth accounts under the Greenlight provider. raise "Provider not included." if !provider || provider.empty? cached_provider = Rails.cache.fetch("#{provider}/#{route}") # Return cached result if the value exists and cache is enabled return cached_provider if !cached_provider.nil? && Rails.configuration.enable_cache # Build the URI. uri = encode_bbb_url( Rails.configuration.loadbalancer_endpoint + api + '/', Rails.configuration.loadbalancer_secret, { name: provider }, route ) logger.info uri # Make the request. http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = (uri.scheme == 'https') response = http.get(uri.request_uri) # Parse XML. doc = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body, 'ForceArray' => false) raise doc['message'] unless response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) # Return the user credentials if the request succeeded on the loadbalancer. Rails.cache.fetch("#{provider}/#{route}", expires_in: 1.hours) do doc['user'] end return doc['user'] if doc['returncode'] == 'SUCCESS' raise "User with provider #{provider} does not exist." if doc['messageKey'] == 'noSuchUser' raise "API call #{url} failed with #{doc['messageKey']}." end # Builds a request to retrieve credentials from the load balancer. def encode_bbb_url(base_url, secret, params, route = 'getUser') encoded_params = params.to_param string = route + encoded_params + secret checksum = OpenSSL::Digest.digest('sha1', string).unpack1('H*') URI.parse("#{base_url}#{route}?#{encoded_params}&checksum=#{checksum}") end # Removes trailing forward slash from a URL. def remove_slash(s) s.nil? ? nil : s.chomp("/") end end