#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "net.h" #include "ceo.pb-c.h" #include "config.h" #include "strbuf.h" char *prog; static const int MAX_MESSAGES = 32; static const int MAX_MESGSIZE = 512; Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *response_create(void) { Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *r = xmalloc(sizeof(Ceo__UpdateMailResponse)); ceo__update_mail_response__init(r); r->n_messages = 0; r->messages = xmalloc(MAX_MESSAGES * sizeof(Ceo__StatusMessage *)); return r; } PRINTF_LIKE(2) int32_t response_message(Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *r, int32_t status, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; Ceo__StatusMessage *statusmsg = xmalloc(sizeof(Ceo__StatusMessage)); char *message = xmalloc(MAX_MESGSIZE); va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(message, MAX_MESGSIZE, fmt, args); va_end(args); ceo__status_message__init(statusmsg); statusmsg->status = status; statusmsg->message = message; if (r->n_messages >= MAX_MESSAGES) fatal("too many messages"); r->messages[r->n_messages++] = statusmsg; if (status) error("%s", message); else notice("%s", message); return status; } void response_delete(Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *r) { int i; for (i = 0; i < r->n_messages; i++) { free(r->messages[i]->message); free(r->messages[i]); } free(r->messages); free(r); } static int check_update_mail(Ceo__UpdateMail *in, Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *out, char *client) { int client_office = check_group(client, "office"); int client_syscom = check_group(client, "syscom"); notice("update mail uid=%s mail=%s by %s", in->username, in->forward, client); if (!in->username) return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: username"); int recipient_syscom = check_group(in->username, "syscom"); if (!client_syscom && !client_office && strcmp(in->username, client)) return response_message(out, EPERM, "%s not authorized to update mail", client); if (recipient_syscom && !client_syscom) return response_message(out, EPERM, "denied, recipient is on systems committee"); /* don't allow office staff to set complicated forwards; in particular | is a security hole */ if (in->forward) { for (char *p = in->forward; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case '"': case '\'': case ',': case '|': case '$': case '/': case '#': case ':': return response_message(out, EINVAL, "invalid character in forward: %c", *p); default: break; } if (isspace(*p)) return response_message(out, EINVAL, "invalid character in forward: %c", *p); } } return 0; } static int32_t update_mail(Ceo__UpdateMail *in, Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *out, char *client) { int32_t chk_stat; mode_t mask; chk_stat = check_update_mail(in, out, client); if (chk_stat) return chk_stat; mask = umask(0); if (in->forward) { struct passwd *user = getpwnam(in->username); if (!user) return response_message(out, errno, "getpwnam: %s: %s", in->username, strerror(errno)); if (setregid(user->pw_gid, user->pw_gid)) return response_message(out, errno, "setregid: %s: %s", in->username, strerror(errno)); if (setreuid(user->pw_uid, user->pw_uid)) return response_message(out, errno, "setreuid: %s: %s", in->username, strerror(errno)); char path[1024]; if (snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/.forward", user->pw_dir) >= sizeof(path)) return response_message(out, ENAMETOOLONG, "homedir is too long"); if (unlink(path) && errno != ENOENT) return response_message(out, errno, "unlink: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); if (*in->forward) { int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644); if (fd < 0) return response_message(out, errno, "open: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); struct strbuf file_contents = STRBUF_INIT; strbuf_addf(&file_contents, "%s\n", in->forward); if (full_write(fd, file_contents.buf, file_contents.len)) response_message(out, errno, "write: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); strbuf_release(&file_contents); if (close(fd)) return response_message(out, errno, "close: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); response_message(out, 0, "successfully updated forward for %s", in->username); } else { response_message(out, 0, "successfully cleared forward for %s", in->username); } } umask(mask); return response_message(out, 0, "finished updating mail for %s", in->username); } void cmd_update_mail(void) { Ceo__UpdateMail *in_proto; Ceo__UpdateMailResponse *out_proto = response_create(); struct strbuf in = STRBUF_INIT; struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT; if (strbuf_read(&in, STDIN_FILENO, 0) < 0) fatalpe("read"); in_proto = ceo__update_mail__unpack(NULL, in.len, (uint8_t *)in.buf); if (!in_proto) fatal("malformed update mail message"); char *client = getenv("CEO_USER"); if (!client) fatal("environment variable CEO_USER is not set"); update_mail(in_proto, out_proto, client); strbuf_grow(&out, ceo__update_mail_response__get_packed_size(out_proto)); strbuf_setlen(&out, ceo__update_mail_response__pack(out_proto, (uint8_t *)out.buf)); if (full_write(STDOUT_FILENO, out.buf, out.len)) fatalpe("write: stdout"); ceo__update_mail__free_unpacked(in_proto, NULL); response_delete(out_proto); strbuf_release(&in); strbuf_release(&out); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { prog = xstrdup(basename(argv[0])); init_log(prog, LOG_PID, LOG_AUTHPRIV, 0); configure(); cmd_update_mail(); free_config(); free(prog); return 0; }