#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e source ./common.sh MAIN_PATH=$(pwd) function setup_frontend() { prefix_stdout_stderr "${PURPLE}frontend: ${NC}" cd ./frontend echo "Installing dependencies..." npm i echo "Building tailwind css file for links page" cd public NODE_ENV=production npx tailwindcss-cli@latest build index.in.css -o index.out.css echo "Done!" } function setup_backend() { prefix_stdout_stderr "${CYAN}backend: ${NC}" cd ./backend echo "Deleting old virtual environment..." rm -rf ./venv echo "Deleting sqlite database..." rm ./links.db || echo "Nothing to delete ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" echo "Deleting .env file" rm ./.env || echo "No .env to delete" echo "Creating new virtual environment..." python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate echo "Installing dependencies..." pip install -r requirements.txt echo "Creating a dummy sqlite database at 'backend/links.db'..." python setup_db.py echo "Creating .env file" echo "PASSWORD=test" > .env echo "PORT=5000" >> .env echo "OUT_PATH=$MAIN_PATH/frontend/public/index.html" >> .env echo "Done!" } run_frontend_backend "setup_frontend" "setup_backend"