import sqlite3 import os DB_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'links.db') con = sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH) # array of links to store links = [ ('','CS Club Website',3,0), ('','Instagram',4,1), ('','Facebook',5,2), ('','Twitch',6,3), ('','YouTube',7,4), ] # SQLite setup cur = con.cursor() # test if table already exists cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='links'") if cur.fetchone(): raise Exception('Links table already exists.') else: cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE links ( url text NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, clicks int NOT NULL, position int NOT NULL UNIQUE, UNIQUE(url, name) )''') cur.executemany('INSERT INTO links VALUES (?,?,?,?)', links) con.commit() con.close()