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import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import _ from 'lodash';
2021-05-24 20:53:37 -04:00
import { openDB, testDb } from './components/db';
import logger from './logger';
2021-05-20 20:59:15 -04:00
import { pingCmd } from './commands/ping';
import { suggestCmd } from './commands/suggest';
const NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID: string = process.env.NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID || '.';
const BOT_TOKEN: string = process.env.BOT_TOKEN || '.';
const BOT_PREFIX = '.';
const client = new Discord.Client();
const parseCommand = (message: Discord.Message): { command: string | null; args: string[] } => {
// extract arguments by splitting by spaces and grouping strings in quotes
// e.g. .ping 1 "2 3" => ['ping', '1', '2 3']
let args = message.content.slice(BOT_PREFIX.length).match(/[^\s"']+|"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'/g);
args = _.map(args, (arg) => {
if (arg[0].match(/'|"/g) && arg[arg.length - 1].match(/'|"/g)) {
return arg.slice(1, arg.length - 1);
return arg;
// obtain the first argument after the prefix
const firstArg = args.shift();
if (!firstArg) return { command: null, args: [] };
const command = firstArg.toLowerCase();
return { command, args };
const handleCommand = async (message: Discord.Message, command: string, args: string[]) => {
// log command and its author info
event: 'command',
messageId: message.id,
author: message.author.id,
authorName: message.author.username,
channel: message.channel.id,
switch (command) {
case 'ping':
2021-05-20 20:59:15 -04:00
pingCmd(message, command, args);
2021-05-24 20:53:37 -04:00
//dev testing
if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'dev') {
testDb(message, command, args);
2021-05-20 20:59:15 -04:00
const handleAnonCommand = async (message: Discord.Message, command: string, args: string[]) => {
// log command and its author info
event: 'command',
messageId: message.id,
switch (command) {
case 'suggest':
suggestCmd(message, command, args);
const ANON_CMDS = new Set(['suggest', '2', '3']);
const handleMessage = async (message: Discord.Message) => {
// ignore messages without bot prefix and messages from other bots
if (!message.content.startsWith(BOT_PREFIX) || message.author.bot) return;
// obtain command and args from the command message
const { command, args } = parseCommand(message);
if (!command) return;
try {
2021-05-20 20:59:15 -04:00
// if cmd is a anon cmd
if (ANON_CMDS.has(command)) {
await handleAnonCommand(message, command, args);
} else {
await handleCommand(message, command, args);
} catch (e) {
// log error
event: 'error',
messageId: message.id,
command: command,
args: args,
error: e
const startBot = async () => {
client.once('ready', async () => {
// log bot init event and send system notification
event: 'init'
const notif = (await client.channels.fetch(NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID)) as Discord.TextChannel;
notif.send('Codey is up!');
client.on('message', handleMessage);