import dotenv from 'dotenv'; dotenv.config(); import Discord from 'discord.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { openDB, testDb } from './components/db'; import logger from './logger'; const NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID: string = process.env.NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID || '.'; const BOT_TOKEN: string = process.env.BOT_TOKEN || '.'; const BOT_PREFIX = '.'; const client = new Discord.Client(); const parseCommand = (message: Discord.Message): { command: string | null; args: string[] } => { // extract arguments by splitting by spaces and grouping strings in quotes // e.g. .ping 1 "2 3" => ['ping', '1', '2 3'] let args = message.content.slice(BOT_PREFIX.length).match(/[^\s"']+|"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'/g); args =, (arg) => { if (arg[0].match(/'|"/g) && arg[arg.length - 1].match(/'|"/g)) { return arg.slice(1, arg.length - 1); } return arg; }); // obtain the first argument after the prefix const firstArg = args.shift(); if (!firstArg) return { command: null, args: [] }; const command = firstArg.toLowerCase(); return { command, args }; }; const handleCommand = async (message: Discord.Message, command: string, args: string[]) => { // log command and its author info{ event: 'command', messageId:, author:, authorName:, channel:, command, args }); switch (command) { case 'ping': await'pong'); break; case 'emoji': await message.guild?.emojis.create(args[1], args[0]); break; } //dev testing if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'dev') { testDb(message, command, args); } }; const handleMessage = async (message: Discord.Message) => { // ignore messages without bot prefix and messages from other bots if (!message.content.startsWith(BOT_PREFIX) || return; // obtain command and args from the command message const { command, args } = parseCommand(message); if (!command) return; try { await handleCommand(message, command, args); } catch (e) { // log error logger.error({ event: 'error', messageId:, command: command, args: args, error: e }); } }; export const startBot = async () => { client.once('ready', async () => { // log bot init event and send system notification{ event: 'init' }); const notif = (await client.channels.fetch(NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID)) as Discord.TextChannel; notif.send('Codey is up!'); }); client.on('message', handleMessage); client.login(BOT_TOKEN); };