package main import ( "log" "net" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) type NginxExporter struct { AccessLogPath string responses *prometheus.SummaryVec error_responses *prometheus.SummaryVec } func NewNginxExporter(accessLogPath string) (*NginxExporter, error) { const subsystem = "http" return &NginxExporter{ AccessLogPath: accessLogPath, responses: prometheus.NewSummaryVec( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: Namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "responses", Help: "Summary of HTTP responses", }, []string{"project", "network", "protocol"}), error_responses: prometheus.NewSummaryVec( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: Namespace, Subsystem: subsystem, Name: "error_responses", Help: "Summary of error HTTP responses", }, []string{"project", "network", "protocol"}), }, nil } // Implements prometheus.Collector func (e *NginxExporter) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { e.responses.Describe(ch) e.error_responses.Describe(ch) } // Implements prometheus.Collector func (e *NginxExporter) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { e.responses.Collect(ch) e.error_responses.Collect(ch) } var nginxProjectRe = regexp.MustCompile("(?i)^\\w+ /(?:pub/)?([^/?]+)/[^\\s]* HTTP") func (e *NginxExporter) processLogLine(line string) { lineReader := strings.NewReader(line) reader := gonx.NewReader( lineReader, `$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"`) if reader == nil { log.Printf("Failed to create reader for line: %s\n", line) return } // Read the entry on the line entry, err := reader.Read() if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to get entry on line: %s\n", line) return } // Process sourceIP, err := entry.Field("remote_addr") network := "unknown" protocol := "unknown" if err == nil { ip := net.ParseIP(sourceIP) network = IdentifyNetwork(ip) protocol = IdentifyIPProtocol(ip) } else { log.Println(err) } request, err := entry.Field("request") project := "unknown" if err == nil { match := nginxProjectRe.FindStringSubmatch(request) if len(match) > 1 && IsMirroredProject(match[1]) { project = match[1] } else { if len(match) > 1 { log.Println(match[1], "not found") } project = "none" } } else { log.Println(err) } sizeStr, err := entry.Field("bytes_sent") if err != nil { sizeStr = "0" } size, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(sizeStr, 64) statusStr, err := entry.Field("status") success := false if err == nil { responseCode, _ := strconv.Atoi(statusStr) if responseCode >= 100 && responseCode <= 399 { success = true } } // Setup labels labels := prometheus.Labels{ "project": project, "network": network, "protocol": protocol, } // Increment totals e.responses.With(labels).Observe(size) if !success { e.error_responses.With(labels).Observe(size) } } func (e *NginxExporter) Monitor() { tailConfig := tail.Config{ Follow: true, ReOpen: true, Poll: true, Location: &tail.SeekInfo{ Offset: 0, Whence: os.SEEK_END, }, } t, err := tail.TailFile(e.AccessLogPath, tailConfig) // Continue to retry every 5 seconds for ; err != nil; { t, err = tail.TailFile(e.AccessLogPath, tailConfig) if err != nil { time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) log.Println("Error starting nginx tail (retrying in 5 seconds)", err) } } for line := range t.Lines { go e.processLogLine(line.Text) } }