#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################### # Postgres SQL Library Database Web Interface # # Matt Thiffault (January 22,2009) # # matt.thiffault@gmail.com # ############################################### use DBI; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; @pairs = split(/[&=]/,$in); %field = @pairs; chomp(%field); $webroot = ".."; print < Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo: Home
END open(DIR,"/users/www/www/directory.xml") or print "Couldn't open file\n"; @items = ; close(MENU); shift @items; shift @items; shift @items; shift @items; shift @items; $items[-1] = undef; foreach $item (@items){ if($item){ $item =~ s/[<>]//g; $item =~ s/\/$//g; $item =~ s/menuitem//g; $item =~ s/ //; @pairs = split(/[ =]/,$item); shift @pairs; %fields = @pairs; $fields{'href'} =~ s/"//g; chomp($fields{'href'}); $fields{'title'} =~ s/"//g; if($fields{'absolute'} =~ /true/){ print "$fields{'title'}\n"; }else{ print "$fields{'title'}\n"; } } } print "

\n"; #display the search form if($field{'do'} eq "home" || $field{'do'} eq ""){ #isbn,title,authors,year,edition,publisher print <

Computer Science Library Collection Search


END } #query the database if($field{'do'} eq "query"){ print "

Search Results

"; #build query string here, query and display. my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=library;host=localhost", 'librarian', 'KJI3RVgszrxrxe6W4gX3', {AutoCommit => 1}) or print "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; $searchterm = undef; $orterm = undef; @results; @oresults; $title = $field{'title'}; $title =~ s/[';:"]/ /g; $publisher = $field{'publisher'}; $publisher =~ s/[';:"]/ /g; $edition = $field{'edition'}; $edition =~ s/[';:"]/ /g; $year = $field{'year'}; $year =~ s/[';:"]/ /g; $isbn = $field{'isbn'}; $isbn =~ s/[';:"]/ /g; if($title){ @tmp = split(/\+/,$title); my @keywords; my @orwords; push @keywords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; push @orwords,"'%tmp[0]%'"; shift @tmp; foreach $keyword (@tmp){ push @keywords,"AND (title ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; push @orwords,"OR (title ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; } $searchterm = "(title ILIKE @keywords)"; $orterm = "(title ILIKE @orwords)"; } if($publisher){ @tmp = split(/\+/,$publisher); my @keywords; my @orwords; push @keywords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; shift @tmp; foreach $keyword (@tmp){ push @keywords,"AND (publisher ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; push @orwords,"OR (publisher ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; } if($searchterm eq undef){ $searchterm = "(publisher ILIKE @keywords)"; $orterm = "(publisher ILIKE @orwords)"; }else{ $temp = $searchterm; $searchterm = $temp." AND (publisher ILIKE @keywords)"; $temp = $orterm; $orterm = $temp." OR (publisher ILIKE @keywords)"; } } if($edition){ @tmp = split(/\+/,$edition); my @keywords; my @orwords; push @keywords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; push @orwords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; shift @tmp; foreach $keyword (@tmp){ push @keywords,"AND (edition ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; push @keywords,"OR (edition ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; } if($searchterm eq undef){ $searchterm = "(edition ILIKE @keywords)"; $orterm = "(edition ILIKE @keywords)" }else{ $temp = $searchterm; $searchterm = $temp." AND (edition ILIKE @keywords)"; $temp = $orterm; $orterm = $temp." OR (edition ILIKE @keywords)"; } } if($year){ @tmp = split(/\+/,$year); my @keywords; my @orwords; push @keywords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; push @orwords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; shift @tmp; foreach $keyword (@tmp){ push @keywords,"AND (year ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; push @orwords,"OR (year ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; } if($searchterm eq undef){ $searchterm = "(year ILIKE @keywords)"; $orterm = "(year ILIKE $orwords)"; }else{ $temp = $searchterm; $searchterm = $temp." AND (year ILIKE @keywords)"; $temp = $orterm; $orterm = $temp." OR (year ILIKE @orwords)"; } } if($isbn){ @tmp = split(/\+/,$isbn); my @keywords; my @orwords; push @keywords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; push @orwords,"'%$tmp[0]%'"; shift @tmp; foreach $keyword (@tmp){ push @keywords,"AND (isbn ILIKE '%$keyword%')"; push @orwords,"OR (isbn ILIKE '%keyword%')"; } if($searchterm eq undef){ $searchterm = "(isbn ILIKE @keywords)"; $orterm = "(isbn ILIKE @keywords)"; }else{ $temp = $searchterm; $searchterm = $temp." AND (isbn ILIKE @keywords)"; $temp = $orterm; $orterm = $temp." OR (year ILIKE @orwords)"; } } if($searchterm){ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT title,isbn,year,publisher,edition FROM book WHERE $searchterm;") or print "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr; my $oth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT title,isbn,year,publisher,edition FROM book WHERE $orterm;") or print "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute() # Execute the query or print "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr; while($data = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()){ push @results, [@{$data}]; } $oth->execute() or print "Couldn't execute statement: " . $oth->errstr; while($ordata = $oth->fetchrow_arrayref()){ push @oresults, [@{$ordata}]; } $sth->finish; $oth->finish; if ($sth->rows == 0 && $oth->rows == 0) { print "
No names matched

"; }else{ print "
"; print ""; for my $book (@results){ print ""; for my $field (@{$book}){ print "\n"; } print ""; } for my $book (@oresults){ foreach $andbook (@results){ if(@{$book}[0] eq @{$andbook}[0]){ $book = undef; } } if($book){ print ""; for my $field (@{$book}){ print "\n"; } print ""; } } print "
Title ISBN Year Publisher Edition
"; } }else{ print "
You did not enter any search terms.

"; } } print <