perpugilliam will be going down for hardware upgrades on 2004-04-16 to 2004-04-19. We thank MathSoc and MEF for their generous support in purchasing this hardware, and apologise for any inconvenience this downtime will cause. Pictures of CTRL-D are available in the gallery. glucose-fructose is back on-line. It has a new 120 GB hard disk, a new power supply, and an nVidia GeForce FX 5900. glucose-fructose will be going down for hardware upgrades on 2004-04-02 for an indeterminate amount of time. We thank MathSoc and MEF for their generous support in purchasing this hardware, and apologise for any inconvenience this downtime will cause. Kernighan came to Waterloo, and the Computer Science Club got our books signed by him. Not only that, but we took photographs of him too. The books that we purchased have arrived. Now we have two books that can be signed by Kernighan when he comes. We voted 15 to 0 to 0 in favour of changing the constitution to follow MathSoc policy. An updated copy of the document is now online. perpugilliam went down over the weekend due to a failing disk. Please back up all your important data as it is starting to go bad. We are trying to acquire a replacement. carbonated-water, h2o, is back down. It's awaiting a new power supply. The CSC elections took place and we have a new executive for Winter 2004. The CSC elections took place and we have a new executive for Fall 2003. carbonated-water, h2o, is back up. It's a great machine for reading mail on. The CSC Procedures manual has been added to the website. Thanks go to Shannon Mann for reminding us of this document. We've finally gotten around to disabling accounts. If you find your account has been improperly disabled please email the executive. We are keeping a back up of the files and mail for each disabled account for a short period of time. Jim Elliott gave a great talk for the CSC yesterday and has put his slides online.
We have been notified by the Guelph Computer Club that they are unable to host our group event. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have a new computer called glucose-fructose, or sugar for short. As a result, carbonated-water is temporarily out of service, although it should return within a month. The CSC elections took place and we have a new executive for Spring 2003. The CSC elections took place and we have a new executive for Winter 2003. Due to lack of time for preparation, the Romp Through The Linux Kernel talks were cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully these talks will happen next term. The business meeting of 2002-09-30 was concluded and the constitutional change was approved with a 14:2 majority (and one spoiled ballot). See the new constitution. The Fall elections have occured and the results are in. We've changed to the new site! Please send your comments to the webmaster. The old site is still available. A few things may not be working quite right yet, but I'm working on it. Added books! About 2.5 shelves are there, minus a whole lot that weren't readily accessible from the Library of Congress. Getting all of the books on there is going to be a tough job. These are, by the way, managed by good-old (or new?) CEO. Thanks to Ryan Golbeck and Petio for their hard work getting ISBN numbers onto disc. Added a bunch of old events and some documents, including the constitution. Added the membership list. Old events are working. Event terms, as well as the current term are determined automagically now. Lots of work done. Some more stubs up (office etc.). And I introduce cow - that is, the CSC Ontological Webalizer - which is just a wrapper around libxslt with some extra xpath functions. It is now what is being used to build the site, instead of xsltproc. About/Memberlist stub up. Made the CSC logo gold. Isn't it nifty? XML goodness.