
171 lines
3.7 KiB

* directories and files
// $file_article_full="article.php";
* newsserver setup
// $post_server="";
// $post_port=119;
$maxfetch=0; // depricated
$initialfetch=0; // depricated
* Grouplist Layout
* Thread layout
$thread_show["lastdate"]=false; // makes only sense with $thread_show["replies"]=false
$age_time[1]=86400; //24 hours
$age_time[2]=259200; //3 days
$age_time[3]=604800; //7 days
* Frames
// for frames-support: read README in the frames-directory
* article layout
//$article_show["From_rewrite"]=array('@',' (at) ');
* settings for the article flat view, if used
* Message posting
$organization="University of Waterloo Computer Science Club";
// $anonym_address="set_this@to_something_valid";
* Attachments
$attachment_delete_alternative=true; // delete non-text mutipart/alternative
$attachment_uudecode=false; // experimental!
* Security settings
* Cache
$cache_articles=false; // article cache, experimental!
$cache_index=3600; // cache the group index for one hour before reloading
$cache_thread=60; // cache the thread for one minute reloading
* Misc
$title="CSC Newsportal";
// website charset, "koi8-r" for example
$www_charset = "iso-8859-15";
// Use the iconv extension for improved charset conversions
// timezone relative to GMT, +1 for CET
* Group specific config
// '^de\.alt\.fan\.aldi$' => "aldi.inc",
// '^de\.' => "german.inc"
* Do not edit anything below this line
// Load group specifig config files
if((isset($group)) && (isset($group_config))) {
foreach ($group_config as $key => $value) {
if (ereg($key,$group)) {
include $value;
// check the settings
include "lib/check.php";
// load the english language definitions first because some of the other
// definitions are incomplete