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Executable File

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<title>General Information</title>
<para>Our mailbox is in the MathSoc office. It should be checked on a
regular basis.
<title>Useful Contacts</title>
<para>There are several people that many exec will need contact information
for. Their contact info follows and <emphasis> should be updated when
these people change!</emphasis></para>
<para>Donna Schell: We use her to book most rooms in the MC or elsewhere on
campus. She can generally book any lecture hall. If she can't do it, she
can tell you who can! She can be reached at
<email>dschell@uwaterloo.ca</email> or at extension 2207.</para>
<para>Vera Korody: ICR secretary. Should we wish to use the DC fishbowl for
anything we can contact her. She may require us to get the permission of a
ICR director to use it. Currently the friendly director is Vic DiCiccio at
<email>vicd@uwaterloo.ca</email>. I am including the text of an email
I sent and the response from Vic at the end of this segment. It is easiest
to talk to her directly at the ICR reception area beside the fishbowl in DC,
however she can also be e-mailed at <email>vkorody@uwaterloo.ca</email> or
called at ext. 2042.</para>
<para>MathSoc: It is often smart to have executive in MathSoc who are
friendly with the CSC. To that end it is helpful to keep up with the
MathSoc exec and attend MathSoc events. Their office is directly across the
always closed door from ours. The president and VPF are particularily
helpful, in case we go a little over budget for any event they can approve
funding up to $100 extra by themselves. They can be reached at
<email>president@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca</email> and
<email>VPF@mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca</email>. They also have a projector that
we can borrow from time to time.</para>
<para>AV stuff should be handled through AV services at extension
3033. Keys for AV stuff can be obtained at E2 1309. Note that they
will charge you $80 if you intend to use a projector (and that's
non-refundable - apparently bulbs are expensive and need to be
replaced often).
<para>The E-mail I sent to Vic:</para>
<para>The Computer Science Club is interested in booking DC 1301 (The Fishbowl)
for a student-prof mixer on the afternoon Monday, October 17. We were
told that it would require the permission of someone higher up in ICR since
we're a student club. We considered asking our faculty advisor, Prabhakar
Ragde, to book it on our behalf, but that would require him to be present
for the entire event and we don't want to impose on him to that extent
unless we have to. We are hoping to get your permission to book it since
our primary purpose is to remove alcohol from the picture, to get it away
from the "pints" mentallity and focus it more towards the frosh.</para>
<para>Thanks for your consideration.</para>
<para>Tim Loach</para>
<para>CSC President</para>
<para> And his Response:</para>
<para>Hi Timothy,</para>
<para>Sure, I would definitely approve this. Have you been turned down by
others? But you need to email Vera Korody to book the room, because it
might be booked, and you need to get her rules about moving chairs,
etc. I'll copy her on this email.</para>
<para>BTW, does the CSC know that Mike Lazaridis is coming to Fed Hall on Oct
3 to explain why RIM is a cool place to work, and that there are still
challenges there to interest co-ops and grads. We could use your help
in getting the word out. You've probably seen the posters.</para>