# This is the configuration for dupload. # It is intended to be read and evaluated from Perl. # ### PLEASE READ THE dupload.conf(5) MANUAL PAGE # # reading the dupload(1) manual page is also advisable package config; # Global variables: # $default_host - the host to use if no --to option is used # $no_parentheses_to_fullname - boolean, as its name says # # Per-host variables: # fqdn - full hostname # method - ftp, scp, scpb or rsync # (defaults to ftp) # login - user name to use on the remote host # (defaults to 'anonymous' for FTP and local username for SSH methods) # use "user\@remote" for firewall logins # incoming - directory where to upload first # queuedir - directory where to move if upload succeeded # mailto - address for announcement email (stable) # mailtx - address for announcement email (unstable) # cc - address for carbon copy of the announcement email # fullname - the full name to use in the announcement email # (defaults to what your local MTA uses) # visibleuser - the username to use in the announcement email # (defaults to local username) # visiblename - the domainname to use in the announcement email # (defaults to what your local MTA uses) # Example of a default host: $default_host = "debian.csclub"; # ----------------- # Pre-defined hooks # ----------------- # Check changes file for valid signatures # Using GPG: $preupload{'changes'} = '/usr/share/dupload/gpg-check %1'; # or using PGP: # $preupload{'changes'} = '/usr/share/dupload/pgp-check %1'; # # Lintian check of packages # $preupload{'deb'} = 'lintian -v -i %1'; # Other hooks: # $preupload{'sourcepackage'} # $preupload{'file'} # $preupload{'package'} # $postupload{'changes'} # $postupload{'sourcepackage'} # $postupload{'file'} # $postupload{'deb'} # $postupload{'package'} # Note: hooks can also be defined in a per-host basis, this # overrides globaly defined hooks. # ----------------- # Pre-defined hosts # ----------------- $cfg{'debian.csclub'} = { fqdn => 'potassium-benzoate.csclub.uwaterloo.ca', method => 'scpb', incoming => '/srv/debian/incoming', dinstall_runs => 1, }; # Notice: There are login restriction on this host, scp will not # work unless you are authorised. $cfg{'ftp-master'} = { fqdn => "ftp-master.debian.org", method => "scpb", incoming => "/org/ftp.debian.org/incoming/", # The dinstall on ftp-master sends emails itself dinstall_runs => 1, }; $cfg{'anonymous-ftp-master'} = { fqdn => "ftp-master.debian.org", incoming => "/pub/UploadQueue/", # files pass on to dinstall on ftp-master which sends emails itself dinstall_runs => 1, }; # For Delayed uploads use this. You can use 0-day, which is uploaded # one hour before dinstall runs. $delay = (defined($ENV{DEBDELAY}) ? $ENV{DEBDELAY} : 7); $cfg{'delayed'} = { fqdn => "gluck.debian.org", method => "scpb", incoming => "/home/tfheen/DELAYED/$delay-day/", # The dinstall on ftp-master sends emails itself dinstall_runs => 1, }; # Mentors upload queue, see # http://mentors.debian.net/signup.php $cfg{'mentors'} = { fqdn =>'mentors.debian.net', method =>'scpb', login =>'incoming', incoming=>'~', # Change these to the user and domain part of your email address # and uncomment them # visibleuser=>'hugo', # visiblename=>'mydomain.tld', mailtx =>'incoming@mentors.debian.net', preupload=> { deb=>'chmod 0644 %1', changes=>'chmod 0644 %1', file=>'chmod 0644 %1', }, }; # NOTE: Do _NOT_ upload a package to the security upload queue # (oldstable-security, stable-security, etc.) without prior authorization # from the security team. Please read: # http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-pkgs.en.html#s-bug-security # Notice: There are login restriction on this host, scp will not # work unless you are authorised. #$cfg{'security'} = { # fqdn => "security-master.debian.org", # method => "scpb", # incoming => "/org/security.debian.org/queue/unchecked", # # The dinstall on security sends emails itself # dinstall_runs => 1, # nonus => 1, #}; #$cfg{'anonymous-security'} = { # fqdn => "security-master.debian.org", # incoming => "/pub/SecurityUploadQueue", # # files pass on to dinstall on security which sends emails itself # dinstall_runs => 1, # nonus => 1, #}; # Don't remove the following line. Perl needs it. 1; ## Local Variables: ## ## mode:perl ## ## End: ##