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____ ____ ____ _ _ _ _
/ ___/ ___| / ___| / \ _ __ ___(_) |__ | | ___
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\____|____/ \____| /_/ \_\_| |_|___/_|_.__/|_|\___|
Ansible playbooks of the University of Waterloo Computer Science Club.
** 2022 Playbook Modernization **
If a playbook is not in this list, it is not guaranteed to work.
- [x] test-playbook.yml
- [x] gather-ssh-fingerprints.yml
- [x] upgrade-ceo.yml
** Deps **
1. Install pipx
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
2. Install ansible and ansible-lint
pipx install --include-deps ansible
pipx install ansible-lint
** Usage **
To run a playbook and request a user's sudo password:
`ansible-playbook test-playbook.yml`
** OLD **
To run a playbook as a different user (for example to provision a new system
that doesn't have sssd yet):
`ansible-playbook -kK -b -u local_sysadmin test-playbook.yml`
To run a playbook starting at a certain spot:
`ansible-playbook -kK -b install-office-terminal.yml --start-at-task='enable magic sysrq'`