
919 B

Spoof Milter

Postfix does not provide libmilter so you will need to install that

apt install libmilter

may be provided by sendmail-devel on some systems

You will also need to install pymilter

pip install pymilter


in /etc/postfix/

smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:<portnumber> ...other filters...

Write systemd thing to run milter

/some/where/opendkim -l -u userid -p inet:<portnumber>@localhost ...other options...

Other notes

Different milter settings for different client IP addresses

    smtpd_milter_maps = cidr:/etc/postfix/smtpd_milter_map
    smtpd_milters = inet:host:port, { inet:host:port, ... }, ...

    # Disable Milters for local clients.
    # do this for local waterloo    DISABLE DISABLE
    ::/64          DISABLE
    2001:db8::/32  DISABLE