\documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=.52in]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol, xcolor} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \setlength{\parskip}{1ex} \thispagestyle{empty} \providecommand{\infoline}{\textcolor{gray}{\hrulefill}} \providecommand{\userSignup}{ \hrule \vspace{1ex} \begin{multicols}{2} Name: \infoline Signature: \infoline Office Staff: \infoline Office Staff Signature: \infoline Date: \infoline Name: \infoline Signature: \infoline Office Staff: \infoline Office Staff Signature: \infoline Date: \infoline \end{multicols} } \begin{document} \section*{CSC User Agreement} \large I have read and understood the usage policy of July 2022, and I agree to use my account on the CSC network in accordance with this policy. I am responsible for all actions taken by anyone using this account. Furthermore, I accept full legal responsibility for all of the actions that I commit using the CSC network according to any and all applicable laws. I understand that with little or no notice machines on the CSC network and resources on these machines may become unavailable. Machines may ``go down'' while users are using them, and I will not hold the CSC responsible for lost time or data. \vspace{2ex} \userSignup \userSignup \userSignup \userSignup \userSignup \end{document}