import curses class helpBar: # commands is in the form (key, command_name) commands = [] mx=my=0 x=y=0 colWidth = 25 numCols=1 def __init__(self, window): self.w = window def updateGeometry(self): (, = self.w.getmaxyx() (self.y, self.x) = self.w.getbegyx() self.numCols = numRows = len(self.commands)/self.numCols +1 self.y += - numRows = numRows self.w.mvwin(0,0) self.w.resize(, self.w.mvwin(self.y,self.x) def refresh(self): self.clear() self.updateGeometry() r=0 c=0 for key,command in self.commands: self.w.addnstr(r,c,key+" "+command+" "*self.colWidth,self.colWidth-1) self.w.chgat(r,c,2,curses.A_REVERSE) c+=self.colWidth if c > self.colWidth*self.numCols: c=0 r+=1 self.w.refresh() def clear(self): self.w.erase() self.w.refresh() def getSearch(self): self.clear() self.w.addstr(0,0,"/") string = "" done = False self.w.keypad(1) ch = self.w.getch() while (not done): if ch == curses.KEY_ENTER or ch == 10: return string elif ch == 27: # escape return "" elif ch == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE and string !="": self.w.addstr(0,1," "*len(string)) string = string[0:len(string)-1] self.w.addstr(0,1,string) elif ch>=32 and ch<=126: char = curses.keyname(ch) string = string + char self.w.addstr(0,1,string) self.w.refresh() ch = self.w.getch() def display(self,string): self.clear() self.w.addstr(0,1,string) self.w.refresh()