- name: copy cron job copy: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/cron/csc-mirror" dest: /etc/cron.d/csc-mirror owner: root group: root mode: "0644" - name: restart and enable cron systemd: name: cron state: restarted enabled: yes - name: copy files for /home/mirror copy: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/mirror/" dest: /home/mirror owner: mirror group: mirror mode: preserve - name: copy files for /mirror/root copy: src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/root/root/" dest: /mirror/root owner: root group: csc-mirror mode: preserve - name: create merlin subdirectories file: path: "/mirror/merlin/{{ item.file }}" owner: "{{ item.owner }}" group: "{{ item.owner }}" mode: "0755" state: directory loop: - { file: dev, owner: root } - { file: bin, owner: root } - { file: run, owner: mirror } - name: copy arthur and busybox into merlin copy: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "/mirror/merlin/{{ item.dest }}" owner: root group: root mode: "0755" loop: - src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/root/merlin/arthur" dest: "arthur" - src: "/usr/bin/busybox" dest: "bin/busybox" - name: create symlinks from busybox and arthur # noqa deprecated-command-syntax # need chdir to create relative symlinks command: cmd: "ln -s {{ item.src }} {{ item.dest }}" chdir: "/mirror/merlin/bin" creates: "/mirror/merlin/bin/{{ item.dest }}" warn: no loop: - { src: busybox, dest: cd } - { src: busybox, dest: cp } - { src: busybox, dest: ln } - { src: busybox, dest: ls } - { src: busybox, dest: rm } - { src: busybox, dest: sh } - { src: busybox, dest: sleep } - { src: ../arthur, dest: arthur } # https://tldp.org/LDP/lfs/LFS-BOOK-6.1.1-HTML/chapter06/devices.html - name: create special files # /dev/(random|urandom) normally has "-m 0444" # donno why mirror has writable random and urandom command: cmd: "mknod -m 0666 /mirror/merlin/dev/{{ item.file }} c 1 {{ item.type }}" creates: "/mirror/merlin/dev/{{ item.file }}" loop: - { type: "3", file: "null" } - { type: "8", file: "random" } - { type: "9", file: "urandom" } - name: create first merlin.sock symlink # noqa deprecated-command-syntax # need chdir to create relative symlinks command: cmd: "ln -s run/merlin.sock merlin.sock" chdir: "/mirror/merlin" creates: "/mirror/merlin/merlin.sock" warn: no - name: create second merlin.sock symlink file: src: "/mirror/merlin/merlin.sock" dest: "/home/mirror/merlin/merlin.sock" owner: root group: root state: link follow: no force: yes # TODO: copy over merlin.service and start/enable service # this will create /mirror/merlin/run/merlin.sock