--- - name: setup mirror vm hosts: tasks: - name: ubuntu iso exists stat: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/vm/ubuntu20_04.iso" register: iso_exists ignore_errors: true - name: ubuntu iso seed exists stat: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/vm/seed.qcow2" register: seed_exists ignore_errors: true - name: mirror vm exists command: "virsh dumpxml mirror > /dev/null 2>&1" register: vm_exists ignore_errors: true - name: storage pool exists command: "virsh pool-dumpxml mirror > /dev/null 2>&1" register: pool_exists ignore_errors: true - name: mirbr0 network exists command: "virsh net-dumpxml mirbr0 > /dev/null 2>&1" register: net_exists ignore_errors: true - name: create directory for vm file: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/vm" state: directory - name: fetch ubuntu iso get_url: url: https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.3/ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso dest: "{{ playbook_dir }}/vm/ubuntu20_04.iso" when: iso_exists.stat.exists == false # requires: cloud-localds (cloud-image-utils) # Installing VMs from Ready Images # https://www.x386.xyz/index.php/2021/01/06/kvm-on-ubuntu-server-1/ # apply network config # --network-config {{ playbook_dir }}/templates/network - name: create ubuntu iso seed command: > cloud-localds {{ playbook_dir }}/vm/seed.qcow2 {{ playbook_dir }}/templates/user-data when: seed_exists.stat.exists == false # get user to set net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 ? - name: create mirbr0 bridge network command: "virsh {{ item }}" with_items: - net-define {{ playbook_dir }}/templates/network.xml - net-autostart mirbr0 - net-start mirbr0 when: not net_exists.rc == 0 - name: create storage pool command: "virsh {{ item }}" with_items: - pool-define-as mirror dir --target="{{ playbook_dir }}/vm/" - pool-build mirror - pool-start mirror - pool-autostart mirror when: not pool_exists.rc == 0 # any way to check skip virtual disks that are already created? # for now just hardcoding size as 10G since will need to mod user-data to use different values # could just check for each if they are created - name: create virtual disks command: "virsh vol-create-as mirror {{ item }}" with_items: - mirror_root1.qcow2 10G - mirror_root2.qcow2 10G - mirror_disk1.qcow2 10G - mirror_disk2.qcow2 10G - mirror_disk3.qcow2 10G - mirror_disk4.qcow2 10G - name: create vm command: > virt-install --name=mirror --memory=2048 --vcpus=1 --boot uefi --os-type linux --os-variant ubuntu20.04 --disk path={{ playbook_dir }}/vm/seed.qcow2,device=cdrom --disk vol=mirror/mirror_root1.qcow2 --disk vol=mirror/mirror_root2.qcow2 --disk vol=mirror/mirror_disk1.qcow2 --disk vol=mirror/mirror_disk2.qcow2 --disk vol=mirror/mirror_disk3.qcow2 --disk vol=mirror/mirror_disk4.qcow2 --network bridge=mirbr0 --graphics vnc,port=5911,listen= --noautoconsole when: not vm_exists.rc == 0 # in the vm to disable cloud-init run # sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled # wait ? seconds (hope that vm is made in foreground) # copy over pub key into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # add line to ssh config that allows ssh as root # roles are called relative to playbook - name: setup mirror services hosts: include_role: "../roles/{{ item }}" with_items: - zfs # - index # - nginx # - rsync # - ftp