
1372 lines
38 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Adam Lackorzynski
# This file contains free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation (see the file COPYING).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
# todo
# - time of query (maybe, will consume too much space)
# - maybe some bars marking time all the servers are behind the
# the most recent server
# - rewrite and do it better this time...
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Listing;
use Carp ();
#local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::confess; #cluck;
#local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
#$SIG{INT} = \&Carp::confess;
my $hostpattern =
my $tracedir_std_main = "project/trace";
my $masterfile_stdmain = "ftp-master.debian.org";
my $tracedir_std_cd = "project/trace";
my $masterfile_stdcd = "cdimage.debian.org";
my $tracedir_std_www = "mirror/timestamps";
my $masterfile_stdwww = "www-master.debian.org";
my $tracedir_std_sec = "project/trace";
my $masterfile_stdsec = "security-master.debian.org";
my $tracedir_std_vol = "project/trace";
my $masterfile_stdvol = "volatile-master.debian.net";
my $archivUpdatePattern = "Archive-Update-in-Progress-";
my $masterlistURL = 'http://cvs.debian.org/*checkout*/webwml/english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist?cvsroot=webwml';
my @sections = qw/main cd security volatile www/;
# order of protocols is important -> ftp is easier to parse for the upstream
# mirror list, so do this one first...
my %protocols =
main => [qw/ftp http rsync/],
cd => [qw/ftp http rsync/],
security => [qw/ftp http rsync/],
volatile => [qw/ftp http rsync/],
www => [qw/http/],
my %addrs =
# 'debian.inf.tu-dresden.de' =>
# {
# main =>
# { path => '/debian',
# tracedir => $tracedir_std_main, mastertracefile => $masterfile_stdmain, },
# cd =>
# { path_http => '/debian-cd', path_ftp => '/debian-cd', patch_rsync => 'debian-cd', },
# },
# 'os.inf.tu-dresden.de' =>
# {
# main =>
# { path => '/debian',
# tracedir => $tracedir_std_main, mastertracefile => $masterfile_stdmain, },
# checkProtocol => [ 'http', ],
# cd =>
# { path_http => '/debian-cd'},
# },
my $debug = 1;
my $DisplayNonCheckedHosts = 0;
my $HtmlFile = "www/status.html";
my $MasterFile = "master.list";
my $DataFile = "mirror.data";
my $DataFileIP = "mirror.data.ip";
my @arg_options = ("masterfile|m=s", \$MasterFile,
"datafile|d=s", \$DataFile,
"datafileip|i=s", \$DataFileIP,
"htmlfile|o=s", \$HtmlFile,
"displaynonchecked!", \$DisplayNonCheckedHosts,
# some mirrors have authenticated rsync access only although they're in
# the mirror list...
# do not let rsync pop up with a password prompt
umask 022;
my $MasterListRefreshTime = 24*3600; # 1 day
my $IPListRefreshTime = 2*24*2600; # 2 days
my $OutOfDateTime = 3600*24*2; # 2 days
my $connectionTimeout = 10; # secs
my $prog_rsync = "rsync --timeout=$connectionTimeout";
my %timestamps =
data_capture_start => 0,
data_capture_end => 0,
my $IPDataCaptureTime = 0;
my %data;
my %IPs;
my (@errors_full, @errors_filt);
my %openedfile = ();
sub DBG {
print join("", @_) if $debug;
sub getTempFile {
$_ = `/bin/mktemp /tmp/mirstat.temp.XXXXXX`;
sub getHtmlFullErrorFileName {
my $r;
if ($HtmlFile =~ /\.html$/) {
($r = $HtmlFile) =~ s/html$/full-errors.$&/i;
} else {
$r = $HtmlFile."full-errors.html";
sub rsyncErrorFilter {
my ($text) = @_;
# In rsync error messages normally only the last line is significant
(reverse split(/\n/, $text))[0];
sub getErrorNrFull {
my ($text) = @_;
my $i = 0;
for (; $i <= $#errors_full; $i++) {
return $i if ($errors_full[$i] eq $text);
$errors_full[$i] = $text;
sub getErrorNr {
my ($text, $protocol) = @_;
my $i = getErrorNrFull($text);
if ($protocol =~ /rsync/) {
$text = rsyncErrorFilter($text);
# trim text also in case it's too long
$errors_filt[$i] = substr($text, 0, $ERRORMSGCUTBYTES);
sub parseMasterData {
my ($host, $key, $val) = @_;
# print "$host $key $val\n";
$val =~ s,(.)/$,$1,;
if ($key =~ /Archive-/) {
$addrs{$host}{main}{mastertracefile} = $masterfile_stdmain;
$addrs{$host}{main}{tracedir} = $tracedir_std_main;
} elsif ($key =~ /CDImage-/) {
$addrs{$host}{cd}{mastertracefile} = $masterfile_stdcd;
$addrs{$host}{cd}{tracedir} = $tracedir_std_cd;
} elsif ($key =~ /Security-/) {
$addrs{$host}{security}{mastertracefile} = $masterfile_stdsec;
$addrs{$host}{security}{tracedir} = $tracedir_std_sec;
} elsif ($key =~ /Volatile-/) {
$addrs{$host}{volatile}{mastertracefile} = $masterfile_stdvol;
$addrs{$host}{volatile}{tracedir} = $tracedir_std_vol;
} elsif ($key =~ /WWW-/) {
$addrs{$host}{www}{mastertracefile} = $masterfile_stdwww;
$addrs{$host}{www}{tracedir} = $tracedir_std_www;
if ($key =~ /Archive-http/i) {
$addrs{$host}{main}{path_http} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Archive-ftp/i) {
$addrs{$host}{main}{path_ftp} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Archive-rsync/i) {
$addrs{$host}{main}{path_rsync} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /CDImage-http/i) {
$addrs{$host}{cd}{path_http} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /CDImage-ftp/i) {
$addrs{$host}{cd}{path_ftp} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /CDImage-rsync/i) {
$addrs{$host}{cd}{path_rsync} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Security-http/i) {
$addrs{$host}{security}{path_http} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Security-ftp/i) {
$addrs{$host}{security}{path_ftp} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Security-rsync/i) {
$addrs{$host}{security}{path_rsync} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Volatile-http/i) {
$addrs{$host}{volatile}{path_http} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Volatile-ftp/i) {
$addrs{$host}{volatile}{path_ftp} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /Volatile-rsync/i) {
$addrs{$host}{volatile}{path_rsync} = $val;
} elsif ($key =~ /WWW-http/i) {
$addrs{$host}{www}{path_http} = $val;
# save all other info
$addrs{$host}{info}{$key} = $val;
sub parseMirrorsMasterList {
my $ctime = 0;
$ctime = (stat($MasterFile))[9] if -f $MasterFile;
if ($ctime + $MasterListRefreshTime < time) {
DBG("Getting new master mirror list\n");
open(F, "wget -q -O - '$masterlistURL' | tee $MasterFile |") or die $!;
} else {
open(F, $MasterFile) or die $!;
my $s = 0;
my ($host, $entryval, $entrykey) = (undef, undef, undef);
while (defined ($_=<F>)) {
if ($s == 0) { # looking for site
next if /^$/;
next if /^X-/;
next if /^\s\S/;
die "format error ($_)" unless /^Site:\s*(\S+)/;
$host = $1;
$s = 1;
} else {
if (/^$/) { # end of description
$s = 0;
parseMasterData($host, $entrykey, $entryval)
if (defined $entrykey);
$entrykey = undef;
} else {
if (/^\s+/) { # continued line (starting with \s's)
s/^\s*/ /;
$entryval .= $_;
} else {
parseMasterData($host, $entrykey, $entryval)
if (defined $entrykey);
($entrykey, $entryval) = split(/: */, $_, 2);
die "format error($_)" unless $entrykey && $entryval;
close F;
sub getSecondsOfDatestring {
my ($datestring) = @_;
$datestring = (split(/\n/, $datestring))[0];
$_ = `date -d "$datestring" +%s 2>&1`;
return "ERROR: $_" if $?;
# get output from http/ftp request
sub getData_ftp_http {
my ($url) = @_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent(" ");
my $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url));
return 'ERROR: ' . $res->status_line if $res->is_error;
my $d = $res->content;
chomp $d;
return $d;
# get file via rsync
sub getData_rsync_file {
my ($url) = @_;
my $tmpf = getTempFile();
my $d = `$prog_rsync $url $tmpf 2>&1`;
# check for error messages - yes, can return with $?==0 although
# we've got an error (@ERROR: access denied...)
if ($d =~ /^\@ERROR: /m) {
$d = 'ERROR: '.$d;
} elsif (!$?) {
# request succesful
$d = '';
open(D, $tmpf) || die $!;
while (defined ($_=<D>)) {
$d .= $_;
close D;
} # fall through otherwise...
unlink $tmpf;
# get output from rsync request
sub getData_rsync_output {
my ($url) = @_;
my $d = `$prog_rsync '$url' 2>&1`;
$d = 'ERROR: '.$d if $?;
sub getFile {
my ($url) = @_;
if ($url =~ /^(ht|f)tp:/) {
return getData_ftp_http($url);
} elsif ($url =~ /^rsync:/) {
return getData_rsync_file($url);
} else {
die "INTERNAL ERROR: unknown protocol type!";
sub getDirListing {
my ($url) = @_;
if ($url =~ /^rsync:/) {
$url .= '/*' if ($url =~ /[^*]$/);
return getData_rsync_output($url);
} else {
$url .= '/' if $url !~ /\/$/;
return getData_ftp_http($url);
sub removeHTMLTags {
$_ = shift;
sub getPathForProtocol {
my ($host, $section, $protocol) = @_;
my $path = (defined $addrs{$host}{$section}{"path_$protocol"})?
$path = '/'.$path if (defined $path && $path !~ m,^/,);
sub checkUpdateInProgress {
my ($section) = @_;
($section eq 'www')?0:1;
sub checkIfUpdateIsInProgress {
my ($protocol, $host, $path, $section) = @_;
# we check if an archiv update is in progress
# (by simply getting the directory listing of the topmost dir)
my $r = getDirListing("$protocol://$host$path");
DBG($r, "\n");
$data{$host}{$section}{updateInProgess} =
($r =~ /$archivUpdatePattern/im)?1:0;
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} =
($r !~ /^ERROR: /m)?-1:getErrorNr($r, $protocol);
sub extractFileLinksFromDirHTMLListing {
my ($listing) = @_;
my @files;
while ($listing =~ s/href\s*=\s*"?(.*?)[^\/\w.\d-](.*)/$2/i) {
my $a = $1;
#$a = (reverse split(/\//, $a))[0] if $a =~ /\//;
next if $a =~ m,/,; # don't take directories
next if (!defined $a || $a eq '' || $a =~ /^(http|ftp|mailto|trace)$/i);
if ($a !~ /\/$/) {
push @files, $a
if ($a !~ /^\.$/ && $a !~ /^\.\.$/ && $a !~ /^\./ && $a !~ /\.$/);
sub extractFileLinksFromDirRsyncListing {
my ($listing) = @_;
my @files;
for my $l (split(/\n/, $listing)) {
next unless ($l =~ /^.[rwxsSXt-]{9}\s/);
(my $name = $l) =~ s/.*\s([^\s]+)$/$1/;
push @files, $name;
sub extractFileLinksFromDirFTPListing {
my ($listing) = @_;
my @files;
for (parse_dir($listing)) {
my ($name) = @$_;
push @files, $name;
sub getLinkFilesOutOfListing {
my ($protocol, $listing) = @_;
my @files;
if ($protocol eq 'rsync') {
return extractFileLinksFromDirRsyncListing($listing);
} elsif ($protocol eq 'http') {
return extractFileLinksFromDirHTMLListing($listing);
} elsif ($protocol eq 'ftp') {
return extractFileLinksFromDirFTPListing($listing);
} else {
print STDERR "not impl\n";
return ();
sub cleanOutNonMirrorTraceFiles {
my (@list) = @_;
my @nl;
for (@list) {
next if (/\.(html?|css)$/);
push @nl, $_;
sub uniqueList {
my (@list) = @_;
my @nl;
my $d = '';
for (sort @list) {
push @nl, $_ if $d ne $_;
$d = $_;
sub masterSet__ {
my ($t, $failret, $host, $section, $val) = @_;
return $failret unless defined $addrs{$host}{$section}{mastertracefile};
= $val if defined $val;
sub masterTimeString { return masterSet__('timestamps_str', '', @_); }
sub masterSeconds { return masterSet__('timestamps_sec', 0, @_); }
sub getUndefinedTimestampFile {
my ($host, $section) = @_;
foreach my $m (keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}}) {
return $m unless defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}{$m};
sub getWorkingProtocol {
my ($host, $section) = @_;
foreach my $p (@{$protocols{$section}}) {
next unless defined $data{$host}{$section}{$p};
return $p;
sub isProtocolHTTPWorking {
my ($host, $section) = @_;
return defined $data{$host}{$section}{'http'};
sub getHostInfo {
my ($hostname) = @_;
return 0 if defined $IPs{$hostname};
$? = 0; # huh, why is that needed?
my ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($hostname);
#print "HUUUU: $hostname $?\n";
return 0 if ($?);
foreach my $h ($hostname, $name, split(/\s+/, $aliases)) {
next if $h eq '' || defined $IPs{$h};
$IPs{$h} = [map { join(".", unpack('C4', $_)) } @addrs];
print "IP: $h: ", join(", ", map { join(".", unpack('C4', $_)) } @addrs), "\n";
sub areHostsEqual {
my ($host1, $host2) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $IPs{$host1} && defined $IPs{$host2};
my @h1 = @{$IPs{$host1}};
my @h2 = @{$IPs{$host2}};
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#h1; $i++) {
for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#h2; $j++) {
return 1 if $h1[$i] eq $h2[$j];
sub getOfficialHostname {
my ($h, $section) = @_;
return $h if (grep(/^$h$/, keys %addrs));
return $h unless defined $IPs{$h};
for my $a (keys %addrs) {
next unless defined $IPs{$a};
foreach my $i (@{$IPs{$a}}) {
return $a if (grep(/^$i$/, @{$IPs{$h}}) &&
@{$IPs{$a}} == 1 && # NO DNS round robin entries...
defined $addrs{$a}{$section}{tracedir});
return $h;
sub doStep {
my ($host, $section, $protocol) = @_;
# get path since we can have protocol specific paths
my $path = getPathForProtocol($host, $section, $protocol);
return unless defined $path;
DBG(">>>> $host - $section - $protocol - $path\n");
unless (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}) {
next unless (defined $addrs{$host}{$section}{tracedir});
my $pa = $path;
$pa .= '/' if ($pa !~ /\/$/);
$pa .= $addrs{$host}{$section}{tracedir};
my $listing = getDirListing("$protocol://$host$pa");
if ($listing !~ /^ERROR: /m) {
my @files = getLinkFilesOutOfListing($protocol, $listing);
@files = cleanOutNonMirrorTraceFiles(uniqueList(@files));
DBG("Got upstream mirrors (via $protocol): ".join(", ", @files), "\n");
#print STDERR "TODO: check for ", scalar @files, " == 1 --> client failure!\n";
# some badly configured servers return HTTP 200 codes even
# if they should return 404...
next unless (defined $addrs{$host}{$section}{mastertracefile});
if (grep(/^$addrs{$host}{$section}{mastertracefile}$/, @files)) {
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} = -1;
foreach my $h (@files) {
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}{$h} = undef;
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$h} = undef;
} else {
# warn "Missing master file $addrs{$host}{$section}{mastertracefile} on $host\n";
if ($listing =~ /<html>/i) {
$listing = "ERROR: ".$listing if ($listing !~ /^ERROR: /);
$listing = removeHTMLTags($listing);
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} = getErrorNr($listing, $protocol);
} else {
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} = getErrorNr($listing, $protocol);
} elsif ((my $file = getUndefinedTimestampFile($host, $section)) &&
(!defined $data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} ||
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} == -1)) {
my $pa = $path;
$pa .= '/' if ($pa !~ /\/$/);
$pa .= $addrs{$host}{$section}{tracedir}.'/'.$file;
DBG("getting tracefile via $protocol://$host$pa\n");
my $d = getFile("$protocol://$host$pa");
DBG("output: $d\n");
# some badly configured servers return a HTTP code 200 even
# if they could not find a file and present a nicely formated
# error message
if (length($d) > 60) {
$d = "ERROR: ".$d if ($d !~ /^ERROR: /);
$d = removeHTMLTags($d);
if ($d !~ /^ERROR: /m) {
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} = -1;
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}{$file} = $d;
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$file} = getSecondsOfDatestring($d);
if ($data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$file} =~ /^ERROR: /) {
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$file} = 0;
} else {
$data{$host}{$section}{$protocol} = getErrorNr($d, $protocol);
} elsif (!defined $data{$host}{$section}{updateInProgess} &&
checkUpdateInProgress($section)) {
DBG("Checking if update in progress\n");
checkIfUpdateIsInProgress($protocol, $host, $path, $section);
} else {
# done
return 0;
my $optret = GetOptions(@arg_options);
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'get') {
$timestamps{data_capture_start} = time();
foreach my $host (keys %addrs) {
next if ($host !~ /$hostpattern/);
foreach my $section (@sections) {
foreach my $protocol (@{$protocols{$section}}) {
next if (defined $addrs{$host}{checkProtocol} &&
!grep(/^$protocol$/, @{$addrs{$host}{checkProtocol}}));
# following steps:
# - get directory listing
# - if master-files not in dir-listing -> error
# - get all timestamp files from dir-listing
# - check if update in progress...
doStep($host, $section, $protocol);
} # foreach protocol
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}) {
# ok, we've got at least one protocol that works
my $protocol = undef;
# find it
foreach (@{$protocols{$section}}) {
$protocol = $_, last
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{$_} &&
$data{$host}{$section}{$_} == -1);
if (defined $protocol) {
while (doStep($host, $section, $protocol)) {}
} else {
} # foreach section (main, ...)
} # foreach host
# get the IPs of all hostnames to find hosts with more than one name
# (e.g. real name and debian.org alias)
if (open(I, $DataFileIP)) {
my $dat;
while (<I>) {
$dat .= $_;
close I;
eval $dat;
print "$IPDataCaptureTime + $IPListRefreshTime\n";
if ($IPDataCaptureTime + $IPListRefreshTime < time) {
print "IPs:\n";
foreach my $host (keys %addrs) {
print "$host\n";
foreach my $host (keys %data) {
print "$host\n";
foreach my $section (keys %{$data{$host}}) {
print " $section\n";
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}) {
foreach my $tsh (keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}}) {
print " $tsh\n";
open(I, ">$DataFileIP") || die $!;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$IPDataCaptureTime = time;
print I Data::Dumper->Dump
([$IPDataCaptureTime, \%IPs], [qw/IPDataCaptureTime *IPs/]);
close I;
open(A, ">$DataFile") || die $!;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$timestamps{data_capture_end} = time();
print A Data::Dumper->Dump
([\%timestamps, \%addrs, \%data, \@errors_filt, \@errors_full],
[qw/*timestamps *addrs *data *errors_filt *errors_full/]);
close A;
} else {
open(A, "$DataFile") || die $!;
my $dat;
while (<A>) {
$dat .= $_;
close A;
eval $dat;
open(I, $DataFileIP) || die $!;
$dat = '';
while (<I>) {
$dat .= $_;
close I;
eval $dat;
DBG("Using data created between ",
scalar localtime $timestamps{data_capture_start}, " and ",
scalar localtime $timestamps{data_capture_end}, "\n");
####### create HTML file out of the generated data... ######
DBG("Creating HTML files ($HtmlFile)\n\n");
open(H, ">$HtmlFile") || die $!;
my $dts_s = (scalar gmtime $timestamps{data_capture_start})." UTC";
my $dts_e = (scalar gmtime $timestamps{data_capture_end})." UTC";
my $now_utc = (scalar gmtime time)." UTC";
print H <<EOF;
<html><head><title>Debian Mirror Checker</title></head>
<style type="text/css">
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
text-decoration: underline;
color: blue;
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
color: brown;
text-decoration: none;
color: red;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: underline;
<body bgcolor="white">
<TABLE border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" align="center" summary="">
<A HREF="http://www.debian.org/logos/">
<IMG src="http://www.debian.org/Pics/logo-50.jpg" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="" width="50" height="61"></A>
<IMG src="http://www.debian.org/Pics/debian.jpg" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="Debian Project" width="179" height="61">
<td align="right" style="font-size: 75%">
Data capturing time window:<br>$dts_s<br> - $dts_e<br>
HTML-file creation time: $now_utc
<h2 align="center">Debian Mirror Checker</h2>
sub validSection {
my ($host, $sect) = @_;
return 1 if (defined $addrs{$host}{$sect}{path});
foreach (@{$protocols{$sect}}) {
return 1 if (defined $addrs{$host}{$sect}{"path_$_"});
use constant TRACE_NO_MASTERFILE => 1;
use constant TRACE_INVALID_DATES => 3;
use constant TRACE_NOT_DOWNLOADABLE => 4;
use constant TRACE_NO_PRIMARY => 5;
use constant TRACE_NO_SECONDARY => 6;
use constant TRACE_NO_TRACEFILES_AT_ALL => 8;
my %TraceTypeText =
'No master file found',
'Older (non-valid) timestamp files found',
'Timestamp files contain invalid dates',
'Trace files are not downloadable',
'Mirror lacks trace files from their upstream, it is not a primary',
'Mirror lacks trace files from their upstream, it is not a secondary',
'The local trace file is missing',
'There are no trace files at all',
use constant MIRROR_ORIGIN => 0;
use constant MIRROR_PRIMARY => 1;
use constant MIRROR_SECONDARY => 2;
use constant MIRROR_LEAF => 3;
use constant MIRROR_UNKNOWN => 4;
my %mirrorHTMLIDs =
&MIRROR_ORIGIN => '<b><i>O</i></b>',
&MIRROR_PRIMARY => '<b>P</b>',
&MIRROR_SECONDARY => '<b>S</b>',
my %mirrorTypes =
'Origin' => MIRROR_ORIGIN,
'Push-Primary' => MIRROR_PRIMARY,
'Push-Secondary' => MIRROR_SECONDARY,
'leaf' => MIRROR_LEAF,
sub getMirrorType {
my ($host) = @_;
return $mirrorTypes{$addrs{$host}{info}{Type}}
if defined $addrs{$host}{info}{Type} and
defined $mirrorTypes{$addrs{$host}{info}{Type}};
# return $addrs{$host}{info}{Type}
# if defined $addrs{$host}{info}{Type};
sub getMirrorHTMLIDs {
my ($host) = @_;
return $mirrorHTMLIDs{getMirrorType($host)};
sub addTraceEntry {
my ($host, $section, $entry) = @_;
push @{$data{$host}{$section}{tracestat}}, $entry;
sub getTraceEntries {
my ($host, $section) = @_;
return () unless defined $data{$host}{$section}{tracestat};
sub isTraceEntry {
my ($host, $section, $nr) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $data{$host}{$section}{tracestat};
foreach my $t (@{$data{$host}{$section}{tracestat}}) {
return 1 if $nr == $t;
return 0;
sub computeTraceStates {
foreach my $section (@sections) {
foreach my $host (keys %data) {
next unless defined $data{$host}{$section};
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_TRACEFILES_AT_ALL)
unless defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str};
my $ms = masterSeconds($host, $section);
if (!defined $ms || $ms == 0) {
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_MASTERFILE);
} else {
foreach my $k (keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}}) {
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$k} &&
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$k} != 0 &&
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$k} < $ms) {
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_TIMESTAMPS_BEFORE_MASTER);
foreach my $k (keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}}) {
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$k} &&
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$k} == 0) {
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_INVALID_DATES);
# not implemented yet...
my $mirror_type = getMirrorType($host);
my $credit;
if ($mirror_type != MIRROR_PRIMARY and $mirror_type != MIRROR_ORIGIN) {
$credit = 1;
$credit++ if (defined $ms && $ms != 0);
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}{$host});
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_PRIMARY)
if (scalar keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}} <
if ($mirror_type == MIRROR_SECONDARY) {
$credit = 1;
$credit++ if (defined $ms && $ms != 0);
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}{$host});
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_SECONDARY)
if (scalar keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}} <
my $bo = defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}{$host};
foreach my $h (keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_str}}) {
last if $bo;
$bo = 1 if getOfficialHostname($h, $section) eq $host;
addTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_TRACEFILE_FOR_OWN_MIRROR)
unless $bo;
sub printSectionInfo {
my $sect = shift;
my $i = 1;
my $master_type = ($sect eq 'www')?'www':'ftp';
print H "<h2><a name=\"sect_$sect\">Archive: $sect</h2>\n\n<ul>\n";
my $oldtime = undef;
for my $host (sort {my ($aa, $bb) =
(masterSeconds($a, $sect), masterSeconds($b, $sect));
((defined $bb)?$bb:0) <=> ((defined $aa)?$aa:0)} keys %data) {
next unless (defined $data{$host}{$sect});
next unless validSection($host, $sect);
if ($openedfile{$host}++ < 2) { # hasn't been opened before
if (-f "www/$host.html") {
unlink "www/$host.html" or die "can't remove www/$host.html: $!";
open M, ">>www/$host.html" or die "can't write to www/$host.html: $!";
if ($openedfile{$host}++ < 2) { # hasn't been opened before
print M "<html>\n<head><title>Debian Mirror Checker: $host</title></head>\n<body>\n\n";
print M "<h1 align=center>Debian mirror $host</h1>\n";
print M "<h2><a name=\"sect_$sect\">Archive: $sect</h2>\n\n";
my $ms = masterSeconds($host, $sect);
if (defined $ms) {
if (defined $oldtime && $oldtime > $ms);
$oldtime = $ms;
print H "<li>$i...<a href=\"$host.html#sect_$sect\">$host</a> ";
print M "<p>Level of freshness: $i</p>\n";
print H " [".getMirrorHTMLIDs($host)."] ";
die "can't find Type for $host!" unless defined $addrs{$host}{info}{Type};
print M "<p>Type: ".$addrs{$host}{info}{Type}."</p>\n";
# master time
my $timestr = masterTimeString($host, $sect);
print M "<p>Master time stamp: ";
unless (defined $timestr) {
print H ' [<span class="outofdate">master time stamp N/A</span>] ';
print M '<div class="outofdate">N/A</div>';
} elsif ($timestr eq '') {
print H ' [<span class="outofdate">master time stamp missing!</span>] ';
print M '<div class="outofdate">No master file!</div>';
} else {
my $outofdateclass =
($ms < $timestamps{data_capture_start} - $OutOfDateTime)?
if (defined (my $p = getWorkingProtocol($host, $sect))) {
my $path = getPathForProtocol($host, $sect, $p);
$timestr = "<a $outofdateclass ".
print M "$timestr";
# trace status
my @ts = getTraceEntries($host, $sect);
if (@ts and defined $ms) {
print H " [<a href=\"#tracelegend\">trace</a>: ".join(',', @ts)."] ";
print M "<p>Trace status:\n<ul>";
foreach my $traceerror (@ts) {
print M "<li>$traceerror: $TraceTypeText{$traceerror}\n";
print M "</ul>\n";
# Update in progress
if (checkUpdateInProgress($sect)) {
if ((defined $data{$host}{$sect}{updateInProgess} &&
$data{$host}{$sect}{updateInProgess} == 1)) {
print H " [UIP!] ";
print M "<p>Checked while update was in progress!\n";
print M "<p>Protocols:</p>\n<ul>\n";
foreach my $p (@{$protocols{$sect}}) {
my $pt; my $pth;
if (defined $data{$host}{$sect}{$p}) {
my $err = $data{$host}{$sect}{$p};
my $path = getPathForProtocol($host, $sect, $p);
my $link = "$p://$host$path";
$link .= '/' if $link !~ /\/$/;
if ($err == -1) {
$pt = "<li>$p: <a class=\"inv\" href=\"$link\">ok</a>";
$pth = "";
} else {
$pt = "<li>$p: <b><a class=\"inv\" href=\"$link\">bad</a></b>:\n";
$pth = " <b>[$p bad]</b> ";
my $s = $errors_full[$err-1];
if (defined $s and $s ne "") {
$s =~ s/\n/<br>$&/gs;
$pt .= "<p>$s</p>\n";
} else {
$pt .= "<p>No error text!</p>\n";
} else {
$pt = "";
$pth = "";
print M "$pt";
print H "$pth";
print H "</li>\n";
print M "</ul>\n";
if ($sect eq $sections[-1]) { # last section
print M "</body>\n</html>\n";
close M;
# ok, now the non-checked ones
if (0 && $DisplayNonCheckedHosts) {
for my $host (sort keys %addrs) {
next if (defined $data{$host} && defined $data{$host}{$sect});
next unless validSection($host, $sect);
print H "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>$host</td><td>".getMirrorHTMLIDs($host)."</td>\n";
print H "<td> -- not checked -- </td>";
print H "<td>&nbsp;</td>" if checkUpdateInProgress($sect);
foreach my $p (@{$protocols{$sect}}) {
if (defined $addrs{$host}{$sect}{"path_".$p}) {
my $url = "$p://$host".$addrs{$host}{$sect}{"path_$p"};
$url .= '/' if $url !~ /\/$/;
print H "<td><a class=\"inv\" href=\"$url\">A</a></td>";
} else {
print H "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
print H "</tr>\n";
print H "</ul>\n";
sub printHierarchyList {
my ($section, $pad, $z) = @_;
print H " "x$pad, "<ul>\n";
foreach (keys %$z) {
next if $_ eq '__count__';
my $rs = '';
$rs .= " class=\"misplaced\""
if (isTraceEntry($_, $section, TRACE_NO_PRIMARY) ||
isTraceEntry($_, $section, TRACE_NO_SECONDARY));
print H " "x($pad+1), "<li$rs>$_",
($$z{$_}{__count__} > 1)?" ($$z{$_}{__count__})":'', "</li>\n";
printHierarchyList($section, $pad+1, $$z{$_}) if keys %{$$z{$_}} > 1;
print H " "x$pad, "</ul>\n";
sub constructMatrix {
my ($y, $x, $matrix, $hosts, %z) = @_;
my $ysum=0;
foreach my $z (keys %z) {
next if $z eq '__count__';
#print "II (",$y+$ysum,", $x): ", " "x$x, $z{$z}{'__count__'}, " $z\n";
$matrix->[$y+$ysum][$x] = { "__count__" => $z{$z}{'__count__'}, host => $z};
$hosts->[$y+$ysum] = $z;
my $i = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i < $z{$z}{'__count__'}; $i++) {
$matrix->[$y+$ysum+$i][$x] = { "__count__" => 0};
my $childsum = constructMatrix($y+$ysum, $x+1, $matrix, $hosts, %{$z{$z}});
if ($childsum) {
foreach my $pad (($childsum)..($z{$z}{'__count__'}-1)) {
unless (defined $matrix->[$y+$ysum+$pad][$x+1]) {
$matrix->[$y+$ysum+$pad][$x+1] = { "__count__" => 0, host => '' };
#print "PP (",$y+$ysum+$pad,", ", $x+1, "): ", " "x$x, $z{$z}{'__count__'}, "\n";
$hosts->[$y+$ysum+$pad] = $z;
$ysum += $z{$z}{__count__};
#print "SUM: $ysum\n";
sub printHierarchies {
my ($section) = @_;
my %a;
my $longest = 0;
my $pa;
foreach my $host (keys %data) {
my $mts = masterTimeString($host, $section);
next if !defined $mts || $mts eq '';
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec} ) {
my @tmp =
sort { ($data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$a} || 0xffffffff)
<=> ($data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$b} || 0xffffffff) }
keys %{$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}};
my $ms = masterSeconds($host, $section);
$ms = 0 unless defined $ms;
#print STDERR "Unoff: ", join(", ", @tmp), "\n";
my @tmpoff = map { getOfficialHostname($_, $section) } @tmp;
#print STDERR "Off: ", join(", ", @tmpoff), "\n";
$longest = @tmp if $longest < @tmp;
$pa = \%a;
push @tmp, $host;
push @tmpoff, $host;
for (my $t = 0; $t <= $#tmp; $t++) {
if (defined $data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$tmp[$t]} &&
$data{$host}{$section}{timestamps_sec}{$tmp[$t]} < $ms);
next if ($t < $#tmp && areHostsEqual($tmp[$t], $tmp[$t+1]));
#print "$tmpoff[$t] ";
$pa->{$tmpoff[$t]} = {} unless defined $pa->{$tmpoff[$t]};
$pa = $pa->{$tmpoff[$t]};
#print "\n";
#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%a], ['*a']), "\n";
my @matrix = ();
my @hosts = ();
constructMatrix(0, 0, \@matrix, \@hosts, %a);
#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@matrix], ['*matrix']), "\n";
#print join("_", map { (defined)?$_:'U' }@hosts), "\n";
my $maxwidth = 0;
for (my $y=0; $y <= $#matrix; $y++ ) {
$maxwidth = @{$matrix[$y]} if @{$matrix[$y]} > $maxwidth;
print H "<table style=\"font-size: 60%\" align=\"center\" border=\"1\">\n";
print H "<tr>";
my @headertitles = qw(Host Master Primary Secondary/Leaf Leaf...);
$maxwidth = @headertitles-1 if @headertitles <= $maxwidth;
for (0..$maxwidth) {
print H "<th>$headertitles[$_]</th>";
print H "</tr>\n";
for (my $y=0; $y <= $#matrix; $y++ ){
# we prefer HTTP for links
my $p = 'http';
$p = getWorkingProtocol($hosts[$y], $section)
if (!isProtocolHTTPWorking($hosts[$y], $section));
next unless defined $p;
print H " <tr>\n <td><i>";
my $url = "$p://".$hosts[$y].getPathForProtocol($hosts[$y], $section, $p);
$url .= '/' if $url !~ /\/$/;
print H "<a class=\"inv\" href=\"$url\">",
((defined $hosts[$y])?$hosts[$y]:'&nbsp;'), "</a>";
print H "</i></td>\n";
for (my $x=0; $x < @{$matrix[$y]}; $x++) {
if (defined $matrix[$y][$x]) {
if ($matrix[$y][$x]{__count__}) {
my $host = $matrix[$y][$x]{host};
my $count = $matrix[$y][$x]{__count__};
my $td;
if (defined ($p = getWorkingProtocol($host, $section))) {
$p = 'http' if isProtocolHTTPWorking($host, $section);
$td = $addrs{$host}{$section}{tracedir};
$url = "$p://".$host.getPathForProtocol($host, $section, $p).'/'.$td;
$url .= '/' if $url !~ /\/$/;
my $rs = '';
my $as = '';
$rs .= " rowspan=\"$count\"" if $count > 1;
if (isTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_PRIMARY) ||
isTraceEntry($host, $section, TRACE_NO_SECONDARY)) {
$as = ' class="misplaced"';
$rs .= $as if !defined $td;
} else {
$as .= ' class="inv"';
print H
" <td$rs>", (defined $td)?"<a$as href=\"$url\">":'',
($count > 1)?($count.'-'):'', $host,
(defined $td)?'</a>':'', "</td>\n"
} elsif (defined $matrix[$y][$x]{host}) {
print H " <td> &lt;----- </td>\n";
print H " </tr>\n";
print H "</table>\n";
print H "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
print H "<div style=\"font-size: 90%\">\n";
printHierarchyList($section, 0, \%a);
print H "</div>\n";
## ####### ####### ###### # #####
print H "<p align=\"center\">".join(", ", map {"<a href=\"#sect_$_\">$_</a>" } @sections);
foreach my $sect (@sections) {
print H "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"#legend\">see legend</a></p>";
print H '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
# printHierarchies($sect);
# legend
print H <<EOF;
<h3><a name="legend">Legend</a></h3>
<table border="0">
<td valign="top">UIP!</td>
<td>Archive_update_in_progress file found</td>
<td valign="top">T</td>
<li>P: Push-Primary
<li>S: Push-Secondary
<li>L: Leaf
<li>?: not in DB (will be leaf, of course)
print H "<p><a name=\"tracelegend\">Trace errors</a>:\n<table>\n";
foreach my $k (keys %TraceTypeText) {
print H "<tr><td>$k:&nbsp;</td><td>$TraceTypeText{$k}</td></tr>\n";
print H "</table></p>\n";
print H <<EOF;
<hr noshade size="1">
HostPattern: $hostpattern
close H;