#!/usr/bin/python # This file updates the orion routing table. # Put it at /usr/local/sbin/orionroutes.py # Configuration ORION_TABLE = 1 # from /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ORION_REALMS = 1 # from /etc/iproute2/rt_realms ORION_VIAS = [ "", "", "" ] ORION_GW = "" ORION_SRC = "" ORION_IFACE = "eth0" # Don't touch anything beyond here import sys, iplib, SubnetTree from ctypes import * NETLINK_ROUTE = 0 AF_UNSPEC = 0 RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE = 0 RTPROT_STATIC = 4 NLM_F_REPLACE = 0x100 def die(msg): sys.stderr.write("orionroutes.py: %s\n" % msg) sys.exit(1) try: libnl = cdll.LoadLibrary("libnl.so.1") nl_geterror = CFUNCTYPE(c_char_p) (("nl_geterror", libnl), None) nl_handle_alloc = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p) (("nl_handle_alloc", libnl), None) nl_connect = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("nl_connect", libnl), ((1, "handle", None), (1, "type", NETLINK_ROUTE))) rtnl_route_alloc = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p) (("rtnl_route_alloc", libnl), None) rtnl_link_alloc_cache = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_link_alloc_cache", libnl), ((1, "handle", None), )) rtnl_link_name2i = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_char_p) \ (("rtnl_link_name2i", libnl), ((1, "cache", None), (1, "iface", -1))) rtnl_route_set_oif = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_set_oif", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "iface", -1))) nl_cache_free = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p) \ (("nl_cache_free", libnl), ((1, "cache", None), )) nl_addr_parse = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int) \ (("nl_addr_parse", libnl), ((1, "dst", None), (1, "family", AF_UNSPEC))) rtnl_route_set_dst = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_set_dst", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "dst", None))) rtnl_route_set_pref_src = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_set_pref_src", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "src", None))) nl_addr_put = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p) \ (("nl_addr_put", libnl), ((1, "addr", None), )) rtnl_route_set_gateway = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_set_gateway", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "gw", None))) rtnl_route_set_table = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_set_table", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "table", -1))) rtnl_route_set_scope = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_set_scope", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "scope", -1))) rtnl_route_set_protocol = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_set_protocol", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "proto", -1))) rtnl_route_set_realms = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_set_realms", libnl), ((1, "route", None), (1, "realms", -1))) rtnl_route_add = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_add", libnl), ((1, "handle", None), (1, "route", None), (1, "flags", 0))) rtnl_route_put = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_put", libnl), ((1, "route", None), )) nl_handle_destroy = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p) \ (("nl_handle_destroy", libnl), ((1, "handle", None), )) rtnl_route_alloc_cache = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_alloc_cache", libnl), ((1, "handle", None), )) nl_cache_get_first = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("nl_cache_get_first", libnl), ((1, "cache", None), )) rtnl_route_get_table = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_get_table", libnl), ((1, "route", None), )) rtnl_route_get_dst = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("rtnl_route_get_dst", libnl), ((1, "route", None), )) nl_addr2str = CFUNCTYPE(c_char_p, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int) \ (("nl_addr2str", libnl), ((1, "addr", None), (1, "buffer", None), (1, "size", 0))) rtnl_route_del = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int) \ (("rtnl_route_del", libnl), ((1, "handle", None), (1, "route", None), (1, "flags", 0))) nl_cache_get_next = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p) \ (("nl_cache_get_next", libnl), ((1, "object", None), )) except Exception,e: die("Failed to load libnl: %s" % e) def nl_die(func): die("%s: %s" % (func, nl_geterror())) ips = [[] for i in range(33)] for line in sys.stdin: try: ip, mask, via = line.strip().split(',')[0:3] except KeyError, ValueError: die("Malformed line: %s" % line.strip()) if via not in ORION_VIAS: continue bits = int(iplib.IPv4NetMask(mask).get_bits()) ips[bits].append(int(iplib.IPv4Address(ip))) count = sum([len(ip_list) for ip_list in ips]) if count < 10: die("Not enough routes (got %d)" % count) cidrs = [] for bits in range(32, 1, -1): ips[bits].sort() last_ip = 0 for ip in ips[bits]: if ip != last_ip and (ip ^ last_ip) == (1 << (32 - bits)): ips[bits - 1].append(ip & (((1 << (bits - 1)) - 1) << (32 - (bits - 1)))) last_ip = 0 elif last_ip != 0: cidrs.append((iplib.IPv4Address(last_ip), bits)) last_ip = ip if last_ip != 0: cidrs.append((iplib.IPv4Address(last_ip), bits)) nlh = nl_handle_alloc() if nlh == None: nl_die("nl_handle_alloc") if nl_connect(nlh, NETLINK_ROUTE) < 0: nl_die("nl_connect") link_cache = rtnl_link_alloc_cache(nlh) if link_cache == None: nl_die("rtnl_link_alloc") iface = rtnl_link_name2i(link_cache, ORION_IFACE) if iface < 0: nl_die("rtnl_link_name2i") nl_cache_free(link_cache) cidrs.sort(lambda (ip1, bits1), (ip2, bits2): cmp(ip1, ip2) if bits1 == bits2 else (bits1 - bits2)) tree = SubnetTree.SubnetTree() for (ip, bits) in cidrs: if str(ip) not in tree: cidr = "%s/%s" % (ip, bits) tree[cidr] = None route = rtnl_route_alloc() if route == None: nl_die("rtnl_route_alloc") dstaddr = nl_addr_parse(cidr, AF_UNSPEC) if dstaddr == None: nl_die("nl_addr_parse(%s)" % cidr) if rtnl_route_set_dst(route, dstaddr) < 0: nl_die("rtnl_route_set_dst") nl_addr_put(dstaddr) srcaddr = nl_addr_parse(ORION_SRC, AF_UNSPEC) if srcaddr == None: nl_die("nl_addr_parse(%s)" % ORION_SRC) if rtnl_route_set_pref_src(route, srcaddr) < 0: nl_die("nl_route_set_pref_src") nl_addr_put(srcaddr) gwaddr = nl_addr_parse(ORION_GW, AF_UNSPEC) if gwaddr == None: nl_die("nl_addr_parse(%s)" % ORION_GW) if rtnl_route_set_gateway(route, gwaddr) < 0: nl_die("nl_route_set_gateway") nl_addr_put(gwaddr) rtnl_route_set_oif(route, iface) rtnl_route_set_table(route, ORION_TABLE) rtnl_route_set_scope(route, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE) rtnl_route_set_protocol(route, RTPROT_STATIC) rtnl_route_set_realms(route, ORION_REALMS) if rtnl_route_add(nlh, route, NLM_F_REPLACE) < 0: nl_die("rtnl_route_add(dst=%s)" % cidr) rtnl_route_put(route) route_cache = rtnl_route_alloc_cache(nlh) if route_cache == None: nl_die("rtnl_route_alloc_cache") dstaddr_s = create_string_buffer(100) route = nl_cache_get_first(route_cache) while route != None: table = rtnl_route_get_table(route) if table != ORION_TABLE: route = nl_cache_get_next(route) continue dstaddr = rtnl_route_get_dst(route) if dstaddr == None: continue if nl_addr2str(dstaddr, dstaddr_s, sizeof(dstaddr_s)) == None: nl_die("nl_addr2str") dstaddr = str(repr(dstaddr_s.value)).strip('\'').split('/')[0] if dstaddr not in tree: rtnl_route_del(nlh, route, 0) route = nl_cache_get_next(route) nl_cache_free(route_cache) nl_handle_destroy(nlh)