#!/bin/bash # Source: https://git.server-speed.net/users/flo/bin/plain/syncrepo.sh # as recommended in our request to become Tier 1: # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/52853 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 local_dir" exit 1 fi umask 022 ADDRESS=$(cat ~/config/ADDRESS) # This is a simple mirroring script. To save bandwidth it first checks a # timestamp via HTTP and only runs rsync when the timestamp differs from the # local copy. As of 2016, a single rsync run without changes transfers roughly # 6MiB of data which adds up to roughly 250GiB of traffic per month when rsync # is run every minute. Performing a simple check via HTTP first can thus save a # lot of traffic. home="/home/mirror" target=/mirror/root/$1 tmp="${home}/tmp" lock="${tmp}/mirrorsync-$1.lck" # NOTE: You'll probably want to change this or remove the --bwlimit setting in # the rsync call below bwlimit=4096 # NOTE: most people reading this very likely need to change this since # rsync.archlinux.org requires you to be a tier 1 mirror source='rsync://rsync.archlinux.org/ftp_tier1' lastupdate_url="http://rsync.archlinux.org/lastupdate" [ ! -d "${target}" ] && mkdir -p "${target}" [ ! -d "${tmp}" ] && mkdir -p "${tmp}" exec 9>"${lock}" flock -n 9 || exit # if we are called without a tty (cronjob) only run when there are changes if ! tty -s && diff -b <(curl --interface $ADDRESS -s "$lastupdate_url") "$target/lastupdate" >/dev/null; then date +'%s' > "$target/lastsync" exit 0 fi if ! stty &>/dev/null; then QUIET="-q" fi # this can be added into the rsync: --bwlimit=$bwlimit \ # --exclude='/iso' \ # --exclude='*.links.tar.gz*' \ # --exclude='/other' \ # --exclude='/sources' \ rsync -rtlvH --safe-links --delete-after --progress -h ${QUIET} --timeout=600 --contimeout=60 -p \ --delay-updates --no-motd \ --temp-dir="${tmp}" \ --stats \ --log-file=$home/merlin/logs/$1.log \ --address=$ADDRESS \ ${source} \ "${target}" date +'%s' > "$target/lastsync" #echo "Last sync was $(date -d @$(cat ${target}/lastsync))"