package config import ( "errors" "os" "reflect" "testing" "" ) func TestTouchFiles(t *testing.T) { files := []string{ "/tmp/merlin_touch_test_1", "/tmp/merlin_touch_test_2", "/tmp/merlin_touch_test_3", } touch(files[0], files[1], files[2]) for _, file := range files { if _, err := os.Stat(file); err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } else if err := os.Remove(file); err != nil { t.Errorf(err.Error()) } } } func TestPanicIfErr(t *testing.T) { panicIfErr(nil) defer func() { recover() }() panicIfErr(errors.New("AAAAAAAAAA")) t.Errorf("panicIfErr should have panicked") } func TestLoadConfig(t *testing.T) { doneChan := make(chan SyncResult) stopChan := make(chan struct{}) LoadConfig("config_test.ini", doneChan, stopChan) expectedConfig := Config{ MaxJobs: 6, IPv4Address: "", IPv6Address: "2620:101:f000:4901:c5c::129", DefaultSyncType: "csc-sync-standard", DefaultFrequencyStr: "daily", DefaultMaxTime: 1000, DefaultMaxRsyncIO: 0, DownloadDir: "test_files/download", StateDir: "test_files", RepoLogDir: "test_files/log", RsyncLogDir: "test_files/rsync", ZfssyncLogDir: "test_files/zfssync", SockPath: "test_files/test.sock", } expectedRepo1 := Repo{ Name: "eelinux", SyncType: "csc-sync-nonstandard", FrequencyStr: "tri-hourly", Frequency: 10800, MaxTime: 2000, MaxRsyncIO: 100, LocalDir: "eelinux", RsyncHost: "", RsyncDir: "releases", StateFile: "test_files/eelinux", RepoLogFile: "test_files/log/eelinux.log", Logger: Repos[0].Logger, RsyncLogFile: "test_files/rsync/eelinux-rsync.log", ZfssyncLogFile: "test_files/zfssync/eelinux-zfssync.log", DoneChan: doneChan, StopChan: stopChan, State: &RepoState{ IsRunning: false, LastAttemptStartTime: 1600000000, LastAttemptRunTime: 100, LastAttemptExit: 1, }, } expectedRepo2 := Repo{ Name: "yoland", SyncType: "csc-sync-standard", FrequencyStr: "daily", Frequency: 86400, MaxTime: 1000, MaxRsyncIO: 0, LocalDir: "yoland-releases", RsyncHost: "", RsyncDir: "releases", StateFile: "test_files/yoland", RepoLogFile: "test_files/log/yoland.log", Logger: Repos[1].Logger, RsyncLogFile: "test_files/rsync/yoland-rsync.log", ZfssyncLogFile: "test_files/zfssync/yoland-zfssync.log", DoneChan: doneChan, StopChan: stopChan, State: &RepoState{ IsRunning: false, LastAttemptStartTime: 0, LastAttemptRunTime: 0, LastAttemptExit: 0, }, } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedConfig, Conf) { t.Errorf("Config loaded does not match expected config") spew.Dump(expectedConfig) spew.Dump(Conf) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedRepo1, *Repos[0]) { t.Errorf("The eelinux repo loaded does not match the exected repo config") spew.Dump(expectedRepo1) spew.Dump(*Repos[0]) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedRepo2, *Repos[1]) { t.Errorf("The yoland repo loaded does not match the exected repo config") spew.Dump(expectedRepo2) spew.Dump(*Repos[1]) } os.Remove("test_files/yoland") os.RemoveAll("test_files/log") os.RemoveAll("test_files/rsync") os.RemoveAll("test_files/zfssync") }