#! /bin/bash set -e TOP_DIR=/mirror TO=$TOP_DIR/root/debian-cd RSYNC_HOST=cdimage.debian.org RSYNC_DIR=debian-cd LOGDIR=/var/log/mirror/debian-cd_cdimage.debian.org ADDRESS=$(cat ~/config/ADDRESS) mkdir -p $LOGDIR # LOCK_TIMEOUT is a timeout in minutes. Defaults to 360 (6 hours). # This program creates a lock to ensure that only one copy # of it is mirroring any one archive at any one time. # Locks held for longer than the timeout are broken, unless # a running rsync process appears to be connected to $RSYNC_HOST. LOCK_TIMEOUT=360 # There should be no need to edit anything below this point, unless there # are problems. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # If you are accessing a rsync server/module which is password-protected, # uncomment the following lines (and edit the other file). # . ftpsync.conf export RSYNC_PASSWORD if [[ "$RSYNC_USER" != "" ]]; then RSYNC_HOST=$RSYNC_USER@$RSYNC_HOST fi #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Check for some environment variables if [ -z $TO ] || [ -z $RSYNC_HOST ] || [ -z $RSYNC_DIR ] || [ -z $LOGDIR ]; then echo "One of the following variables seems to be empty:" echo "TO, RSYNC_HOST, RSYNC_DIR or LOGDIR" exit 2 fi # Note: on some non-Debian systems, hostname doesn't accept -f option. # If that's the case on your system, make sure hostname prints the full # hostname, and remove the -f option. If there's no hostname command, # explicitly replace `hostname -f` with the hostname. HOSTNAME=`hostname -f` # The hostname must match the "Site" field written in the list of mirrors. # If hostname doesn't returns the correct value, fill and uncomment below HOSTNAME=mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca LOCK="${TO}/Archive-Update-in-Progress-${HOSTNAME}" # The temp directory used by rsync --delay-updates is not # world-readable remotely. It must be excluded to avoid errors. TMP_EXCLUDE="--exclude .~tmp~/" # Logfile LOGFILE=$LOGDIR/mirror.log # Get in the right directory and set the umask to be group writable # cd $HOME umask 002 # Check to see if another sync is in progress if [ -f "$LOCK" ]; then # Note: this requires the findutils find; for other finds, adjust as necessary if [ "`find $LOCK -maxdepth 1 -amin -$LOCK_TIMEOUT`" = "" ]; then # Note: this requires the procps ps; for other ps', adjust as necessary if ps ax | grep '[r]'sync | grep -q $RSYNC_HOST; then echo "stale lock found, but a rsync is still running, aiee!" >&2 exit 1 else echo "stale lock found (not accessed in the last $LOCK_TIMEOUT minutes), forcing update!" rm -f $LOCK fi else echo "current lock file exists, unable to start rsync!" exit 1 fi fi touch $LOCK # Note: on some non-Debian systems, trap doesn't accept "exit" as signal # specification. If that's the case on your system, try using "0". trap "rm -f $LOCK" exit set +e # Now sync the remaining stuff nice rsync -rlHtvp --delete \ --timeout=3600 -4 --address=$ADDRESS $TMP_EXCLUDE \ --exclude "Archive-Update-in-Progress-${HOSTNAME}" \ $RSYNC_HOST::$RSYNC_DIR $TO >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Help, something weird happened" | tee -a $LOGFILE echo "mirroring /pool exited with exitcode" $result | tee -a $LOGFILE fi savelog $LOGFILE >/dev/null rm $LOCK