
284 lines
8.8 KiB

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "ceo.pb-c.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "gss.h"
#include "krb5.h"
#include "ldap.h"
#include "kadm.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "strbuf.h"
char *prog;
static const int MAX_MESSAGES = 32;
static const int MAX_MESGSIZE = 512;
char *user_types[] = {
[CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__MEMBER] = "member",
[CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__CLUB] = "club",
Ceo__AddUserResponse *response_create(void) {
Ceo__AddUserResponse *r = xmalloc(sizeof(Ceo__AddUserResponse));
r->n_messages = 0;
r->messages = xmalloc(MAX_MESSAGES * sizeof(Ceo__StatusMessage *));
return r;
int32_t response_message(Ceo__AddUserResponse *r, int32_t status, char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
Ceo__StatusMessage *statusmsg = xmalloc(sizeof(Ceo__StatusMessage));
char *message = xmalloc(MAX_MESGSIZE);
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(message, MAX_MESGSIZE, fmt, args);
statusmsg->status = status;
statusmsg->message = message;
if (r->n_messages >= MAX_MESSAGES)
fatal("too many messages");
r->messages[r->n_messages++] = statusmsg;
if (status)
error("%s", message);
notice("%s", message);
return status;
void response_delete(Ceo__AddUserResponse *r) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < r->n_messages; i++) {
static int check_adduser(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out, char *client) {
int office = check_group(client, "office");
int syscom = check_group(client, "syscom");
notice("adding uid=%s cn=%s by %s", in->username, in->realname, client);
if (!office && !syscom)
return response_message(out, EPERM, "%s not authorized to create users", client);
if (!in->username)
return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: username");
if (!in->realname)
return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: realname");
if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__MEMBER) {
if (!in->password)
return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: password");
} else if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__CLUB) {
if (in->password)
return response_message(out, EINVAL, "club accounts cannot have passwords");
if (in->program)
return response_message(out, EINVAL, "club accounts cannot have programs");
} else {
return response_message(out, EINVAL, "invalid user type: %d", in->type);
if (getpwnam(in->username) != NULL)
return response_message(out, EEXIST, "user %s already exists", in->username);
if (getgrnam(in->username) != NULL)
return response_message(out, EEXIST, "group %s already exists", in->username);
if (ceo_user_exists(in->username))
return response_message(out, EEXIST, "user %s already exists in LDAP", in->username);
if (ceo_group_exists(in->username))
return response_message(out, EEXIST, "group %s already exists in LDAP", in->username);
return 0;
static void adduser_spam(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out, char *client, char *prog, int status) {
char *argv[] = {
notify_hook, prog, client,
in->username, in->realname, in->program ?: "",
status ? "failure" : "success", NULL
struct strbuf message = STRBUF_INIT;
for (int i = 0; i < out->n_messages; i++)
strbuf_addf(&message, "%s\n", out->messages[i]->message);
spawnv_msg(notify_hook, argv, &message);
static int32_t addmember(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out) {
char homedir[1024];
int user_stat, group_stat, krb_stat;
int id;
if (snprintf(homedir, sizeof(homedir), "%s/%s",
member_home, in->username) >= sizeof(homedir))
fatal("homedir overflow");
if ((id = ceo_new_uid(member_min_id, member_max_id)) <= 0)
fatal("no available uids in range [%ld, %ld]", member_min_id, member_max_id);
if ((krb_stat = ceo_del_princ(in->username)))
return response_message(out, EEXIST, "unable to overwrite orphaned kerberos principal %s", in->username);
if ((krb_stat = ceo_add_princ(in->username, in->password)))
return response_message(out, EKERB, "unable to create kerberos principal %s", in->username);
response_message(out, 0, "successfully created principal");
if ((user_stat = ceo_add_user(in->username, users_base, "member", in->realname, homedir,
member_shell, id, "program", in->program, NULL)))
return response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap account %s", in->username);
response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap account");
/* errors that occur after this point are not fatal */
if ((group_stat = ceo_add_group(in->username, groups_base, id)))
response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap group %s", in->username);
response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap group");
return krb_stat || user_stat || group_stat;
static int32_t addclub(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out) {
char homedir[1024];
int krb_stat, user_stat, group_stat, sudo_stat;
int id;
if (snprintf(homedir, sizeof(homedir), "%s/%s",
club_home, in->username) >= sizeof(homedir))
fatal("homedir overflow");
if ((id = ceo_new_uid(club_min_id, club_max_id)) <= 0)
fatal("no available uids in range [%ld, %ld]", club_min_id, club_max_id);
if ((krb_stat = ceo_del_princ(in->username)))
return response_message(out, EKERB, "unable to clear principal %s", in->username);
if ((user_stat = ceo_add_user(in->username, users_base, "club", in->realname, homedir,
club_shell, id, NULL)))
return response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap account %s", in->username);
response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap account");
/* errors that occur after this point are not fatal */
if ((group_stat = ceo_add_group(in->username, groups_base, id)))
response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap group %s", in->username);
response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap group");
if ((sudo_stat = ceo_add_group_sudo(in->username, sudo_base)))
response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap sudoers %s", in->username);
response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap sudoers");
return user_stat || group_stat || sudo_stat;
static int32_t adduser(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out, char *client) {
int32_t chk_stat, status;
char *prog;
chk_stat = check_adduser(in, out, client);
if (chk_stat)
return chk_stat;
if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__MEMBER) {
status = addmember(in, out);
prog = "addmember";
} else if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__CLUB) {
status = addclub(in, out);
prog = "addclub";
} else {
fatal("unknown user type %d", in->type);
if (status)
response_message(out, 0, "there were failures, please contact systems committee");
adduser_spam(in, out, client, prog, status);
return status;
void cmd_adduser(void) {
Ceo__AddUser *in_proto;
Ceo__AddUserResponse *out_proto = response_create();
struct strbuf in = STRBUF_INIT;
struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
if (strbuf_read(&in, STDIN_FILENO, 0) < 0)
in_proto = ceo__add_user__unpack(&protobuf_c_default_allocator,
in.len, (uint8_t *)in.buf);
if (!in_proto)
fatal("malformed add user message");
char *client = getenv("CEO_USER");
if (!client)
fatal("environment variable CEO_USER is not set");
adduser(in_proto, out_proto, client);
strbuf_grow(&out, ceo__add_user_response__get_packed_size(out_proto));
strbuf_setlen(&out, ceo__add_user_response__pack(out_proto, (uint8_t *)out.buf));
full_write(STDOUT_FILENO, out.buf, out.len);
ceo__add_user__free_unpacked(in_proto, &protobuf_c_default_allocator);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
prog = basename(argv[0]);
init_log(prog, LOG_PID, LOG_AUTHPRIV);
if (setenv("KRB5CCNAME", "MEMORY:adduser", 1))
return 0;