
135 lines
3.6 KiB

from xml.dom import minidom, Node
import urllib
import time
class PyMazonError(Exception):
"""Holds information about an error that occured during a pymazon request"""
def __init__(self, messages):
self.__message = '\n'.join(messages)
def __get_message(self):
return self.__message
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.__message)
message = property(fget=__get_message)
class PyMazonBook:
"""Stores information about a book retrieved via PyMazon."""
def __init__(self, title, authors, publisher, year, isbn10, isbn13, edition):
self.__title = title
self.__authors = authors
self.__publisher = publisher
self.__year = year
self.__isbn10 = isbn10
self.__isbn13 = isbn13
self.__edition = edition
def __str__(self):
return 'Title: ' + self.title + '\n' + \
'Author(s): ' + ', '.join(self.authors) + '\n' \
'Publisher: ' + self.publisher + '\n' + \
'Year: ' + self.year + '\n' + \
'ISBN-10: ' + self.isbn10 + '\n' + \
'ISBN-13: ' + self.isbn13 + '\n' + \
'Edition: ' + self.edition
def __get_title(self):
return self.__title
def __get_authors(self):
return self.__authors
def __get_publisher(self):
return self.__publisher
def __get_year(self):
return self.__year
def __get_isbn10(self):
return self.__isbn10
def __get_isbn13(self):
return self.__isbn13
def __get_edition(self):
return self.__edition
title = property(fget=__get_title)
authors = property(fget=__get_authors)
publisher = property(fget=__get_publisher)
year = property(fget=__get_year)
isbn10 = property(fget=__get_isbn10)
isbn13 = property(fget=__get_isbn13)
edition = property(fget=__get_edition)
class PyMazon:
"""A method of looking up book information on Amazon."""
def __init__(self, accesskey):
self.__key = accesskey
self.__last_query_time = 0
def __form_request(self, isbn):
return '' + \
'Service=AWSECommerceService' + \
'&Version=2008-08-19' + \
'&AWSAccessKeyId=' + self.__key + \
'&Operation=ItemLookup' + \
'&ResponseGroup=ItemAttributes' + \
'&IdType=ISBN' + \
'&SearchIndex=Books' + \
'&ItemId=' + isbn
def __elements_text(self, element, name):
result = []
matching = element.getElementsByTagName(name)
for match in matching:
if len(match.childNodes) != 1:
child = match.firstChild
if child.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE:
return result
def __format_errors(self, errors):
error_list = []
for error in errors:
error_list.extend(self.__elements_text(error, 'Message'))
return error_list
def __extract_single(self, element, name):
matches = self.__elements_text(element, name)
if len(matches) == 0:
return ''
return matches[0]
def lookup(self, isbn):
file = urllib.urlretrieve(self.__form_request(isbn))[0]
xmldoc = minidom.parse(file)
cur_time = time.time()
while cur_time - self.__last_query_time < 1.0:
sleep(cur_time - self.__last_query_time)
cur_time = time.time()
self.__last_query_time = cur_time
errors = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Errors')
if len(errors) != 0:
raise PyMazonError, self.__format_errors(errors)
title = self.__extract_single(xmldoc, 'Title')
authors = self.__elements_text(xmldoc, 'Author')
publisher = self.__extract_single(xmldoc, 'Publisher')
year = self.__extract_single(xmldoc, 'PublicationDate')[0:4]
isbn10 = self.__extract_single(xmldoc, 'ISBN')
isbn13 = self.__extract_single(xmldoc, 'EAN')
edition = self.__extract_single(xmldoc, 'Edition')
return PyMazonBook(title, authors, publisher, year, isbn10, isbn13, edition)