From 470b442e4c183860596c45dc8af756e4da258ab5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max Erenberg <> Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 01:51:06 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] use CloudResourceManager --- .drone/mock_kubectl | 14 +- .../interfaces/ | 16 ++ ceo_common/interfaces/ | 42 ---- ceo_common/interfaces/ | 26 ++ ceo_common/interfaces/ | 7 + ceo_common/interfaces/ | 7 +- ceo_common/interfaces/ | 3 +- ceod/api/ | 21 +- ceod/api/ | 23 +- ceod/model/ | 111 +++++++++ ceod/model/ | 232 ------------------ ceod/model/ | 100 ++++++++ ceod/model/ | 39 ++- ceod/model/ | 52 +++- ceod/model/ | 3 +- ceod/model/ | 60 ++++- tests/ceod/api/ | 19 +- tests/ceod/model/ | 27 ++ tests/ceod/model/ | 50 +++- tests/ | 37 ++- 20 files changed, 544 insertions(+), 345 deletions(-) create mode 100644 ceo_common/interfaces/ delete mode 100644 ceo_common/interfaces/ create mode 100644 ceo_common/interfaces/ create mode 100644 ceod/model/ delete mode 100644 ceod/model/ create mode 100644 ceod/model/ create mode 100644 tests/ceod/model/ diff --git a/.drone/mock_kubectl b/.drone/mock_kubectl index 1d80e5a..b90de40 100644 --- a/.drone/mock_kubectl +++ b/.drone/mock_kubectl @@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ elif [ "$1" = delete ]; then elif [ "$1" = certificate ]; then exit elif [ "$1" = get ]; then - if [ "$2" = csr -a "$4" = "-o" ]; then - if [ "$5" = 'jsonpath={.status.conditions[0].type}' ]; then - echo -n Approved - exit - elif [ "$5" = 'jsonpath={.status.certificate}' ]; then - echo -n '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' - exit - fi + if [ "$2" = csr -a "$4" = "-o" -a "$5" = 'jsonpath={.status.certificate}' ]; then + echo -n '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' + exit + elif [ "$2" = namespaces ]; then + echo '{"items":[{"metadata":{"name":"default"}}]}' + exit fi fi echo 'Unrecognized command' diff --git a/ceo_common/interfaces/ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6f4045 --- /dev/null +++ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +from typing import Dict + +from zope.interface import Interface + + +class ICloudResourceManager(Interface): + """Manages multiple cloud resources for each user.""" + + def purge_accounts() -> Dict: + """ + Delete cloud resources for expired CSC accounts. + A warning message will be emailed to users one week before their + cloud account is deleted. + Another message will be emailed to the users after their cloud account + has been deleted. + """ diff --git a/ceo_common/interfaces/ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8f58a5c..0000000 --- a/ceo_common/interfaces/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -from typing import Dict, List - -from zope.interface import Interface - -from .IUser import IUser - - -class ICloudService(Interface): - """Performs operations on the CSC Cloud.""" - - def create_account(user: IUser): - """ - Activate an LDAP account in CloudStack for the given user. - """ - - def purge_accounts() -> Dict: - """ - Delete CloudStack accounts which correspond to expired CSC accounts. - A warning message will be emailed to users one week before their - cloud account is deleted. - Another message will be emailed to the users after their cloud account - has been deleted. - """ - - def create_vhost(username: str, domain: str, ip_address: str): - """ - Create a new vhost record for the given domain and IP address. - """ - - def delete_vhost(username: str, domain: str): - """ - Delete the vhost record for the given user and domain. - """ - - def get_vhosts(username: str) -> List[Dict]: - """ - Get the vhost records for the given user. Each record has the form - { - "domain": "", - "ip_address": "" - } - """ diff --git a/ceo_common/interfaces/ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e0ea73 --- /dev/null +++ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +from typing import Dict + +from zope.interface import Interface + +from .IUser import IUser + + +class ICloudStackService(Interface): + """Provides a way to interact with a CloudStack management server.""" + + def create_account(user: IUser): + """ + Activate an LDAP account in CloudStack for the given user. + """ + + def get_accounts() -> Dict[str, str]: + """ + Get the users who have active CloudStack accounts. + The dict is mapping of usernames to account IDs. + """ + + def delete_account(account_id: str): + """ + Delete the given CloudStack account. + Note that a CloudStack account ID must be given, not a username. + """ diff --git a/ceo_common/interfaces/ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ index 9dba2d3..d700ea5 100644 --- a/ceo_common/interfaces/ +++ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +from typing import List + from zope.interface import Interface @@ -15,3 +17,8 @@ class IKubernetesService(Interface): """ Delete the k8s namespace for the given user. """ + + def get_accounts() -> List[str]: + """ + Get a list of users who have k8s namespaces. + """ diff --git a/ceo_common/interfaces/ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ index 7f04b69..24cab8c 100644 --- a/ceo_common/interfaces/ +++ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class IVHostManager(Interface): """ Get the vhost records for the given user. Each record has the form { - "domain": "", + "domain": "", "ip_address": "" } """ @@ -46,3 +46,8 @@ class IVHostManager(Interface): Returns true iff ip_address is a valid proxy_pass target in NGINX and falls within the acceptable IP range. """ + + def get_accounts() -> List[str]: + """ + Get a list of users who have at least one vhost record. + """ diff --git a/ceo_common/interfaces/ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ index 02adf9b..72c9090 100644 --- a/ceo_common/interfaces/ +++ b/ceo_common/interfaces/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -from .ICloudService import ICloudService +from .ICloudResourceManager import ICloudResourceManager +from .ICloudStackService import ICloudStackService from .IKerberosService import IKerberosService from .IConfig import IConfig from .IUser import IUser diff --git a/ceod/api/ b/ceod/api/ index 7bde4bf..9c5f1a4 100644 --- a/ceod/api/ +++ b/ceod/api/ @@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ from zope import component from .error_handlers import register_error_handlers from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig, IKerberosService, ILDAPService, IFileService, \ IMailmanService, IMailService, IUWLDAPService, IHTTPClient, IDatabaseService, \ - ICloudService, IKubernetesService + ICloudStackService, ICloudResourceManager, IKubernetesService, IVHostManager from ceo_common.model import Config, HTTPClient, RemoteMailmanService from ceod.api.spnego import init_spnego from ceod.model import KerberosService, LDAPService, FileService, \ - MailmanService, MailService, UWLDAPService, CloudService, KubernetesService + MailmanService, MailService, UWLDAPService, CloudStackService, \ + CloudResourceManager, KubernetesService, VHostManager from ceod.db import MySQLService, PostgreSQLService @@ -114,20 +115,24 @@ def register_services(app): uwldap_srv = UWLDAPService() component.provideUtility(uwldap_srv, IUWLDAPService) - # MySQLService + # MySQLService, PostgreSQLService if hostname == cfg.get('ceod_database_host'): mysql_srv = MySQLService() component.provideUtility(mysql_srv, IDatabaseService, 'mysql') - # PostgreSQLService - if hostname == cfg.get('ceod_database_host'): psql_srv = PostgreSQLService() component.provideUtility(psql_srv, IDatabaseService, 'postgresql') - # CloudService, KubernetesService + # CloudStackService, CloudResourceManager, VHostManager, KubernetesService if hostname == cfg.get('ceod_cloud_host'): - cloud_srv = CloudService() - component.provideUtility(cloud_srv, ICloudService) + cloudstack_srv = CloudStackService() + component.provideUtility(cloudstack_srv, ICloudStackService) + + cloud_mgr = CloudResourceManager() + component.provideUtility(cloud_mgr, ICloudResourceManager) + + vhost_mgr = VHostManager() + component.provideUtility(vhost_mgr, IVHostManager) k8s_srv = KubernetesService() component.provideUtility(k8s_srv, IKubernetesService) diff --git a/ceod/api/ b/ceod/api/ index 365bc30..d91b790 100644 --- a/ceod/api/ +++ b/ceod/api/ @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ from zope import component from .utils import requires_authentication_no_realm, authz_restrict_to_syscom, \ get_valid_member_or_throw -from ceo_common.interfaces import ICloudService, IKubernetesService +from ceo_common.interfaces import ICloudStackService, IVHostManager, \ + IKubernetesService, ICloudResourceManager bp = Blueprint('cloud', __name__) @@ -12,42 +13,42 @@ bp = Blueprint('cloud', __name__) @requires_authentication_no_realm def create_account(auth_user: str): user = get_valid_member_or_throw(auth_user) - cloud_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudService) - cloud_srv.create_account(user) + cloudstack_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudStackService) + cloudstack_srv.create_account(user) return {'status': 'OK'} @bp.route('/accounts/purge', methods=['POST']) @authz_restrict_to_syscom def purge_accounts(): - cloud_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudService) - return cloud_srv.purge_accounts() + cloud_mgr = component.getUtility(ICloudResourceManager) + return cloud_mgr.purge_accounts() @bp.route('/vhosts/', methods=['PUT']) @requires_authentication_no_realm def create_vhost(auth_user: str, domain: str): get_valid_member_or_throw(auth_user) - cloud_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudService) + vhost_mgr = component.getUtility(IVHostManager) body = request.get_json(force=True) ip_address = body['ip_address'] - cloud_srv.create_vhost(auth_user, domain, ip_address) + vhost_mgr.create_vhost(auth_user, domain, ip_address) return {'status': 'OK'} @bp.route('/vhosts/', methods=['DELETE']) @requires_authentication_no_realm def delete_vhost(auth_user: str, domain: str): - cloud_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudService) - cloud_srv.delete_vhost(auth_user, domain) + vhost_mgr = component.getUtility(IVHostManager) + vhost_mgr.delete_vhost(auth_user, domain) return {'status': 'OK'} @bp.route('/vhosts', methods=['GET']) @requires_authentication_no_realm def get_vhosts(auth_user: str): - cloud_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudService) - vhosts = cloud_srv.get_vhosts(auth_user) + vhost_mgr = component.getUtility(IVHostManager) + vhosts = vhost_mgr.get_vhosts(auth_user) return {'vhosts': vhosts} diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9289ea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ceod/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +from collections import defaultdict +import datetime +import json +import os +from typing import Dict + +from zope import component +from zope.interface import implementer + +from ceo_common.logger_factory import logger_factory +from ceo_common.interfaces import ICloudResourceManager, \ + ILDAPService, IMailService, IKubernetesService, IVHostManager, \ + ICloudStackService +from ceo_common.model import Term +import ceo_common.utils as utils + +logger = logger_factory(__name__) + + +@implementer(ICloudResourceManager) +class CloudResourceManager: + def __init__(self): + state_dir = '/run/ceod' + if not os.path.isdir(state_dir): + os.mkdir(state_dir) + self.pending_deletions_file = \ + os.path.join(state_dir, 'pending_account_deletions.json') + + def purge_accounts(self) -> Dict: + accounts_deleted = [] + accounts_to_be_deleted = [] + result = { + 'accounts_deleted': accounts_deleted, + 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, + } + + current_term = Term.current() + beginning_of_term = current_term.to_datetime() + now = utils.get_current_datetime() + delta = now - beginning_of_term + if delta.days < 30: + # one-month grace period + return result + + ldap_srv = component.getUtility(ILDAPService) + mail_srv = component.getUtility(IMailService) + k8s_srv = component.getUtility(IKubernetesService) + vhost_mgr = component.getUtility(IVHostManager) + cloudstack_srv = component.getUtility(ICloudStackService) + + # get a list of all cloud services each user is using + accounts = defaultdict(list) + cloudstack_accounts = cloudstack_srv.get_accounts() + # note that cloudstack_accounts is a dict, not a list + for username in cloudstack_accounts: + accounts[username].append('cloudstack') + vhost_accounts = vhost_mgr.get_accounts() + for username in vhost_accounts: + accounts[username].append('vhost') + k8s_accounts = k8s_srv.get_accounts() + for username in k8s_accounts: + accounts[username].append('k8s') + + if os.path.isfile(self.pending_deletions_file): + state = json.load(open(self.pending_deletions_file)) + last_check = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(state['timestamp']) + delta = now - last_check + if delta.days < 7: + logger.debug( + 'Skipping account purge because less than one week has ' + 'passed since the warning emails were sent out' + ) + accounts_to_be_deleted.extend(state['accounts_to_be_deleted']) + return result + for username in state['accounts_to_be_deleted']: + if username not in accounts: + continue + user = ldap_srv.get_user(username) + if user.membership_is_valid(): + continue + services = accounts[username] + if 'cloudstack' in services: + account_id = cloudstack_accounts[username] + cloudstack_srv.delete_account(account_id) + if 'vhost' in services: + vhost_mgr.delete_all_vhosts_for_user(username) + if 'k8s' in services: + k8s_srv.delete_account(username) + accounts_deleted.append(username) + mail_srv.send_cloud_account_has_been_deleted_message(user) +'Deleted cloud resources for {username}') + os.unlink(self.pending_deletions_file) + return result + + state = { + 'timestamp': int(now.timestamp()), + 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, + } + for username in accounts: + user = ldap_srv.get_user(username) + if user.membership_is_valid(): + continue + accounts_to_be_deleted.append(username) + mail_srv.send_cloud_account_will_be_deleted_message(user) + + f'A warning email was sent to {username} because their ' + 'cloud account will be deleted' + ) + if accounts_to_be_deleted: + json.dump(state, open(self.pending_deletions_file, 'w')) + return result diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ deleted file mode 100644 index fa3d427..0000000 --- a/ceod/model/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ -from base64 import b64encode -import datetime -import hashlib -import hmac -import json -import os -from typing import Dict, List -from urllib.parse import quote - -import requests -from zope import component -from zope.interface import implementer - -from .VHostManager import VHostManager -from ceo_common.errors import CloudStackAPIError, InvalidDomainError, \ - InvalidIPError, RateLimitError -from ceo_common.logger_factory import logger_factory -from ceo_common.interfaces import ICloudService, IConfig, IUser, ILDAPService, \ - IMailService, IKubernetesService -from ceo_common.model import Term -import ceo_common.utils as utils - -logger = logger_factory(__name__) - - -@implementer(ICloudService) -class CloudService: - def __init__(self): - cfg = component.getUtility(IConfig) - self.api_key = cfg.get('cloudstack_api_key') - self.secret_key = cfg.get('cloudstack_secret_key') - self.base_url = cfg.get('cloudstack_base_url') - self.members_domain = 'Members' - - self.vhost_mgr = VHostManager() - self.max_vhosts_per_account = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_max_vhosts_per_account') - self.vhost_rate_limit_secs = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_rate_limit_seconds') - - state_dir = '/run/ceod' - if not os.path.isdir(state_dir): - os.mkdir(state_dir) - self.pending_deletions_file = os.path.join(state_dir, 'cloudstack_pending_account_deletions.json') - self.vhost_rate_limit_file = os.path.join(state_dir, 'vhost_rate_limits.json') - - def _create_url(self, params: Dict[str, str]) -> str: - # See - if 'apiKey' not in params and 'apikey' not in params: - params['apiKey'] = self.api_key - params['response'] = 'json' - request_str = '&'.join( - key + '=' + quote(val) - for key, val in params.items() - ) - sig_str = '&'.join( - key.lower() + '=' + quote(val).lower() - for key, val in sorted(params.items()) - ) - sig =, sig_str.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest() - encoded_sig = b64encode(sig).decode() - url = self.base_url + '?' + request_str + '&signature=' + quote(encoded_sig) - return url - - def _get_domain_id(self, domain_name: str) -> str: - url = self._create_url({ - 'command': 'listDomains', - 'details': 'min', - 'name': domain_name, - }) - resp = requests.get(url) - resp.raise_for_status() - d = resp.json()['listdomainsresponse'] - assert d['count'] == 1, 'there should be one domain found' - return d['domain'][0]['id'] - - def _get_all_accounts(self, domain_id: str) -> List[Dict]: - url = self._create_url({ - 'command': 'listAccounts', - 'domainid': domain_id, - 'details': 'min', - }) - resp = requests.get(url) - resp.raise_for_status() - d = resp.json()['listaccountsresponse'] - if 'account' not in d: - # The API returns an empty dict if there are no accounts - return [] - return d['account'] - - def _delete_account(self, account_id: str): - url = self._create_url({ - 'command': 'deleteAccount', - 'id': account_id, - }) - resp = - resp.raise_for_status() - - def create_account(self, user: IUser): - domain_id = self._get_domain_id(self.members_domain) - - url = self._create_url({ - 'command': 'ldapCreateAccount', - 'accounttype': '0', - 'domainid': domain_id, - 'username': user.uid, - }) - resp = - d = resp.json()['createaccountresponse'] - if not resp.ok: - raise CloudStackAPIError(d['errortext']) - - def purge_accounts(self) -> Dict: - accounts_deleted = [] - accounts_to_be_deleted = [] - result = { - 'accounts_deleted': accounts_deleted, - 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, - } - - current_term = Term.current() - beginning_of_term = current_term.to_datetime() - now = utils.get_current_datetime() - delta = now - beginning_of_term - if delta.days < 30: - # one-month grace period - return result - - ldap_srv = component.getUtility(ILDAPService) - mail_srv = component.getUtility(IMailService) - k8s_srv = component.getUtility(IKubernetesService) - domain_id = self._get_domain_id(self.members_domain) - accounts = self._get_all_accounts(domain_id) - - if os.path.isfile(self.pending_deletions_file): - state = json.load(open(self.pending_deletions_file)) - last_check = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(state['timestamp']) - delta = now - last_check - if delta.days < 7: - logger.debug( - 'Skipping account purge because less than one week has ' - 'passed since the warning emails were sent out' - ) - accounts_to_be_deleted.extend(state['accounts_to_be_deleted']) - return result - username_to_account_id = { - account['name']: account['id'] - for account in accounts - } - for username in state['accounts_to_be_deleted']: - if username not in username_to_account_id: - continue - user = ldap_srv.get_user(username) - if user.membership_is_valid(): - continue - account_id = username_to_account_id[username] - - # Delete CloudStack resources - self._delete_account(account_id) - # Delete NGINX resources - self.vhost_mgr.delete_all_vhosts_for_user(username) - # Delete k8s resources - k8s_srv.delete_account(username) - - accounts_deleted.append(username) - mail_srv.send_cloud_account_has_been_deleted_message(user) -'Deleted cloud account for {username}') - os.unlink(self.pending_deletions_file) - return result - - state = { - 'timestamp': int(now.timestamp()), - 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, - } - for account in accounts: - username = account['name'] - account_id = account['id'] - user = ldap_srv.get_user(username) - if user.membership_is_valid(): - continue - accounts_to_be_deleted.append(username) - mail_srv.send_cloud_account_will_be_deleted_message(user) - - f'A warning email was sent to {username} because their ' - 'cloud account will be deleted' - ) - if accounts_to_be_deleted: - json.dump(state, open(self.pending_deletions_file, 'w')) - return result - - def _check_rate_limit(self, username: str): - if os.path.exists(self.vhost_rate_limit_file): - d = json.load(open(self.vhost_rate_limit_file)) - else: - d = {} - now = int(utils.get_current_datetime().timestamp()) - if username not in d: - return - time_passed = now - d[username] - if time_passed < self.vhost_rate_limit_secs: - time_remaining = self.vhost_rate_limit_secs - time_passed - raise RateLimitError(f'Please wait {time_remaining} seconds') - - def _update_rate_limit_timestamp(self, username: str): - if os.path.exists(self.vhost_rate_limit_file): - d = json.load(open(self.vhost_rate_limit_file)) - else: - d = {} - now = int(utils.get_current_datetime().timestamp()) - d[username] = now - json.dump(d, open(self.vhost_rate_limit_file, 'w')) - - def create_vhost(self, username: str, domain: str, ip_address: str): - if self.vhost_mgr.get_num_vhosts(username) >= self.max_vhosts_per_account: - raise Exception(f'Only {self.max_vhosts_per_account} vhosts ' - 'allowed per account') - if not self.vhost_mgr.is_valid_domain(username, domain): - raise InvalidDomainError() - if not self.vhost_mgr.is_valid_ip_address(ip_address): - raise InvalidIPError() - self._check_rate_limit(username) - # Wait for the vhost creation to succeed before updating the timestamp; - # we don't want to force people to wait if they had a typo in their - # domain or something. - self.vhost_mgr.create_vhost(username, domain, ip_address) - self._update_rate_limit_timestamp(username) - - def delete_vhost(self, username: str, domain: str): - if not self.vhost_mgr.is_valid_domain(username, domain): - raise InvalidDomainError() - self.vhost_mgr.delete_vhost(username, domain) - - def get_vhosts(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: - return self.vhost_mgr.get_vhosts(username) diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bf7a29 --- /dev/null +++ b/ceod/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +from base64 import b64encode +import hashlib +import hmac +from typing import Dict +from urllib.parse import quote + +import requests +from zope import component +from zope.interface import implementer + +from ceo_common.errors import CloudStackAPIError +from ceo_common.logger_factory import logger_factory +from ceo_common.interfaces import ICloudStackService, IConfig, IUser + +logger = logger_factory(__name__) + + +@implementer(ICloudStackService) +class CloudStackService: + def __init__(self): + cfg = component.getUtility(IConfig) + self.api_key = cfg.get('cloudstack_api_key') + self.secret_key = cfg.get('cloudstack_secret_key') + self.base_url = cfg.get('cloudstack_base_url') + self.members_domain = 'Members' + self._cached_domain_id = None + + def _create_url(self, params: Dict[str, str]) -> str: + # See + if 'apiKey' not in params and 'apikey' not in params: + params['apiKey'] = self.api_key + params['response'] = 'json' + request_str = '&'.join( + key + '=' + quote(val) + for key, val in params.items() + ) + sig_str = '&'.join( + key.lower() + '=' + quote(val).lower() + for key, val in sorted(params.items()) + ) + sig =, sig_str.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest() + encoded_sig = b64encode(sig).decode() + url = self.base_url + '?' + request_str + '&signature=' + quote(encoded_sig) + return url + + def _get_domain_id(self) -> str: + if self._cached_domain_id is not None: + return self._cached_domain_id + url = self._create_url({ + 'command': 'listDomains', + 'details': 'min', + 'name': self.members_domain, + }) + resp = requests.get(url) + resp.raise_for_status() + d = resp.json()['listdomainsresponse'] + assert d['count'] == 1, 'there should be one domain found' + domain_id = d['domain'][0]['id'] + self._cached_domain_id = domain_id + return domain_id + + def get_accounts(self) -> Dict[str, str]: + domain_id = self._get_domain_id() + url = self._create_url({ + 'command': 'listAccounts', + 'domainid': domain_id, + 'details': 'min', + }) + resp = requests.get(url) + resp.raise_for_status() + d = resp.json()['listaccountsresponse'] + if 'account' not in d: + # The API returns an empty dict if there are no accounts + return [] + return { + account['name']: account['id'] + for account in d['account'] + } + + def delete_account(self, account_id: str): + url = self._create_url({ + 'command': 'deleteAccount', + 'id': account_id, + }) + resp = + resp.raise_for_status() + + def create_account(self, user: IUser): + domain_id = self._get_domain_id() + + url = self._create_url({ + 'command': 'ldapCreateAccount', + 'accounttype': '0', + 'domainid': domain_id, + 'username': user.uid, + }) + resp = + d = resp.json()['createaccountresponse'] + if not resp.ok: + raise CloudStackAPIError(d['errortext']) diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ index 6373e1e..7850ded 100644 --- a/ceod/model/ +++ b/ceod/model/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import base64 +import json import os import subprocess import tempfile @@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig, IKubernetesService @implementer(IKubernetesService) class KubernetesService: + namespace_prefix = 'csc-' + def __init__(self): cfg = component.getUtility(IConfig) self.members_clusterrole = cfg.get('k8s_members_clusterrole') @@ -30,9 +33,14 @@ class KubernetesService: def _apply_manifest(self, manifest: str): self._run(['kubectl', 'apply', '-f', '-'], input=manifest) - @staticmethod - def _get_namespace(username: str) -> str: - return 'csc-' + username + @classmethod + def _get_namespace(cls, username: str) -> str: + return cls.namespace_prefix + username + + @classmethod + def _get_username_from_namespace(cls, namespace: str) -> str: + assert namespace.startswith(cls.namespace_prefix) + return namespace[len(cls.namespace_prefix):] def create_account(self, username: str) -> str: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: @@ -53,23 +61,19 @@ class KubernetesService: # Approve the CSR self._run(['kubectl', 'certificate', 'approve', csr_name]) # Wait until the certificate is issued + encoded_cert = '' max_tries = 5 for i in range(max_tries): proc = self._run([ 'kubectl', 'get', 'csr', csr_name, - '-o', 'jsonpath={.status.conditions[0].type}', + '-o', 'jsonpath={.status.certificate}', ], capture_output=True) - if proc.stdout == 'Approved': + encoded_cert = proc.stdout + if encoded_cert != '': break time.sleep(1) - if i == max_tries: + if encoded_cert == '': raise Exception('Timed out waiting for certificate to get issued') - # Retrieve the certificate - proc = self._run([ - 'kubectl', 'get', 'csr', csr_name, - '-o', 'jsonpath={.status.certificate}', - ], capture_output=True) - encoded_cert = proc.stdout # Delete the CSR self._run(['kubectl', 'delete', 'csr', csr_name]) @@ -98,3 +102,14 @@ class KubernetesService: namespace = self._get_namespace(username) # don't check exit code because namespace might not exist self._run(['kubectl', 'delete', 'namespace', namespace], check=False) + + def get_accounts(self) -> List[str]: + proc = self._run(['kubectl', 'get', 'namespaces', '-o', 'json'], + capture_output=True) + items = json.loads(proc.stdout)['items'] + namespaces = [item['metadata']['name'] for item in items] + return [ + self._get_username_from_namespace(namespace) + for namespace in namespaces + if namespace.startswith(self.namespace_prefix) + ] diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ index d1d2f34..6c25d4c 100644 --- a/ceod/model/ +++ b/ceod/model/ @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import jinja2 from zope import component from zope.interface import implementer +from .utils import rate_limit +from ceo_common.errors import InvalidDomainError, InvalidIPError from ceo_common.logger_factory import logger_factory from ceo_common.interfaces import IVHostManager, IConfig @@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ class VHostManager: self.k8s_ssl_cert = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_k8s_ssl_cert') self.k8s_ssl_key = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_k8s_ssl_key') + self.max_vhosts_per_account = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_max_vhosts_per_account') self.vhost_ip_min = ipaddress.ip_address(cfg.get('cloud vhosts_ip_range_min')) self.vhost_ip_max = ipaddress.ip_address(cfg.get('cloud vhosts_ip_range_max')) @@ -59,6 +62,10 @@ class VHostManager: loader=jinja2.PackageLoader('ceod.model'), ) + rate_limit_secs = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_rate_limit_seconds') + self.create_vhost = \ + rate_limit('create_vhost', rate_limit_secs)(self.create_vhost) + @staticmethod def _vhost_filename(username: str, domain: str) -> str: """Generate a filename for the vhost record""" @@ -82,20 +89,25 @@ class VHostManager: self._run(['systemctl', 'reload', 'nginx']) def is_valid_domain(self, username: str, domain: str) -> bool: - subdomain = username + '.' + self.vhost_domain - if domain == subdomain: - return True - # Members may only create domains of the form * - # or * - if not domain.endswith('.' + subdomain) and \ - not domain.endswith('-' + subdomain): - return False - # Make sure that the domain doesn't have invalid characters if VALID_DOMAIN_RE.match(domain) is None: return False if len(domain) > 80: return False - return True + + if domain.endswith('.' + self.k8s_vhost_domain): + prefix = domain[:len(domain) - len(self.k8s_vhost_domain) - 1] + elif domain.endswith('.' + self.vhost_domain): + prefix = domain[:len(domain) - len(self.vhost_domain) - 1] + else: + return False + last_part = prefix.split('.')[-1] + + if last_part == username: + return True + if last_part.endswith('-' + username): + return True + + return False def is_valid_ip_address(self, ip_address: str) -> bool: if ip_address == 'k8s': @@ -149,6 +161,14 @@ class VHostManager: os.unlink(key_path) def create_vhost(self, username: str, domain: str, ip_address: str): + if self.get_num_vhosts(username) >= self.max_vhosts_per_account: + raise Exception(f'Only {self.max_vhosts_per_account} vhosts ' + 'allowed per account') + if not self.is_valid_domain(username, domain): + raise InvalidDomainError() + if not self.is_valid_ip_address(ip_address): + raise InvalidIPError() + cert_path, key_path = self._get_cert_and_key_path(domain) if not (os.path.exists(cert_path) and os.path.exists(key_path)): self._acquire_new_cert(domain, cert_path, key_path) @@ -164,6 +184,9 @@ class VHostManager: self._reload_web_server() def delete_vhost(self, username: str, domain: str): + if not self.is_valid_domain(username, domain): + raise InvalidDomainError() + cert_path, key_path = self._get_cert_and_key_path(domain) if cert_path not in [self.default_ssl_cert, self.k8s_ssl_cert] \ and cert_path.startswith(self.ssl_dir) \ @@ -204,3 +227,12 @@ class VHostManager:'Deleting {filepath}') os.unlink(filepath) self._reload_web_server() + + def get_accounts(self) -> List[str]: + vhost_files = os.listdir(self.vhost_dir) + usernames = list({ + filename.split('_', 1)[0] + for filename in vhost_files + if '_' in filename + }) + return usernames diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ index 19fbb7d..4e36718 100644 --- a/ceod/model/ +++ b/ceod/model/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -from .CloudService import CloudService +from .CloudResourceManager import CloudResourceManager +from .CloudStackService import CloudStackService from .KerberosService import KerberosService from .LDAPService import LDAPService, UserNotFoundError, GroupNotFoundError from .User import User diff --git a/ceod/model/ b/ceod/model/ index 6b215f7..c76016a 100644 --- a/ceod/model/ +++ b/ceod/model/ @@ -1,6 +1,11 @@ -from typing import Dict, List, Union +import functools +import json +import os +from typing import Dict, List, Union, Callable +from ceo_common.errors import RateLimitError from ceo_common.model import Term +import ceo_common.utils def bytes_to_strings(data: Dict[str, List[bytes]]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: @@ -40,3 +45,56 @@ def should_be_club_rep(terms: Union[None, List[str]], return True # decide using the most recent term (member or non-member) return max(map(Term, non_member_terms)) > max(map(Term, terms)) + + +def rate_limit(api_name: str, limit_secs: int): + """ + Returns a function which returns a decorator to rate limit + an API call. Since the rate limit is per-user, the first + argument to the function being rate limited must be a username. + """ + state_dir = '/run/ceod' + if not os.path.isdir(state_dir): + os.mkdir(state_dir) + rate_limit_file = os.path.join(state_dir, 'rate_limit.json') + + def _check_rate_limit(username: str): + if not os.path.exists(rate_limit_file): + return + rate_limits_by_api = json.load(open(rate_limit_file)) + if api_name not in rate_limits_by_api: + return + d = rate_limits_by_api[api_name] + if username not in d: + return + now = int(ceo_common.utils.get_current_datetime().timestamp()) + time_passed = now - d[username] + if time_passed < limit_secs: + time_remaining = limit_secs - time_passed + raise RateLimitError(f'Please wait {time_remaining} seconds') + + def _update_rate_limit_timestamp(username: str): + if os.path.exists(rate_limit_file): + rate_limits_by_api = json.load(open(rate_limit_file)) + else: + rate_limits_by_api = {} + if api_name in rate_limits_by_api: + d = rate_limits_by_api[api_name] + else: + d = {} + rate_limits_by_api[api_name] = d + now = int(ceo_common.utils.get_current_datetime().timestamp()) + d[username] = now + json.dump(rate_limits_by_api, open(rate_limit_file, 'w')) + + def decorator_gen(func: Callable): + @functools.wraps(func) + def decorator(username: str, *args, **kwargs): + # sanity check + assert isinstance(username, str) + _check_rate_limit(username) + func(username, *args, **kwargs) + _update_rate_limit_timestamp(username) + return decorator + + return decorator_gen diff --git a/tests/ceod/api/ b/tests/ceod/api/ index 6afd0d6..92b274f 100644 --- a/tests/ceod/api/ +++ b/tests/ceod/api/ @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def test_create_account(client, mock_cloud_server, new_user, ldap_conn): def test_purge_accounts( - client, mock_cloud_server, cloud_srv, mock_mail_server, new_user, + client, mock_cloud_server, cloud_mgr, mock_mail_server, new_user, ldap_conn, ): uid = new_user.uid @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ def test_purge_accounts( mock_mail_server.messages.clear() accounts_deleted = [] accounts_to_be_deleted = [] - if os.path.isfile(cloud_srv.pending_deletions_file): - os.unlink(cloud_srv.pending_deletions_file) + if os.path.isfile(cloud_mgr.pending_deletions_file): + os.unlink(cloud_mgr.pending_deletions_file) expected = { 'accounts_deleted': accounts_deleted, 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def test_purge_accounts( status, data ='/api/cloud/accounts/purge') assert status == 200 assert data == expected - assert os.path.isfile(cloud_srv.pending_deletions_file) + assert os.path.isfile(cloud_mgr.pending_deletions_file) assert len(mock_mail_server.messages) == 1 # user still has one week left to renew their membership @@ -164,8 +164,7 @@ def test_cloud_vhosts(cfg, client, new_user, ldap_conn): def test_cloud_vhosts_purged_account( - cfg, client, mock_cloud_server, mock_mail_server, cloud_srv, new_user, - ldap_conn, + cfg, client, mock_cloud_server, mock_mail_server, new_user, ldap_conn, ): uid = new_user.uid members_domain = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_members_domain') @@ -196,3 +195,11 @@ def test_cloud_vhosts_purged_account( assert data == {'vhosts': []} mock_mail_server.messages.clear() + + +def test_k8s_create_account(client, new_user, ldap_conn): + uid = new_user.uid + status, data ='/api/cloud/k8s/accounts/create', principal=uid) + assert status == 200 + assert data['status'] == 'OK' + assert 'kubeconfig' in data diff --git a/tests/ceod/model/ b/tests/ceod/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0fa4ad --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ceod/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import json +from unittest.mock import patch + + +def test_k8s_create_account(k8s_srv): + # The KubernetesService should really be tested against a live cluster, + # but that's hard to do in a local environment. + # So we're just going to make sure that it doesn't crash, at least. + k8s_srv.create_account('test1') + + +def test_k8s_get_accounts(k8s_srv): + class MockProcess: + def __init__(self, output: str): + self.stdout = output + + def mock_run(args, check=True, **kwargs): + return MockProcess(json.dumps({'items': [ + {'metadata': {'name': 'csc-test1'}}, + {'metadata': {'name': 'csc-test2'}}, + {'metadata': {'name': 'kube-system'}}, + ]})) + + expected = ['test1', 'test2'] + with patch.object(k8s_srv, '_run') as run_method: + run_method.side_effect = mock_run + assert k8s_srv.get_accounts() == expected diff --git a/tests/ceod/model/ b/tests/ceod/model/ index d01bb6c..a4e0ad0 100644 --- a/tests/ceod/model/ +++ b/tests/ceod/model/ @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ +import json import os +import pytest -def test_vhost_mgr(cloud_srv): - vhost_mgr = cloud_srv.vhost_mgr +def test_vhost_mgr(vhost_mgr): + rate_limit_file = '/run/ceod/rate_limit.json' + if os.path.exists(rate_limit_file): + os.unlink(rate_limit_file) username = 'test1' domain = username + '' filename = f'{username}_{domain}' @@ -17,6 +21,10 @@ def test_vhost_mgr(cloud_srv): 'domain': domain, 'ip_address': ip_address, }] + d = json.load(open(rate_limit_file)) + assert username in d['create_vhost'] + os.unlink(rate_limit_file) + domain2 = 'app.' + domain vhost_mgr.create_vhost(username, domain2, ip_address) assert vhost_mgr.get_num_vhosts(username) == 2 @@ -26,3 +34,41 @@ def test_vhost_mgr(cloud_srv): vhost_mgr.delete_all_vhosts_for_user(username) assert vhost_mgr.get_num_vhosts(username) == 0 + + os.unlink(rate_limit_file) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix', ['', '']) +@pytest.mark.parametrize('prefix,is_valid', [ + ('ctdalek', True), + ('ctdalek1', False), + ('1ctdalek', False), + ('app_ctdalek', False), + ('app.ctdalek', True), + ('', False), + ('app-ctdalek', True), + ('ctdalek-app', False), + ('abc.def.ctdalek', True), + ('abc.def-ctdalek', True), +]) +def test_vhost_domain_validation(suffix, prefix, is_valid, vhost_mgr): + username = 'ctdalek' + domain = prefix + '.' + suffix + assert vhost_mgr.is_valid_domain(username, domain) == is_valid + + +def test_vhost_domain_validation_2(vhost_mgr): + assert not vhost_mgr.is_valid_domain('ctdalek', 'ctdalek.csclub.internal') + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize('ip_address,is_valid', [ + ('', False), + ('', True), + ('', True), + ('', False), + ('', False), + ('', False), + ('k8s', True), +]) +def test_vhost_ip_validation(ip_address, is_valid, vhost_mgr): + assert vhost_mgr.is_valid_ip_address(ip_address) == is_valid diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 4b72744..039f313 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ from .utils import ( # noqa: F401 ) from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig, IKerberosService, ILDAPService, \ IFileService, IMailmanService, IHTTPClient, IUWLDAPService, IMailService, \ - IDatabaseService, ICloudService, IKubernetesService + IDatabaseService, ICloudStackService, IKubernetesService, IVHostManager, \ + ICloudResourceManager from ceo_common.model import Config, HTTPClient, Term from ceod.api import create_app from ceod.db import MySQLService, PostgreSQLService from ceod.model import KerberosService, LDAPService, FileService, User, \ MailmanService, Group, UWLDAPService, UWLDAPRecord, MailService, \ - CloudService, KubernetesService + CloudStackService, KubernetesService, VHostManager, CloudResourceManager from .MockSMTPServer import MockSMTPServer from .MockMailmanServer import MockMailmanServer from .MockCloudStackServer import MockCloudStackServer @@ -280,17 +281,31 @@ def vhost_dir_setup(cfg): @pytest.fixture(scope='session') -def cloud_srv(cfg, vhost_dir_setup): - _cloud_srv = CloudService() - component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(_cloud_srv, ICloudService) - return _cloud_srv +def vhost_mgr(cfg, vhost_dir_setup): + mgr = VHostManager() + component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(mgr, IVHostManager) + return mgr + + +@pytest.fixture(scope='session') +def cloudstack_srv(cfg): + srv = CloudStackService() + component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(srv, ICloudStackService) + return srv @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def k8s_srv(cfg, vhost_dir_setup): - _k8s_srv = KubernetesService() - component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(_k8s_srv, IKubernetesService) - return _k8s_srv + srv = KubernetesService() + component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(srv, IKubernetesService) + return srv + + +@pytest.fixture(scope='session') +def cloud_mgr(cfg): + mgr = CloudResourceManager() + component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(mgr, ICloudResourceManager) + return mgr @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session') @@ -304,8 +319,10 @@ def app( mail_srv, mysql_srv, postgresql_srv, - cloud_srv, + cloudstack_srv, + vhost_mgr, k8s_srv, + cloud_mgr, ): app = create_app({'TESTING': True}) return app