add members CLI

This commit is contained in:
Max Erenberg 2021-08-23 13:59:01 +00:00
parent 0974a7471b
commit 6917247fdd
17 changed files with 585 additions and 40 deletions

ceo/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from .cli import cli
if __name__ == '__main__':

ceo/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import importlib.resources
import os
import socket
import click
from zope import component
from .krb_check import krb_check
from .members import members
from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig, IHTTPClient
from ceo_common.model import Config, HTTPClient
def cli(ctx):
# ensure ctx exists and is a dict
princ = krb_check()
user = princ[:princ.index('@')]
ctx.obj['user'] = user
def register_services():
# Config
# This is a hack to determine if we're in the dev env or not
if socket.getfqdn().endswith('.csclub.internal'):
with importlib.resources.path('tests', 'ceo_dev.ini') as p:
config_file = p.__fspath__()
config_file = os.environ.get('CEO_CONFIG', '/etc/csc/ceo.ini')
cfg = Config(config_file)
component.provideUtility(cfg, IConfig)
# HTTPService
http_client = HTTPClient()
component.provideUtility(http_client, IHTTPClient)

ceo/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import subprocess
import gssapi
def krb_check():
Spawns a `kinit` process if no credentials are available or the
credentials have expired.
Returns the principal string 'user@REALM'.
creds = gssapi.Credentials(usage='initiate')
except gssapi.raw.misc.GSSError:
creds = gssapi.Credentials(usage='initiate')
result = creds.inquire()
except gssapi.raw.exceptions.ExpiredCredentialsError:
result = creds.inquire()
return str(
def kinit():['kinit'], check=True)

ceo/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
import socket
import sys
from typing import Dict
import click
from zope import component
from .utils import http_post, http_get, http_patch, http_delete, \
handle_stream_response, handle_sync_response, print_colon_kv, \
from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig
from ceo_common.utils import get_current_term, add_term, get_max_term
from ceod.transactions.members import (
def members():
@members.command(short_help='Add a new member or club rep')
@click.option('--cn', help='Full name', prompt='Full name')
@click.option('--program', required=False, help='Academic program')
@click.option('--terms', 'num_terms', type=click.IntRange(1, 100),
help='Number of terms to add', prompt='Number of terms')
@click.option('--clubrep', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Add non-member terms instead of member terms')
@click.option('--forwarding-address', required=False,
help=('Forwarding address to set in ~/.forward. '
'Default is UW address. '
'Set to the empty string to disable forwarding.'))
def add(username, cn, program, num_terms, clubrep, forwarding_address):
cfg = component.getUtility(IConfig)
uw_domain = cfg.get('uw_domain')
current_term = get_current_term()
terms = [current_term]
for _ in range(1, num_terms):
term = add_term(terms[-1])
if forwarding_address is None:
forwarding_address = username + '@' + uw_domain
click.echo("The following user will be created:")
lines = [
('uid', username),
('cn', cn),
if program is not None:
lines.append(('program', program))
if clubrep:
lines.append(('non-member terms', ','.join(terms)))
lines.append(('member terms', ','.join(terms)))
if forwarding_address != '':
lines.append(('forwarding address', forwarding_address))
click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True)
body = {
'uid': username,
'cn': cn,
if program is not None:
body['program'] = program
if clubrep:
body['terms'] = terms
body['non_member_terms'] = terms
if forwarding_address != '':
body['forwarding_addresses'] = [forwarding_address]
resp = http_post('/api/members', json=body)
data = handle_stream_response(resp, AddMemberTransaction.operations)
result = data[-1]['result']
failed_operations = get_failed_operations(data)
if 'send_welcome_message' in failed_operations:
'Warning: welcome message was not sent. You now need to manually '
'send the user their password.', fg='yellow'))
def print_user_lines(result: Dict):
"""Pretty-print a user JSON response."""
lines = [
('uid', result['uid']),
('cn', result['cn']),
('program', result.get('program', 'Unknown')),
('UID number', result['uid_number']),
('GID number', result['gid_number']),
('login shell', result['login_shell']),
('home directory', result['home_directory']),
('is a club', result['is_club']),
if 'forwarding_addresses' in result:
lines.append(('forwarding addresses', ','.join(result['forwarding_addresses'])))
if 'terms' in result:
lines.append(('terms', ','.join(result['terms'])))
if 'non_member_terms' in result:
lines.append(('non-member terms', ','.join(result['non_member_terms'])))
if 'password' in result:
lines.append(('password', result['password']))
@members.command(short_help='Get info about a user')
def get(username):
resp = http_get('/api/members/' + username)
result = handle_sync_response(resp)
@members.command(short_help="Replace a user's login shell or forwarding addresses")
@click.option('--login-shell', required=False, help='Login shell')
@click.option('--forwarding-addresses', required=False,
help='Comma-separated list of forwarding addresses')
def modify(username, login_shell, forwarding_addresses):
if login_shell is None and forwarding_addresses is None:
click.echo('Nothing to do.')
operations = []
body = {}
if login_shell is not None:
body['login_shell'] = login_shell
click.echo('Login shell will be set to: ' + login_shell)
if forwarding_addresses is not None:
forwarding_addresses = forwarding_addresses.split(',')
body['forwarding_addresses'] = forwarding_addresses
prefix = '~/.forward will be set to: '
click.echo(prefix + forwarding_addresses[0])
for address in forwarding_addresses[1:]:
click.echo((' ' * len(prefix)) + address)
click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True)
resp = http_patch('/api/members/' + username, json=body)
handle_stream_response(resp, operations)
@members.command(short_help="Renew a member or club rep's membership")
@click.option('--terms', 'num_terms', type=click.IntRange(1, 100),
help='Number of terms to add', prompt='Number of terms')
@click.option('--clubrep', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Add non-member terms instead of member terms')
def renew(username, num_terms, clubrep):
resp = http_get('/api/members/' + username)
result = handle_sync_response(resp)
max_term = None
if clubrep and 'non_member_terms' in result:
max_term = get_max_term(result['non_member_terms'])
elif not clubrep and 'terms' in result:
max_term = get_max_term(result['terms'])
if max_term is not None:
max_term = get_max_term([max_term, get_current_term()])
max_term = get_current_term()
terms = [add_term(max_term)]
for _ in range(1, num_terms):
term = add_term(terms[-1])
if clubrep:
body = {'non_member_terms': terms}
click.echo('The following non-member terms will be added: ' + ','.join(terms))
body = {'terms': terms}
click.echo('The following member terms will be added: ' + ','.join(terms))
click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True)
resp = http_post(f'/api/members/{username}/renew', json=body)
@members.command(short_help="Reset a user's password")
def pwreset(username):
click.confirm(f"Are you sure you want to reset {username}'s password?", abort=True)
resp = http_post(f'/api/members/{username}/pwreset')
result = handle_sync_response(resp)
click.echo('New password: ' + result['password'])
@members.command(short_help="Delete a user")
def delete(username):
# a hack to determine if we're in the dev environment
if not socket.getfqdn().endswith('.csclub.internal'):
click.echo('This command may only be called during development.')
click.confirm(f"Are you sure you want to delete {username}?", abort=True)
resp = http_delete(f'/api/members/{username}')
handle_stream_response(resp, DeleteMemberTransaction.operations)

ceo/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# These descriptions are printed to the console while a transaction
# is performed, in real time.
descriptions = {
'add_user_to_ldap': 'Add user to LDAP',
'add_group_to_ldap': 'Add group to LDAP',
'add_user_to_kerberos': 'Add user to Kerberos',
'create_home_dir': 'Create home directory',
'set_forwarding_addresses': 'Set forwarding addresses',
'send_welcome_message': 'Send welcome message',
'subscribe_to_mailing_list': 'Subscribe to mailing list',
'announce_new_user': 'Announce new user to mailing list',
'replace_login_shell': 'Replace login shell',
'replace_forwarding_addresses': 'Replace forwarding addresses',
'remove_user_from_ldap': 'Remove user from LDAP',
'remove_group_from_ldap': 'Remove group from LDAP',
'remove_user_from_kerberos': 'Remove user from Kerberos',
'delete_home_dir': 'Delete home directory',
'unsubscribe_from_mailing_list': 'Unsubscribe from mailing list',

ceo/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
import json
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
import click
import requests
from zope import component
from .operation_strings import descriptions as op_desc
from ceo_common.interfaces import IHTTPClient, IConfig
def http_request(method: str, path: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
client = component.getUtility(IHTTPClient)
cfg = component.getUtility(IConfig)
if path.startswith('/api/db'):
host = cfg.get('ceod_db_host')
need_cred = False
host = cfg.get('ceod_admin_host')
# The forwarded TGT is only needed for endpoints which write to LDAP
need_cred = method != 'GET'
return client.request(
host, path, method, principal=None, need_cred=need_cred,
stream=True, **kwargs)
def http_get(path: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
return http_request('GET', path, **kwargs)
def http_post(path: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
return http_request('POST', path, **kwargs)
def http_patch(path: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
return http_request('PATCH', path, **kwargs)
def http_delete(path: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
return http_request('DELETE', path, **kwargs)
def handle_stream_response(resp: requests.Response, operations: List[str]) -> List[Dict]:
Print output to the console while operations are being streamed
from the server over HTTP.
Returns the parsed JSON data streamed from the server.
if resp.status_code != 200:
click.echo('An error occurred:')
click.echo(op_desc[operations[0]] + '... ', nl=False)
idx = 0
data = []
for line in resp.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True, chunk_size=8):
d = json.loads(line)
if d['status'] == 'aborted':
click.echo('ABORTED', fg='red'))
click.echo('The transaction was rolled back.')
click.echo('The error was: ' + d['error'])
click.echo('Please check the ceod logs.')
elif d['status'] == 'completed':
click.echo('Transaction successfully completed.')
return data
operation = d['operation']
oper_failed = False
err_msg = None
prefix = 'failed_to_'
if operation.startswith(prefix):
operation = operation[len(prefix):]
oper_failed = True
# sometimes the operation looks like
# "failed_to_do_something: error message"
if ':' in operation:
operation, err_msg = operation.split(': ', 1)
while idx < len(operations) and operations[idx] != operation:
idx += 1
if idx == len(operations):
click.echo(op_desc[operations[idx]] + '... ', nl=False)
if idx == len(operations):
click.echo('Unrecognized operation: ' + operation)
if oper_failed:
click.echo('Failed', fg='red'))
if err_msg is not None:
click.echo(' Error message: ' + err_msg)
click.echo('Done', fg='green'))
idx += 1
if idx < len(operations):
click.echo(op_desc[operations[idx]] + '... ', nl=False)
raise Exception('server response ended abruptly')
def handle_sync_response(resp: requests.Response):
Exit the program if the request was not successful.
Returns the parsed JSON response.
if resp.status_code // 100 != 2:
click.echo('An error occurred:')
return resp.json()
def print_colon_kv(pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]]):
Pretty-print a list of key-value pairs such that the key and value
columns align.
key1: value1
key1000: value2
maxlen = max(len(key) for key, val in pairs)
for key, val in pairs:
click.echo(key + ': ', nl=False)
extra_space = ' ' * (maxlen - len(key))
click.echo(extra_space, nl=False)
def get_failed_operations(data: List[Dict]) -> List[str]:
Get a list of the failed operations using the JSON objects
streamed from the server.
prefix = 'failed_to_'
failed = []
for d in data:
if 'operation' not in d:
operation = d['operation']
if not operation.startswith(prefix):
operation = operation[len(prefix):]
if ':' in operation:
operation = operation[:operation.index(':')]
return failed

View File

@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
from typing import Union
from zope.interface import Interface from zope.interface import Interface
class IHTTPClient(Interface): class IHTTPClient(Interface):
"""A helper class for HTTP requests to ceod.""" """A helper class for HTTP requests to ceod."""
def get(host: str, api_path: str, **kwargs): def request(host: str, api_path: str, method: str, principal: str,
need_cred: bool, **kwargs):
"""Make an HTTP request."""
def get(host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
need_cred: bool = True, **kwargs):
"""Make a GET request.""" """Make a GET request."""
def post(host: str, api_path: str, **kwargs): def post(host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
need_cred: bool = True, **kwargs):
"""Make a POST request.""" """Make a POST request."""
def delete(host: str, api_path: str, **kwargs): def patch(host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
need_cred: bool = True, **kwargs):
"""Make a PATCH request."""
def delete(host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
need_cred: bool = True, **kwargs):
"""Make a DELETE request.""" """Make a DELETE request."""

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
from flask import g from base64 import b64encode
from typing import Union
import gssapi import gssapi
import requests import requests
from requests_gssapi import HTTPSPNEGOAuth from requests_gssapi import HTTPSPNEGOAuth
from zope import component from zope import component
from zope.interface import implementer from zope.interface import implementer
from ceo_common.krb5.utils import get_fwd_tgt
from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig, IHTTPClient from ceo_common.interfaces import IConfig, IHTTPClient
@ -20,32 +23,48 @@ class HTTPClient:
self.ceod_port = cfg.get('ceod_port') self.ceod_port = cfg.get('ceod_port')
self.base_domain = cfg.get('base_domain') self.base_domain = cfg.get('base_domain')
self.krb_realm = cfg.get('ldap_sasl_realm') def request(self, host: str, api_path: str, method: str, principal: str,
need_cred: bool, **kwargs):
def request(self, host: str, api_path: str, method='GET', **kwargs):
principal = g.sasl_user
gssapi_name = gssapi.Name(principal)
creds = gssapi.Credentials(name=gssapi_name, usage='initiate')
# always use the FQDN # always use the FQDN
if '.' not in host: if '.' not in host:
host = host + '.' + self.base_domain host = host + '.' + self.base_domain
if principal is not None:
gssapi_name = gssapi.Name(principal)
creds = gssapi.Credentials(name=gssapi_name, usage='initiate')
creds = None
auth = HTTPSPNEGOAuth( auth = HTTPSPNEGOAuth(
opportunistic_auth=True, opportunistic_auth=True,
target_name=gssapi.Name('ceod/' + host), target_name=gssapi.Name('ceod/' + host),
creds=creds, creds=creds,
) )
# Forwarded TGT (X-KRB5-CRED)
headers = {}
if need_cred:
b = get_fwd_tgt('ceod/' + host)
headers['X-KRB5-CRED'] = b64encode(b).decode()
return requests.request( return requests.request(
method, method,
f'{self.scheme}://{host}:{self.ceod_port}{api_path}', f'{self.scheme}://{host}:{self.ceod_port}{api_path}',
auth=auth, auth=auth, headers=headers, **kwargs,
) )
def get(self, host: str, api_path: str, **kwargs): def get(self, host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
return self.request(host, api_path, 'GET', **kwargs) need_cred: bool = False, **kwargs):
return self.request(host, api_path, 'GET', principal, need_cred, **kwargs)
def post(self, host: str, api_path: str, **kwargs): def post(self, host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
return self.request(host, api_path, 'POST', **kwargs) need_cred: bool = False, **kwargs):
return self.request(host, api_path, 'POST', principal, need_cred, **kwargs)
def delete(self, host: str, api_path: str, **kwargs): def patch(self, host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
return self.request(host, api_path, 'DELETE', **kwargs) need_cred: bool = False, **kwargs):
return self.request(host, api_path, 'PATCH', principal, need_cred, **kwargs)
def delete(self, host: str, api_path: str, principal: Union[str, None] = None,
need_cred: bool = False, **kwargs):
return self.request(host, api_path, 'DELETE', principal, need_cred, **kwargs)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from flask import g
from zope import component from zope import component
from zope.interface import implementer from zope.interface import implementer
@ -14,7 +15,9 @@ class RemoteMailmanService:
self.http_client = component.getUtility(IHTTPClient) self.http_client = component.getUtility(IHTTPClient)
def subscribe(self, address: str, mailing_list: str): def subscribe(self, address: str, mailing_list: str):
resp =, f'/api/mailman/{mailing_list}/{address}') resp =
self.mailman_host, f'/api/mailman/{mailing_list}/{address}',
if not resp.ok: if not resp.ok:
if resp.status_code == 409: if resp.status_code == 409:
raise UserAlreadySubscribedError() raise UserAlreadySubscribedError()
@ -23,7 +26,9 @@ class RemoteMailmanService:
raise Exception(resp.json()) raise Exception(resp.json())
def unsubscribe(self, address: str, mailing_list: str): def unsubscribe(self, address: str, mailing_list: str):
resp = self.http_client.delete(self.mailman_host, f'/api/mailman/{mailing_list}/{address}') resp = self.http_client.delete(
self.mailman_host, f'/api/mailman/{mailing_list}/{address}',
if not resp.ok: if not resp.ok:
if resp.status_code == 404: if resp.status_code == 404:
raise UserNotSubscribedError() raise UserNotSubscribedError()

ceo_common/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import datetime
from typing import List
def get_current_term() -> str:
Get the current term as formatted in the CSC LDAP (e.g. 's2021').
dt =
c = 'w'
if 5 <= dt.month <= 8:
c = 's'
elif 9 <= dt.month:
c = 'f'
return c + str(dt.year)
def add_term(term: str) -> str:
Add one term to the given term and return the string.
Example: add_term('s2021') -> 'f2021'
c = term[0]
s_year = term[1:]
if c == 'w':
return 's' + s_year
elif c == 's':
return 'f' + s_year
year = int(s_year)
return 'w' + str(year + 1)
def get_max_term(terms: List[str]) -> str:
"""Get the maximum (latest) term."""
max_year = max(term[1:] for term in terms)
if 'f' + max_year in terms:
return 'f' + max_year
elif 's' + max_year in terms:
return 's' + max_year
return 'w' + max_year

View File

@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ def create_streaming_response(txn: AbstractTransaction):
indicating the progress of the transaction. indicating the progress of the transaction.
""" """
def generate(): def generate():
generator = txn.execute_iter()
try: try:
for operation in txn.execute_iter(): for operation in generator:
operation = yield json.dumps({ yield json.dumps({
'status': 'in progress', 'status': 'in progress',
'operation': operation, 'operation': operation,
}) + '\n' }) + '\n'
@ -94,6 +95,15 @@ def create_streaming_response(txn: AbstractTransaction):
'status': 'completed', 'status': 'completed',
'result': txn.result, 'result': txn.result,
}) + '\n' }) + '\n'
except GeneratorExit:
# Keep on going. Even if the client closes the connection, we don't
# want to give up half way through.
for operation in generator:
except Exception:
logger.warning('Transaction failed:\n' + traceback.format_exc())
except Exception as err: except Exception as err:
logger.warning('Transaction failed:\n' + traceback.format_exc()) logger.warning('Transaction failed:\n' + traceback.format_exc())
txn.rollback() txn.rollback()

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ class AddMemberTransaction(AbstractTransaction):
'add_user_to_kerberos', 'add_user_to_kerberos',
'create_home_dir', 'create_home_dir',
'set_forwarding_addresses', 'set_forwarding_addresses',
'send_welcome_message', 'send_welcome_message',
'announce_new_user', 'announce_new_user',
] ]
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class AddMemberTransaction(AbstractTransaction):
if self.forwarding_addresses: if self.forwarding_addresses:
user.set_forwarding_addresses(self.forwarding_addresses) user.set_forwarding_addresses(self.forwarding_addresses)
yield 'set_forwarding_addresses' yield 'set_forwarding_addresses'
# The following operations can't/shouldn't be rolled back because the # The following operations can't/shouldn't be rolled back because the
# user has already seen the email # user has already seen the email

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Flask==2.0.1 Flask==2.0.1
gssapi==1.6.14 gssapi==1.6.14
Jinja2==3.0.1 Jinja2==3.0.1

tests/ceo_dev.ini Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
base_domain = csclub.internal
uw_domain = uwaterloo.internal
# this is the host with the ceod/admin Kerberos key
admin_host = phosphoric-acid
use_https = false
port = 9987

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ def create_user_resp(client, mocks_for_create_user):
'cn': 'Test One', 'cn': 'Test One',
'program': 'Math', 'program': 'Math',
'terms': ['s2021'], 'terms': ['s2021'],
'forwarding_addresses': ['test_1@uwaterloo.internal'],
}) })
assert status == 200 assert status == 200
assert data[-1]['status'] == 'completed' assert data[-1]['status'] == 'completed'
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ def test_api_create_user(cfg, create_user_resp):
"is_club": False, "is_club": False,
"program": "Math", "program": "Math",
"terms": ["s2021"], "terms": ["s2021"],
"forwarding_addresses": [], "forwarding_addresses": ['test_1@uwaterloo.internal'],
"password": "krb5" "password": "krb5"
}}, }},
] ]
@ -209,5 +210,5 @@ def test_authz_check(client, create_user_result):
# If we're syscom but we don't pass credentials, the request should fail # If we're syscom but we don't pass credentials, the request should fail
_, data ='/api/members', json={ _, data ='/api/members', json={
'uid': 'test_1', 'cn': 'Test One', 'terms': ['s2021'], 'uid': 'test_1', 'cn': 'Test One', 'terms': ['s2021'],
}, principal='ctdalek', no_creds=True) }, principal='ctdalek', need_cred=False)
assert data[-1]['status'] == 'aborted' assert data[-1]['status'] == 'aborted'

View File

@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ def delete_test_princs(krb_srv):
'kadmin', '-k', '-p', krb_srv.admin_principal, 'listprincs', 'test_*', 'kadmin', '-k', '-p', krb_srv.admin_principal, 'listprincs', 'test_*',
], text=True, capture_output=True, check=True) ], text=True, capture_output=True, check=True)
princs = [line.strip() for line in proc.stdout.splitlines()] princs = [line.strip() for line in proc.stdout.splitlines()]
# remove the password prompt
princs = princs[1:]
for princ in princs: for princ in princs:
krb_srv.delprinc(princ) krb_srv.delprinc(princ)

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class CeodTestClient:
text=True, input='krb5', check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, text=True, input='krb5', check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
env={'KRB5CCNAME': self.principal_ccaches[principal]}) env={'KRB5CCNAME': self.principal_ccaches[principal]})
def get_headers(self, principal: str, no_creds: bool): def get_headers(self, principal: str, need_cred: bool):
if principal not in self.principal_ccaches: if principal not in self.principal_ccaches:
_, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.cache_dir) _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.cache_dir)
self.principal_ccaches[principal] = filename self.principal_ccaches[principal] = filename
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class CeodTestClient:
# the header using req.prepare(). # the header using req.prepare().
req = Request('GET', self.base_url, auth=self.get_auth(principal)) req = Request('GET', self.base_url, auth=self.get_auth(principal))
headers = list(req.prepare().headers.items()) headers = list(req.prepare().headers.items())
if not no_creds: if need_cred:
# Get the X-KRB5-CRED header (forwarded TGT). # Get the X-KRB5-CRED header (forwarded TGT).
cred = b64encode(get_fwd_tgt( cred = b64encode(get_fwd_tgt(
'ceod/' + socket.getfqdn(), self.principal_ccaches[principal] 'ceod/' + socket.getfqdn(), self.principal_ccaches[principal]
@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ class CeodTestClient:
headers.append(('X-KRB5-CRED', cred)) headers.append(('X-KRB5-CRED', cred))
return headers return headers
def request(self, method: str, path: str, principal: str, no_creds: bool, **kwargs): def request(self, method: str, path: str, principal: str, need_cred: bool, **kwargs):
# Make sure that we're not already in a request context, otherwise # Make sure that we're not already in a request context, otherwise
# g will get overridden # g will get overridden
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
'' in g '' in g
if principal is None: if principal is None:
principal = self.syscom_principal principal = self.syscom_principal
headers = self.get_headers(principal, no_creds) headers = self.get_headers(principal, need_cred)
resp =, method=method, headers=headers, **kwargs) resp =, method=method, headers=headers, **kwargs)
status = int(resp.status.split(' ', 1)[0]) status = int(resp.status.split(' ', 1)[0])
if resp.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json': if resp.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json':
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ class CeodTestClient:
data = [json.loads(line) for line in] data = [json.loads(line) for line in]
return status, data return status, data
def get(self, path, principal=None, no_creds=False, **kwargs): def get(self, path, principal=None, need_cred=True, **kwargs):
return self.request('GET', path, principal, no_creds, **kwargs) return self.request('GET', path, principal, need_cred, **kwargs)
def post(self, path, principal=None, no_creds=False, **kwargs): def post(self, path, principal=None, need_cred=True, **kwargs):
return self.request('POST', path, principal, no_creds, **kwargs) return self.request('POST', path, principal, need_cred, **kwargs)
def patch(self, path, principal=None, no_creds=False, **kwargs): def patch(self, path, principal=None, need_cred=True, **kwargs):
return self.request('PATCH', path, principal, no_creds, **kwargs) return self.request('PATCH', path, principal, need_cred, **kwargs)
def delete(self, path, principal=None, no_creds=False, **kwargs): def delete(self, path, principal=None, need_cred=True, **kwargs):
return self.request('DELETE', path, principal, no_creds, **kwargs) return self.request('DELETE', path, principal, need_cred, **kwargs)