Allow addmember and removemember to accept multiple usernames #67

merenber merged 1 commits from groups-multiple-members into master 2022-07-02 11:26:40 -04:00
2 changed files with 86 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -68,75 +68,78 @@ def get(group_name):
@groups.command(short_help='Add a member to a group')
@groups.command(short_help='Add one or more members to a group')
@click.argument('usernames', nargs=-1)
@click.option('--no-subscribe', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Do not subscribe the member to any auxiliary mailing lists.')
def addmember(group_name, username, no_subscribe):
click.confirm(f'Are you sure you want to add {username} to {group_name}?',
help='Do not subscribe the member(s) to any auxiliary mailing lists.')
def addmember(group_name, username, usernames, no_subscribe):
usernames = [username, *usernames]
if len(usernames) == 1:
click.confirm(f'Are you sure you want to add {username} to {group_name}?',
click.echo(f'The following users will be added to {group_name}:')
click.echo(', '.join(usernames))
click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True)
base_domain = component.getUtility(IConfig).get('base_domain')
url = f'/api/groups/{group_name}/members/{username}'
operations = AddMemberToGroupTransaction.operations
if no_subscribe:
url += '?subscribe_to_lists=false'
resp = http_post(url)
data = handle_stream_response(resp, operations)
result = data[-1]['result']
lines = []
for i, group in enumerate(result['added_to_groups']):
if i == 0:
prefix = 'Added to groups'
prefix = ''
lines.append((prefix, group))
for i, mailing_list in enumerate(result.get('subscribed_to_lists', [])):
if i == 0:
prefix = 'Subscribed to lists'
prefix = ''
if '@' not in mailing_list:
mailing_list += '@' + base_domain
lines.append((prefix, mailing_list))
for username in usernames:
url = f'/api/groups/{group_name}/members/{username}'
if no_subscribe:
url += '?subscribe_to_lists=false'
resp = http_post(url)
data = handle_stream_response(resp, operations)
result = data[-1]['result']
click.echo(f'Added {username} to ' + ', '.join(result['added_to_groups']))
if result.get('subscribed_to_lists'):
mailing_lists = [
mailing_list + '@' + base_domain
if '@' not in mailing_list
else mailing_list
for mailing_list in result['subscribed_to_lists']
click.echo(f'Subscribed {username} to ' + ', '.join(mailing_lists))
@groups.command(short_help='Remove a member from a group')
@groups.command(short_help='Remove one or more members from a group')
@click.argument('usernames', nargs=-1)
@click.option('--no-unsubscribe', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Do not unsubscribe the member from any auxiliary mailing lists.')
def removemember(group_name, username, no_unsubscribe):
click.confirm(f'Are you sure you want to remove {username} from {group_name}?',
help='Do not unsubscribe the member(s) from any auxiliary mailing lists.')
def removemember(group_name, username, usernames, no_unsubscribe):
usernames = [username, *usernames]
if len(usernames) == 1:
click.confirm(f'Are you sure you want to remove {username} from {group_name}?',
click.echo(f'The following users will be removed from {group_name}:')
click.echo(', '.join(usernames))
click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True)
base_domain = component.getUtility(IConfig).get('base_domain')
url = f'/api/groups/{group_name}/members/{username}'
operations = RemoveMemberFromGroupTransaction.operations
if no_unsubscribe:
url += '?unsubscribe_from_lists=false'
resp = http_delete(url)
data = handle_stream_response(resp, operations)
result = data[-1]['result']
lines = []
for i, group in enumerate(result['removed_from_groups']):
if i == 0:
prefix = 'Removed from groups'
prefix = ''
lines.append((prefix, group))
for i, mailing_list in enumerate(result.get('unsubscribed_from_lists', [])):
if i == 0:
prefix = 'Unsubscribed from lists'
prefix = ''
if '@' not in mailing_list:
mailing_list += '@' + base_domain
lines.append((prefix, mailing_list))
for username in usernames:
url = f'/api/groups/{group_name}/members/{username}'
if no_unsubscribe:
url += '?unsubscribe_from_lists=false'
resp = http_delete(url)
data = handle_stream_response(resp, operations)
result = data[-1]['result']
click.echo(f'Removed {username} from ' + ', '.join(result['removed_from_groups']))
if result.get('unsubscribed_from_lists'):
mailing_lists = [
mailing_list + '@' + base_domain
if '@' not in mailing_list
else mailing_list
for mailing_list in result['unsubscribed_from_lists']
click.echo(f'Unsubscribed {username} from ' + ', '.join(mailing_lists))
@groups.command(short_help='Delete a group')

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def test_groups(cli_setup, ldap_user):
"Add user to auxiliary groups... Skipped\n"
"Subscribe user to auxiliary mailing lists... Skipped\n"
"Transaction successfully completed.\n"
"Added to groups: test_group_1\n"
f"Added {ldap_user.uid} to test_group_1\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == expected
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def test_groups(cli_setup, ldap_user):
"Remove user from auxiliary groups... Skipped\n"
"Unsubscribe user from auxiliary mailing lists... Skipped\n"
"Transaction successfully completed.\n"
"Removed from groups: test_group_1\n"
f"Removed {ldap_user.uid} from test_group_1\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == expected
@ -92,6 +92,28 @@ def delete_group(group_name):
assert result.exit_code == 0
def test_groups_multiple_members(cli_setup, new_user_gen):
runner = CliRunner()
create_group('test_group_1', 'Test Group 1')
with new_user_gen() as user1, new_user_gen() as user2:
result = runner.invoke(cli, [
'groups', 'addmember', 'test_group_1', user1.uid, user2.uid
], input='y\n')
assert result.exit_code == 0
lines = result.output.splitlines()
assert f'Added {user1.uid} to test_group_1' in lines
assert f'Added {user2.uid} to test_group_1' in lines
result = runner.invoke(cli, [
'groups', 'removemember', 'test_group_1', user1.uid, user2.uid
], input='y\n')
assert result.exit_code == 0
lines = result.output.splitlines()
assert f'Removed {user1.uid} from test_group_1' in lines
assert f'Removed {user2.uid} from test_group_1' in lines
def test_groups_with_auxiliary_groups_and_mailing_lists(cli_setup, ldap_user):
runner = CliRunner()
# make sure auxiliary groups + mailing lists exist in ceod_test_local.ini
@ -109,11 +131,8 @@ def test_groups_with_auxiliary_groups_and_mailing_lists(cli_setup, ldap_user):
"Add user to auxiliary groups... Done\n"
"Subscribe user to auxiliary mailing lists... Done\n"
"Transaction successfully completed.\n"
"Added to groups: syscom\n"
" office\n"
" staff\n"
"Subscribed to lists: syscom@csclub.internal\n"
" syscom-alerts@csclub.internal\n"
f"Added {ldap_user.uid} to syscom, office, staff\n"
f"Subscribed {ldap_user.uid} to syscom@csclub.internal, syscom-alerts@csclub.internal\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == expected
@ -128,11 +147,8 @@ def test_groups_with_auxiliary_groups_and_mailing_lists(cli_setup, ldap_user):
"Remove user from auxiliary groups... Done\n"
"Unsubscribe user from auxiliary mailing lists... Done\n"
"Transaction successfully completed.\n"
"Removed from groups: syscom\n"
" office\n"
" staff\n"
"Unsubscribed from lists: syscom@csclub.internal\n"
" syscom-alerts@csclub.internal\n"
f"Removed {ldap_user.uid} from syscom, office, staff\n"
f"Unsubscribed {ldap_user.uid} from syscom@csclub.internal, syscom-alerts@csclub.internal\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == expected
@ -142,14 +158,14 @@ def test_groups_with_auxiliary_groups_and_mailing_lists(cli_setup, ldap_user):
'groups', 'addmember', 'syscom', ldap_user.uid, '--no-subscribe',
], input='y\n')
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert 'Subscribed to lists' not in result.output
assert 'Subscribed' not in result.output
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, [
'groups', 'removemember', 'syscom', ldap_user.uid, '--no-unsubscribe',
], input='y\n')
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert 'Unsubscribed from lists' not in result.output
assert 'Unsubscribed' not in result.output