Disable inactive club sites #68

r389li merged 8 commits from disable-inactive-club-sites into master 2022-07-22 23:52:01 -04:00
3 changed files with 56 additions and 31 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c7d7e021fd - Show all commits

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class IClubWebHostingService(Interface):
This must be called BEFORE any of the methods below, using a context
expression like so:
with club_site_mgr.open_config_dir():
with club_site_mgr.begin_transaction():

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import os
import re
import subprocess
from threading import Lock
import traceback
from typing import List
from augeas import Augeas
@ -22,6 +23,15 @@ from ceo_common.model import Term
# FIXME: don't assume this
APACHE_USERDIR_RE = re.compile(r'^/users/(?P<club_name>[0-9a-z-]+)/www/?$')
# This is where all the <Directory> directives for disabled clubs are stored.
APACHE_DISABLED_CLUBS_FILE = 'conf-available/disable-club.conf'
# This is the file which contains the snippet to disable a single club.
APACHE_DISABLING_SNIPPET_FILE = 'snippets/disable-club.conf'
# This is the maximum number of consecutive terms for which a club is allowed
# to have no active club reps. After this many terms have passed, the club's
# website may be disabled.
logger = logger_factory(__name__)
@ -39,7 +49,7 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
self.conf_available_dir = os.path.join(self.apache_dir, 'conf-available')
self.clubs_home = cfg.get('clubs_home')
self.aug = None
self.clubs = defaultdict(lambda: {'disabled': False, 'email': None})
self.clubs = None
self.made_at_least_one_change = False
self.lock = Lock()
@ -56,6 +66,7 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
with self._hold_lock():
self.aug = Augeas(self.aug_root)
self.clubs = defaultdict(lambda: {'disabled': False, 'email': None})
@ -63,7 +74,7 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
if self.aug is not None:
self.aug = None
self.clubs = None
self.made_at_least_one_change = False
def _run(self, args: List[str], **kwargs):
@ -81,7 +92,7 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
logger.debug('No git folder found in Apache directory')
logger.debug('Committing changes to git repository')
self._run(['git', 'add', 'conf-available/disable-club.conf'], cwd=self.apache_dir)
self._run(['git', 'add', APACHE_DISABLED_CLUBS_FILE], cwd=self.apache_dir)
self._run(['git', 'commit', '-m', '[ceo] disable club websites'], cwd=self.apache_dir)
def commit(self):
@ -132,13 +143,14 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
def disable_club_site(self, club_name: str):
logger.info(f'Disabling website for {club_name}')
directory_path = '/files/etc/apache2/conf-available/disable-club.conf/Directory'
directory_path = f'/files/etc/apache2/{APACHE_DISABLED_CLUBS_FILE}/Directory'
num_directories = len(self.aug.match(directory_path))
# Create a new <Directory> section
directory_path += '[%d]' % (num_directories + 1)
# FIXME: use self.clubs_home here instead (need to update unit tests)
self.aug.set(directory_path + '/arg', f'/users/{club_name}/www')
self.aug.set(directory_path + '/directive', 'Include')
self.aug.set(directory_path + '/directive/arg', 'snippets/disable-club.conf')
self.aug.set(directory_path + '/directive/arg', APACHE_DISABLING_SNIPPET_FILE)
self.clubs[club_name]['disabled'] = True
self.made_at_least_one_change = True
@ -153,6 +165,7 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
return True
return False
# This method needs to be called from within a transaction (uses self.clubs)
def _need_to_disable_inactive_club_site(self, club_name: str) -> bool:
if self.clubs[club_name]['disabled']:
# already disabled - nothing to do
@ -170,16 +183,16 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
) -> List[str]:
ldap_srv = component.getUtility(ILDAPService)
mail_srv = component.getUtility(IMailService)
clubs = ldap_srv.get_clubs()
all_clubs = ldap_srv.get_clubs()
club_rep_uids = list({
for club in clubs
for club in all_clubs
for member in club.members
club_reps = ldap_srv.get_club_reps_non_member_terms(club_rep_uids)
# If a club rep's last non-member term was more than 3 terms ago, then
# If a club rep's last non-member term is before cutoff_term, then
# they are considered inactive
cutoff_term = Term.current() - 3
cutoff_term = Term.current() - MAX_TERMS_WITH_NO_ACTIVE_CLUB_REPS
active_club_reps = {
for club_rep, non_member_terms in club_reps.items()
@ -188,31 +201,39 @@ class ClubWebHostingService:
# a club is inactive if it does not have at least one active club rep
inactive_clubs = [
for club in clubs
for club in all_clubs
if not any(map(lambda member: member in active_club_reps, club.members))
clubs_to_disable = [
for club in inactive_clubs
if self._need_to_disable_inactive_club_site(club.cn)
if dry_run:
return clubs_to_disable
with self.begin_transaction():
clubs_to_disable = [
for club in inactive_clubs
if self._need_to_disable_inactive_club_site(club.cn)
if dry_run:
return clubs_to_disable
for club_name in clubs_to_disable:
for club_name in clubs_to_disable:
address = self.clubs[club_name]['email']
if address is not None:
mail_srv.send_club_website_has_been_disabled_message(club_name, address)
if remove_inactive_club_reps:
for club in clubs:
# club.members gets modified after calling club.remove_member(),
# so we need to make a copy
members = club.members.copy()
for member in members:
if member not in active_club_reps:
logger.info(f'Removing {member} from {club.cn}')
# self.clubs is set to None once the transaction closes, so make a copy now
clubs_info = self.clubs.copy()
for club_name in clubs_to_disable:
address = clubs_info['email']
if address is None:
mail_srv.send_club_website_has_been_disabled_message(club_name, address)
except Exception:
r389li marked this conversation as resolved

Let's catch the specific exception that send_club_website_has_been_disabled_message raises.

Let's catch the specific exception that `send_club_website_has_been_disabled_message` raises.

Actually, in this case, I think we really do want to catch all exceptions. Here's why:

  1. We don't know exactly which Exceptions this function will raise. Sending an email can fail for a lot of different reasons (host is unreachable, host refuses connection, authentication fails, message is rejected, etc.).
  2. We don't want the failure of a single recipient to affect the other recipients. So no matter how a particular message fails, we want to keep on going.
Actually, in this case, I think we really do want to catch all exceptions. Here's why: 1. We don't know exactly which Exceptions this function will raise. Sending an email can fail for a lot of different reasons (host is unreachable, host refuses connection, authentication fails, message is rejected, etc.). 2. We don't want the failure of a single recipient to affect the other recipients. So no matter how a particular message fails, we want to keep on going.
trace = traceback.format_exc()
logger.error(f'Failed to send email to {address}:\n{trace}')
if remove_inactive_club_reps:
for club in all_clubs:
# club.members gets modified after calling club.remove_member(),
# so we need to make a copy
members = club.members.copy()
for member in members:
if member not in active_club_reps:
logger.info(f'Removing {member} from {club.cn}')
return clubs_to_disable

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@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ def test_disable_inactive_club_sites(
assert pat.search(disable_club_conf_content) is not None
with g_admin_ctx():
# Club sites should only be disabled once
assert webhosting_srv.disable_sites_for_inactive_clubs() == []