#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This is a script which adds 'sn' and 'givenName' attributes to each user record. It pulls first/last name information from UWLDAP. GSSAPI is used for LDAP authentication, so make sure to run `kinit` first. """ import sys import traceback import ldap3 # modify as necessary LDAP_URI = "ldaps://auth1.csclub.uwaterloo.ca" LDAP_MEMBERS_BASE = "ou=People,dc=csclub,dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca" UWLDAP_URI = "ldaps://uwldap.uwaterloo.ca" UWLDAP_MEMBERS_BASE = "dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca" csc_conn = ldap3.Connection( LDAP_URI, authentication=ldap3.SASL, sasl_mechanism=ldap3.KERBEROS, auto_bind=True, raise_exceptions=True) uw_conn = ldap3.Connection(UWLDAP_URI, auto_bind=True, raise_exceptions=True) csc_conn.search( LDAP_MEMBERS_BASE, '(&(objectClass=member)(!(|(sn=*)(givenName=*))))', attributes=['uid', 'cn']) total_records_updated = 0 for csc_entry in csc_conn.entries: uid = csc_entry.uid.value cn = csc_entry.cn.value sn = None given_name = None uw_conn.search( UWLDAP_MEMBERS_BASE, f'(uid={uid})', attributes=['sn', 'givenName']) if uw_conn.entries: uw_entry = uw_conn.entries[0] sn = uw_entry.sn.value given_name = uw_entry.givenName.value if given_name is None or sn is None: print(f'WARNING: could not retrieve first and last names for {uid}; inferring from whitespace instead') words = cn.split() given_name, sn = words[0], words[-1] changes = { 'givenName': [(ldap3.MODIFY_ADD, [given_name])], 'sn': [(ldap3.MODIFY_ADD, [sn])], } csc_conn.modify(csc_entry.entry_dn, changes) print(f'Updated record for {uid}') total_records_updated += 1 print(f'Total records updated: {total_records_updated}')